New Pre-Sale System Coming (And it sucks)

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For those who didn't see the other thread... The last paragraph in the OP isn't true. He took it from Taylor Swift's website and changed the names.

Doesn't mean that a similar system won't be put in place, but doesn't mean that it will be exactly as stated there.
Could be as simple as just using the Ticketmaster Verified Fan thing to generate the codes we used to get in email and that they will go with the tiers that they always have had to prioritize when people get the codes...could be wishful thinking on my part, but we will just have to wait and see.
Could be as simple as just using the Ticketmaster Verified Fan thing to generate the codes we used to get in email and that they will go with the tiers that they always have had to prioritize when people get the codes...could be wishful thinking on my part, but we will just have to wait and see.

I would be happy with this. My question is why would they specifically name ‘Fanscore’ in the updated terms then?
For those who didn't see the other thread... The last paragraph in the OP isn't true. He took it from Taylor Swift's website and changed the names.

Doesn't mean that a similar system won't be put in place, but doesn't mean that it will be exactly as stated there.

Headache: reason I did this is because it was very well explained and i was too lazy to paraphrase the whole thing. Obviously put in U2 terms for better understanding.
I would be happy with this. My question is why would they specifically name ‘Fanscore’ in the updated terms then?

Could be boilerplate to keep the options open, could be the general name of the technology but what goes into it can vary, your standing with could comprise your Fanscore.
I don’t know why people have a problem with this. It is just pure capitalism. If people want tickets, they will do it. You’ll get tickets in general sales anyway, so what’s the problem?

"That's just the way it is" is a pretty shit defence mate.

I'm opposed to anything that makes music increasingly the preserve of the cashed-up or irresponsible (or both), and in general rampant hyper-capitalism can go fuck itself.


They updated the terms again today - Fanscore reference is gone.

A good sign.
I don’t know why people have a problem with this. It is just pure capitalism. If people want tickets, they will do it. You’ll get tickets in general sales anyway, so what’s the problem?

Actually it isn't. Pure capitalism would be to charge much more for preferred seats, or to have ticket prices fluctuate based on demand. Referring friends and posting on social media ain't it.

Frankly I'd rather they be brazen about it and charge $300 for GA or whatever and get it over with.
I f you bought any tickets through the pre-sale for JT2017, you have to renew to be eligible for pre-sale for SOE tour. Your renewal date is still the same from what I can tell.
My renewal isn’t until Feb 15 2018. says I’m not a Verified Fan unless I renew by Nov 12 - a full 3 months early??

Anyone covered this already?

Same. I renewed anyway and linked my tm account and I'm still reading as "incomplete."
All i wanna know is where is my physical vinyl gift from the last time I plunked down my hard earned?


SAME! :lol:

Also, is anybody else experiencing 'Bad Gateway 504' when trying to pre-order the new album? :hmm:
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Does this verified fan thing mean anything to uk fans?

I think it's only if you want tickets for US shows, I tried reading through the info but it gave me a headache and I gave up.

All I want is someone to email a sodding code that I can buy tickets with, not all this SMS, linking accounts bollocks- just to buy some concert tickets
My account says I'm verified, but it keeps asking me to "submit" my number for the SMS thing. I keep hitting submit, it keeps showing with my # and the box checked.

I logged out and in a few times, I can't tell if it accepted it and will just keep showing "submit" until the end of days, or what.
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