1000 Post Of 'The Goal Is Soul'...How's It Going So Far?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Forum Moderator, The Goal Is Soul
Nov 14, 2000
Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin
With this being the 1,000 post of 'The Goal Is Soul', and with the forum fast approaching 100 topics, I thought I would make a few observations.

I first want to thank all of you who frequent 'The Goal Is Soul' and who bring your uniqueness and individuality as fans of U2, and well as persons who are interested in those things spiritual in the music and lives of U2, and well as each other.

I realize that the excitement that was a part of the early inception of 'The Goal Is Soul' has waned a little, but as your moderators, we are still excited and enthusiastic about the possibilies the forum holds as people come back who have been gone for a while, as well as picking back up the discussions of 'Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2", as well as other topics of spirituality that may be of interest to you in reference to U2, and as a spiritual community.

If there are any insights, suggestions, thoughts, reflections, we would love to hear from you. Thanks again for what each one of you bring to this forum, and for making it what it is, and what it is will continue to become in the future...so Walk On and always know that 'The Goal is Soul' in this place.

I don't post a lot here, But I always read the threads, and have really been inspired by so many. Thanks everyone. And congrats to Spanisheyes on your 1000!!
Lurker, but I love this forum! All of you have posted wonderful, thoughtful threads.

*If I had an ounce of talent at putting my feelings in to words then I would join a conversation.*
Originally posted by EPandAmerica:
Lurker, but I love this forum! All of you have posted wonderful, thoughtful threads.

*If I had an ounce of talent at putting my feelings in to words then I would join a conversation.*
Hey, baby, it ain't about "talent"! Just grope for the words -- that what we do here better than any other forum.
(and anyway your post in DB9's thread was pretty darn illuminating.

I LOVE that this forum exists! Thanks Chris and sula.

Deb D

I wanna walk with you along an unapproved road

the greatest frontman in the world - by truecoloursfly: http://www.atu2.com/news/article.src?ID=1575
I don't post here much, but this is the first forum I check every time I come to interference. It's definatly my favourite forum - I think there's a great atmosphere here. It's not as fast moving as places like EYKIW, but it's quality, not quantity that counts!

Three cheers for Chris and Sula!
Originally posted by EPandAmerica:
*If I had an ounce of talent at putting my feelings in to words then I would join a conversation.*

It's funny you call it a talent, 'cos in some forums, posting clearly can be a talent (*cough* FYM *cough*), but that's just me...

But as far as this forum is concerned, I wear my mind even more on my sleeve than in other forums (I know, you all thought it couldn't be possible, but indeed it is
). You should post here though, same with you tiny dancer, other perspectives are always appreciated!

Oh yea, spanisheyes and sula, this is a fabulous place! It helps me understand my *gulp* Christian self (that's an adverb), and it shows me that I'm not alone and that other people are there if I need help. Thanks!

I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty.
Ah, I have been absent for too long around here...life has recently gotten away from me and I have had to spend many weeks trying to fix that up...

But I do visit here often and it's nice to see intelligent discussion about some things that don't always make sense. And the supportive atmosphere is definitely a plus! This forum is probably the most edifying forum on Interference and I look forward to getting back into things around here...though I still don't have "Walk On" *blush*

Chris and Sula, you guys are awesome! Thanks for keeping this forum running!

Mirror mirror hanging in the sky, won't you look down to what's happening here below? I stand here singing to the flowers. So very few people really know. I dare a man to say I'm too young, for I'm going to try for the sun.

It's back. The fight. So is anyone giving way? It's just like in the beginning. The tears. Their eyes. Why isn't anyone giving way? It's just like in the beginning?

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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