LarryMullen's POPAngel
Blue Crack Distributor
So...Tony's back, Kim's back.
Why not bring David Palmer back while we're at it.
The first three years were clearly the best.
The most important thing is they need to tell a new story.
Enough with spies inside of CTU already. Enough with vague phrases like 'patch me through'. Enough with bombs being the only method of terrorism used in the show. Enough.
Write a new story. If you tell the same old story again, it doesn't matter how many old characters you bring back, it's going to suck.
It all depends on the story.
Oh, and either name a country or say that the terrorist is from Mars. The whole "Fayed's country" fiasco was ridiculous.
Exactly. I was excited when I first saw there was going to be a movie, but I barely watched any of it, and don't even care now about the new season.