2014 FIFA World Cup

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Let me tell you something else about Rizzoli.

He ref'd Argentina THREE times out of the four matches he ref'd in the whole tournament. If you were Rizzoli, wouldn't you make sure that any close calls DID NOT go in Argentina's favor given that you could be accused of being handpicked to favor them?

And I don't agree - I would have preferred to have a non-UEFA, non-Conmebol Ref to guarantee more impartiality. In any event, the level of refereeing during the whole World Cup was pretty poor.

Who made the worst calls ?

A Japanese ref in Brazil/Croatia
A Colombian ref Mexico/Cameroon
A Mexican ref Italy/Uruguay (non-call against Suarez)
A New Zealand Ref (twice) Bosnia/Argentina, Bosnia/Nigeria
A Serbian ref (twice) Germany/Portugal & Argentina/Iran
An Ecuadorian Ref, Greece/Ivory Coast
An Uzbek Ref, Croatia/Mexico
An Algerian Ref, Holland/Brazil

The "top" refs didn't get off scot-free, A spanish ref allowed Brazil to kick Colombia off the park but that's the exception.

Top class games need top class refs, you don't get those in Serbia, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Japan and New Zealand.

No, this tournament had some bad calls but overall it was very much par for the course.

And Rizzoli had an excellent final, getting the controversial calls spot on.
Fifa rule #12: LAW 12 - FOULS AND MISCONDUCT - FIFA.com


Direct free kick

A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following seven offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:

•kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
•trips or attempts to trip an opponent
•jumps at an opponent
•charges an opponent
•strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
•pushes an opponent
•tackles an opponent

Rule #12 does not say a word about going for the ball. But it does mention careless, reckless or using excessive force, which is exactly what Neuer did. So, if I follow your logic, Neuer could have broken Higuain's jaw and it would not have been a foul???

Correct, if he had broken Higuain's Jaw it STILL wouldn't have been a foul.

Contact sport old chap.
I'm not sure there's a context in which comparing a team losing a World Cup semifinal match to someone being raped is going to make it alright, but dazzle me if you insist.

Are we supposed to discuss the World Cup in this thread or is this supposed to be a vocabulary class? You are making a big deal out of nothing.
The Neuer challenge was reckless.
I don't see how Neuer's action can be considered as merely going for the ball. He doesn't need a kung fu kick to punch a ball surely?
I expected a yellow card for Neuer and a free kick for Argentina.

All a bit of a moot point though, as Germany still would have won the match.
Argentina's strikers were so shoddy at finishing that Germany didn't even need a goalie.
Who made the worst calls ?

A Japanese ref in Brazil/Croatia
A Colombian ref Mexico/Cameroon
A Mexican ref Italy/Uruguay (non-call against Suarez)
A New Zealand Ref (twice) Bosnia/Argentina, Bosnia/Nigeria
A Serbian ref (twice) Germany/Portugal & Argentina/Iran
An Ecuadorian Ref, Greece/Ivory Coast
An Uzbek Ref, Croatia/Mexico
An Algerian Ref, Holland/Brazil

The "top" refs didn't get off scot-free, A spanish ref allowed Brazil to kick Colombia off the park but that's the exception.

Top class games need top class refs, you don't get those in Serbia, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Japan and New Zealand.

No, this tournament had some bad calls but overall it was very much par for the course.

And Rizzoli had an excellent final, getting the controversial calls spot on.

That is patronising to referees from those countries. All referees make mistakes but all referees at the World Cup are fully licensed. Just because the ref isn't from a "traditional" footballing nation, doesn't mean they can't be top class. It means fuck all.

How is it impossible to have a top class referee from Serbia, Colombia and Japan, all advanced footballing nations? A competitive game is a competitive game, regardless whether it's Manure vs P$G or Auckland City vs Bunyodkor. Take your Eurocentric glasses off.

Sent from a barge floating through the docks of Dublin
Eh got no real issue with Neuer's save. Goalkeepers are entitled to jump for the ball. If you read the rules it is only if the referee 'considers' such an act reckless or careless. Neuer jumped for the ball as any goalkeeper has a right to do, hence why the ref didn't award a penalty or send Neuer off. Goalkeepers are always jumping for the ball and crashing into other players. Same risk as two players jumping up for headers and a clash of heads follows is not generally considered reckless. Should have been a throw in to Argentina though.

Why is this even debatable? Neuer went for and had eyes only for the ball. That an Argentinian player was in his way was purely circumstantial. Outrageous to suggest otherwise. Football is a contact sport.

Sent from a barge floating through the docks of Dublin

Pretty much this. I really don't see how we still have this argument with one person who clearly does not understand football... I'm out. :rolleyes:

Euro 2016 should be interesting, Belgium is a growing team, it will be interesting to see if they can keep that up. Our team will be growing too, though our key players are getting older, Kuyt, Robben, Sneijder, Van Persie might not make it. But then again, perhaps they will. But I'm sure new younger players will stand up in the meantime. :D We'll have a new coach so that should be interesting as well.

No, but I'm sure the number of people calling in sick today was above average.
When I left the S-Bahn train I saw the plane flying over Berlin, very deep flight. Normally, the air above Berlin is closed to all planes and I thought it was good that the plans of our former Minister of Defence to allow the military to shoot down suspicious airliners never got anywhere.
Later, the bus went by our work which was accompanied with the sounds of helicopters circling and honking cars. Most people had the ARD live stream on while working.
400,000 people were reported to have come and the fan mile was closed by 8.30am. I wouldn't have gone there, though. The music acts were terrible as usual and you'd end up so far back that you only see it on screens anyway.

I just read the live tickers and watched a bit on TV in the evening. The musical acts were horrible, indeed, but very fitting for this kind of event, everything blown a bit out of proportion, but the enthusiasm is understandable. Good to see so many people celebrating peacefully.
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