Random Music Talk CXXI: Not this time, Crappy

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I witnessed it once and never went back to that bar. Also included was Piano Man or Rocket Man (i forgot which), and like 5 different Dave Matthews Band covers.
Yeah it's safe to say I haven't been back to those pubs, except the one in the town where my mum and stepdad live because it's the only boozer there. You can see a real cross-section of people dancing to a cover band cranking out bad eighties and nineties hits there, let me tell you. Their chicken parma also sucks.
literally every second drinking establishment in nova scotia is what axver described. the other half is 50% sports bars and 50% meat markets for the college students.

but most places you can go into a pub and hear a shitty cover band and holy hell does a bon jovi song from a semi decent cover band get the crowd going. so do bryan adams covers though. U2 gets about the same reaction.

must be a commonwealth thing.

best song the smashing pumpkins ever made

edit: this whole show is pretty awesome actually:

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This Julien Baker album is really on the nose, yeah? A little bit of abstraction thrown in there would have gone a long way.
Got a ticket for LCD this Friday, guys. With an outside chance of meeting the band afterwards. :drool:
He described it not just as "a" stupid hat, but "the" stupid hat. The only truly stupid hat.

You, James Murphy, would know about a hat this stupid.
On this occasion, there are a couple of things that we know that we learned from fact magazine
One, the king wears a king stupid hat and lives in a king house.
For funsies, dream set (based off what's been happening this tour):

Yr City's a Sucker
Get Innocuous!
Daft Punk is Playing at My House
Call the Police
I Used To
You Wanted a Hit
How Do You Sleep
Someone Great
New York, I Love You

45:33 Part 2
Oh Baby
Dance Yrself Clean
All My Friends
This Julien Baker album is really on the nose, yeah? A little bit of abstraction thrown in there would have gone a long way.

This is a really odd criticism.

Sadly the album is not clicking much for me, had a couple of spins and whilst I admire it, it's not doing much for me at the moment. Nothing quite as accessible as what was on Sprained Ankle. I can totally understand why others love it though, it does seem a bit more accomplished, her voice is much stronger.
This is a really odd criticism.

Sadly the album is not clicking much for me, had a couple of spins and whilst I admire it, it's not doing much for me at the moment. Nothing quite as accessible as what was on Sprained Ankle. I can totally understand why others love it though, it does seem a bit more accomplished, her voice is much stronger.

I think it's similar to A Crow Looked at Me, in that it lays everything on the table immediately, giving you no reason to come back to it. Compare that with Carrie & Lowell, which has a million layers of meaning.
So are we to assume that you donkos call a smoke break "smoko"?

Any sort of break from work really. Plenty of non-smokers will tell you they're on smoko.

Though I associate the term with tradies and with older Australians. I'd never use it myself. I might duck out of the office for a hot choccie and a bikkie most arvos but I wouldn't say I'm on smoko.

(Edit: I'm not amping up the Aussie slang here either, in case you think I'm taking the piss. I really do walk up to the counter at my regular and ask for a hot choccie and a bikkie.)
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