Shuttlecock XXI: Laz is Bigger Than Anyone in His Way

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I understand the complaints, expecially about Streets, in a way.

On the other hand however, I thought everyone was always hoping they'd drop some warhorses. Is anyone really missing half-assed versions of WOWY or Still Haven't Found?
I've always said that U2 have more than enough hits that they need not rely on Streets, or the opening trio of JT, or any other particular songs, to appeal to the casuals. They really do have so many recognisable, well-loved hits that they can write a great set without needing any specific tune.

The problem is, this isn't that set.
I've always said that U2 have more than enough hits that they need not rely on Streets, or the opening trio of JT, or any other particular songs, to appeal to the casuals. They really do have so many recognisable, well-loved hits that they can write a great set without needing any specific tune.

The problem is, this isn't that set.
I'm so confused. Aren't you meant to be threatening to fight me, rather than agreeing with me? Is this the great Ax-Headache Pact of June 2018?
I'm so confused. Aren't you meant to be threatening to fight me, rather than agreeing with me? Is this the great Ax-Headache Pact of June 2018?
Ax-Headache Détente?
Agreement hammered out over a six pack of Foster's and a bucket of KFC. (to accurately reflect the people of both lands)

As for the show, I am very much looking forward to that one song. I have successfully avoided hearing it or watching any youtube vids. (Of the whole show actually). Have only 12 more days to wait.

I would maybe have second thoughts about seeing both shows based on the lack of changes (and for those who say they never shake things up, that's total BS, they just don't do it to an extreme but here in Boston 2nd and beyond nights have always gotten some changes, they don't need to be Pearl jam, just switch up a few songs, they were quite capable of that on the e stage in 2015, I even got to see Crystal Ballroom), but on night 2 I'll be in seats (only did GA for the 3 shows I saw in 2015 and for night 1 this year), so I'll finally get a full view of the screen (though that's very low on the list of reasons I go to a show) and I'll have my wife and kid night 2. The kid will like the early part of the show (he may get a bit bored with some of the late stuff, he did sit during some of the mellower stuff last year on TJT tour, but loved stuff like Exit, which he was totally unfamiliar with) and I think he'll quite enjoy the visual aspect of the show. (Though I'm not telling him about the AR stuff, don't want him cluttering up his phone with that app).

So KFC and Foster's for all, huzzah!
Waltzed in at 7 (no traffic thanks to Uncle Headache’s directions) and I am leaning against the Red Zone Rail, far enough not to smell the listers.

I’ll be so happy if we get Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses to celebrate the triple crown. We must be 15 minutes away from Belmont, and it was sound checked today. But again - Gone/suit of lights.
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Waltzed in at 7 (no traffic thanks to Uncle Headache’s directions) and I am leaning against the Red Zone Rail, far enough not to smell the listers.

I’ll be so happy if we get Who’s Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses to celebrate the triple crown. We must be 15 minutes away from Belmont, and it was sound checked today. But again - Gone/suit of lights.

Happy to be of service. I know my Long Island back streets

Kinda bummed to not go to the first Long Island U2 show since ZooTV... alas, I'm a bit far away now
It’s a nice and cozy arena. Different experience than MSG for sure. Seats must be really close.

I did not know it had been so long since the last LI show.
Guys, I can't believe what just happened. I just listened to Songs of Experience for the first time since the week of its release and I...kind of like it? I mean, I still don't think it's the best thing they could have done, but I don't hate it as much as I did a few months ago. I couldn't even be bothered to listen to it before the concerts this week. But there are some decent to good tunes on here.

Except for American Soul. There's no redeeming that song.
Guys, I can't believe what just happened. I just listened to Songs of Experience for the first time since the week of its release and I...kind of like it? I mean, I still don't think it's the best thing they could have done, but I don't hate it as much as I did a few months ago. I couldn't even be bothered to listen to it before the concerts this week. But there are some decent to good tunes on here.

Except for American Soul. There's no redeeming that song.
It's not a bad album. They just released through worst possible choices, up until Love Is Bigger.

Best Thing? Ok sure. I don't think it should have her, but it's catchy enough where I get why they chose it.

Get Out and American Soul had no business being pushed as hard as they were.
I understand the complaints, expecially about Streets, in a way.

On the other hand however, I thought everyone was always hoping they'd drop some warhorses. Is anyone really missing half-assed versions of WOWY or Still Haven't Found?

I was going to reply and say that literally no one ever has thought U2 should do a single show, let alone tour, without playing Streets, and then Ax opened his blasphemous mouth.

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Streets is great and all, and I prefer it in the set than out of it, but elevating it to the status of untouchable song is a). silly and b). overlooks Bad.

Fight me, Diemen and Headache!
Given the choice, I'd always, always want Streets in the set. It's my favourite song of all time and even at the worst U2 show I've seen, it was still magic.

If they were not playing Streets (or any big hits) because they were doing a tour where they were playing a heap of deeper cuts screaming for a live performance, I'd be ok with it. But as it is? Fuck no.

Guys, I can't believe what just happened. I just listened to Songs of Experience for the first time since the week of its release and I...kind of like it? I mean, I still don't think it's the best thing they could have done, but I don't hate it as much as I did a few months ago. I couldn't even be bothered to listen to it before the concerts this week. But there are some decent to good tunes on here.

Except for American Soul. There's no redeeming that song.

I think it's a significant improvement on Innocence. It's longer, it has way more variety, it takes more risks and has I'd say five songs I genuinely really like: Red Flag Day, Little Things, Landlady, Blackout and Love is Bigger. Innocence had one, The Troubles. The lows are embarrassing, but, all things considered, I'm really, really happy with it.

My issue with it is of course the same issue I've had with the band for pretty much the last decade: they make stupid fucking decisions. The first three singles (Best Thing, Own Way and American Soul) are absolutely abominable. These are the songs they're choosing to promote the most. And then on the tour, they're playing only two of the five songs I like, occasionally three, whilst also playing playing three (as much as four, now two) songs exactly as they did three fucking years ago. They're finally playing a Pop song, but it's the easiest and probably least interesting one from the album, and there's a speech beforehand shitting on Pop. One rotation a night.

My frustrations are simple: with honestly barely any effort, they could be 10 times better than they are right now. What I'd give for them to have dropped all this bullshit and released an EP entitled The Blackout featuring the other songs I mentioned above, ditched the Innocence hangover crap and throw more than one bone (Acrobat) to fans, instead of calling the sycophants who would weep if U2 released 50 minutes of Bono making fart noises "our committed fans".
1. Bono Fart Noises
2. Bono Fake Burps
3. Adam Drops a Spoon
4. Stand Up Comedy (Bono and Edge acoustic)
5. Larry Wears a "Larry Mullen Band" Shirt and Looks Sullen
6. Bono Fart Noises x2

7. Larry rehearsing 'it's a musical journey' with a different emphasis each time

8. Edge introducing American Soul and saying it's the best work they've ever done

9. Bono agreeing with Edge and dropping in a 'now how punk rock is that?'

10. Adam playing 4th of July solo
Guys, I can't believe what just happened. I just listened to Songs of Experience for the first time since the week of its release and I...kind of like it? I mean, I still don't think it's the best thing they could have done, but I don't hate it as much as I did a few months ago. I couldn't even be bothered to listen to it before the concerts this week. But there are some decent to good tunes on here.

Except for American Soul. There's no redeeming that song.

I think it's a significant improvement on Innocence.".
Strangely enough, I listened to most of SOI Saturday while in the car, skipped the first 4 and listened to everything from Iris on, plus popped in the bonus disc and listened to Lucifer's Hands and Crystal Ballroom. Made me think just the opposite of Cobbler, now much better SOI (specifically the back half) is than SOE.
It has you know, guitars.
And Volcano, while no great shakes, is miles better than American Soul, especially the bass line.
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I think you can make a pretty good compilation from the two albums. Here's my two minute attempt:

Love Is All We Have Left
Every Breaking Wave
Summer of Love
The Crystal Ballroom
Red Flag Day
California (There Is No End to Love)
Raised by Wolves
This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now
The Troubles
Sleep Like a Baby Tonight
The Little Things That Give You Away
Love Is Bigger Than Anything in Its Way

Bonus: Invisible
Strangely enough, I listened to most of SOI Saturday while in the car, skipped the first 4 and listened to everything from Iris on, plus popped in the bonus disc and listened to Lucifer's Hands and Crystal Ballroom. Made me think just the opposite of Cobbler, now much better SOI (specifically the back half) is than SOE.
It has you know, guitars.
And Volcano, while no great shakes, is miles better than American Soul, especially the bass line.
If we put together one album from this Songs Of era, it could have been a pretty damned good one.

Problem of course is that if U2 put together one album from this era, it would suck as they'd take all the songs they shouldn't take because HITS HITS HITS (there are no hits)
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