A couple of (small) new Bono pics

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arw9797 said:
:shifty: does anyone else think it's odd that I just changed my wallpaper?


Nobody can blame you. That is without a doubt the most beautiful Bono picture I have ever seen, even surpassing that wonderful one of him in the red shirt. You can even see how blue his eyes are, and how red his hair has gotten. And to think, the lucky Alison gets to see that lovely sight for real every morning... :cute:

:love: :bono: :heart:

Now if only we could get Edge or Larry to pose like that... :tongue: :sexywink:
Sue DeNym said:

That is without a doubt the most beautiful Bono picture I have ever seen, even surpassing that wonderful one of him in the red shirt.

Agreed. I think I have to inlude this in my favorite all-time Bono pics... along with Bono in the bathtub and the spiral staircase one.... :combust:
U2SJ said:

Agreed. I think I have to inlude this in my favorite all-time Bono pics... along with Bono in the bathtub and the spiral staircase one.... :combust:

Haha, I made a mousepad using the bathtub pic! I love it so :heart:
U2SJ said:
Ooooooh a mousepad, great idea!!! I want one too :)

All I did waas buy a cheap, plain one, rip off the cloth top, print a picture the right size, and cover it in clear contact paper (I use contact paper for everything from covering soft cover books, to making crafts, to hanging posters). 'Tis very easy and cheap!
LivLuvAndBootlegMusic said:

All I did waas buy a cheap, plain one, rip off the cloth top, print a picture the right size, and cover it in clear contact paper (I use contact paper for everything from covering soft cover books, to making crafts, to hanging posters). 'Tis very easy and cheap!

Cool idea! Thanks! I will try to make one!
Webshots used to have this thing where they would put your pics on mugs and mousepads for you. They even used the pics from your albums as an example, and one time I got a pic of Bono and a politician on a mousepad! :laugh:
That pic of Bono on the bed! Damn,those bedroom eyes of his are intoxicating...
Is that a remote control next to him? LOL! I'd love to watch TV with him ...... :angel: ..I am sure he has something to say about everything he sees,too....yes,that's what I would do in bed with Bono....:rolleyes:..just watch a little Zoo TV.... :tongue:
Yes he does seem like the kind of guy who comments on everything he sees:) If you have a problem with that, we could stop him from seeing while you're laying there with him :censored: ;)

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U2Kitten said:
Yes he does seem like the kind of guy who comments on everything he sees:) If you have a problem with that, we could stop him from seeing while you're laying there with him :censored: ;)


:lol:...:up: :).

That would be cool to watch T.V. with him sometime, though-it'd be neat to hear what he has to say about reality shows, or various cartoons, or watching music channels and hearing the comments on the videos and stuff (hehe, could you just see him getting into a song he likes on one of those channels), stuff like that.

Either that, or we could sit there and watch "Teletubbies" with him and be just as weirded out by that show as he is. :p.

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