Bono injured in cycling accident

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Or your avitar. Correct. This is a U2 fansite. Creepy is someone who reads the PLEBA posts and then FEELS superior. At least they are here for the right reasons. You are here why?

I've explained multiple times before my attachment to this forum, to the website I still enjoy co-maintaining, and indeed to this band. I'd do it again if you could ask in a reasonable, coherent way, but as it stands you just seem like an irrational and angry person who wouldn't bother to even read it properly before responding with another poorly directed and poorly written tirade.
I have no idea what is going on.

People are being asses, that's what's going on.

Stray Dog, don't let yourself be harassed. You won't turn them around. It's a shame a thread about Bono's accident where some people who love U2 and may be worried about B making a recovery come to for news and updates or just to talk about their worries is derailed like that. Sometimes it's hard to understand how some people here can be fans of this band U2 and then be so unkind to others at the same time.
People are being asses, that's what's going on.

Stray Dog, don't let yourself be harassed. You won't turn them around. It's a shame a thread about Bono's accident where some people who love U2 and may be worried about B making a recovery come to for news and updates or just to talk about their worries is derailed like that. Sometimes it's hard to understand how some people here can be fans of this band U2 and then be so unkind to others at the same time.

Being very new here, I think you are in the minority unicorn, but I'm with you. It's a job to figure out what precisely goes on here, but I sometimes find a nugget to make it worthwhile.
People are being asses, that's what's going on.

Stray Dog, don't let yourself be harassed. You won't turn them around. It's a shame a thread about Bono's accident where some people who love U2 and may be worried about B making a recovery come to for news and updates or just to talk about their worries is derailed like that. Sometimes it's hard to understand how some people here can be fans of this band U2 and then be so unkind to others at the same time.


You're adorable. Don't ever change.
Don't worry, I'm not even a little bit affected by any of your spiteful comments. Just live and let live, ok?

And yes, we're a U2 fan board here, so you'd expect people to be at least a little bit bothered about Bono and his injuries, some of us are indeed interested in his wellbeing and we want to see him recovering. If some of you don't care, that's fine, but don't insult people who DO care, that's just rude.

I'd rather be adorable than rude.

Btw, this is my last comment on this issue, you can stay among yourselves now and continue these ridiculous arguments. Have fun and behave.
Wait, did last unicorn run to stray dog's defense because the latter gave off a vague and impossible to confirm sense that they were on the same "side?" Stray dog hasn't said much of anything about U2 for pages now. Mostly just calling people out for not being REAL FANS.

Yeah, you go, man! Great shit! Don't let the bastards grind you down! :bono::edge::heart::adam::larry:

Yes time for you to go AWAY. Two crap posts and you are still hanging on. That would be thousands of crap posts.

This made me laugh!! Not as good as the poster who called headache a "Twitter asshole"(or something like that) but funny nevertheless.

Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
People are being asses, that's what's going on.

Stray Dog, don't let yourself be harassed. You won't turn them around. It's a shame a thread about Bono's accident where some people who love U2 and may be worried about B making a recovery come to for news and updates or just to talk about their worries is derailed like that. Sometimes it's hard to understand how some people here can be fans of this band U2 and then be so unkind to others at the same time.


Fucking hilarious

Sent from my ass crack
More conflict? How long must we sing this song?

All of this fighting amongst ourselves during a time when the U2 community should be coming together is both distressing and disheartening.

In in a gesture of solidarity with Bono during his period of rehabilitation and recovery, I'm going to take a sabbatical from Interference until 2015. I invite all here to take this time to reflect on whether all this strife is sending the kind of healing vibes Bono needs from all of us right now.

I wish all my readers worldwide a happy Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Yule/Festivus or whatever religious/pagan/secular celebration you observe during the winter holidays. I'll see all of you after "New Years Day", when I hope we can all "begin again".


I've actually purchased a helmet for all daily activities. Sure, it's a little ackward during work meetings, but at least I feel safe now. Since Bono's accident, I've been having anxiety attacks about dying.
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