2014 FIFA World Cup

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Yeah..I mean, I can totally see that being a thing that could happen in a normal course of events....................................:|
In defense of Suarez...

Every Italian player can be mistaken for a food item. Chicken Chiallini. Pasta Barzogli. Paletta de clensa. Baked Bonucci. Chicken Ballotelli. Veal Pirlo. Beef de Rossi. Wash it all down with a nice bottle of Aquilani.
I heard that FIFA has given a timeline of 4 pm eastern to "gather evidence", is that when we can expect to get a ruling or are they going to drag their feet on this? I don't know what FIFA's usual process is when they are pondering suspensions.
I know a 'bite attorney'.

He said if the bite does not draw blood and leave some decent scaring the case is not worth taking.
Has anyone seen the Uruguayan papers and their coach? :lol: They're defending Suarez, claims go from that he just happened to collide with the defender, that the bite marks could be just moles, that everyone just hates Suarez and he was set up, the world hates poor widdle Suarez... It's just one big joke.
Not being a soccer fan I've never really seen Suarez play. So all I have to go on is the cases of biting, and his racism. So for me, he's a gigantic fucking arsehole who I hope misses the rest of the competition.
Will be interesting to see what Liverpool do, I mean it's going to hurt them in the first few months of the season, do they persist with him and his behavior?

As a fan of the club, I'd nearly like to see them sell him, but then that throws away any chance of being a title threat next year. Plus I'd wonder if Real Madrid would still be interested? :shrug: Stupid, stupid man.
Liverpool will have a hard time remaining as competitive next season regardless as they will also have to be competing in Europe in parallel with the domestic tournaments. They don't have the depth of squad and have major defensive problems, their best bet would be to get what they can for Suarez (which will still be a lot) and get some depth in the squad. They did fairly well during Suarez's last ban.
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