Random Music Talk XCII: Shadow Recruit

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Dead serious. I'll definitely let everyone know if (and why) it falls through.

Also, let's not drop this knowledge in The Other Place, please. Don't want it becoming a thing.

A performance? Or just dropping by?

U2 playing a festival outside of the Glastonbury thing that took 20 years seems unreal, particularly one as quirky/quaint by comparison as SXSW. :hmm:
It'll be a performance. SX is less a festival and more a trade show, so it's a hip choice for them to create buzz around new material.
Ha yeah and that's fine. I brought it up not to be a whistle blower, but just so everyone would at least keep it in mind with regards to an album roll out. I don't see them playing a March promo show for a July release.

And again, nothing concrete so far. I don't have an NDA so I'm just relaying what I hear.
If Bono was that self-aware to be trolling us hardcore fans with the experimenting with other producers stuff all would be forgiven... I seriously doubt it though.
Thanks for letting us know, Deputy. I imagine it's just going to be a few songs? I've never been to SXSW, so I'm not sure what set lengths are like.
It'd be as long as they want to play. SX isn't a festival with set times. It's kinda hard to explain. I don't really consider it a festival in the same way as Coachella or Lolla or Bonnaroo.

I'd imagine if things pan out they'd probably play two hours or whatever. Bruce did a typical set under similar circumstances in 2012, although that was before my time unfortunately.
If it really is an album promo run it could be anything couldn't it? From a few new songs/classics like most of them to a fairly lengthy set like Irving Plaza in 2000.
I'd imagine if things pan out they'd probably play two hours or whatever. Bruce did a typical set under similar circumstances in 2012, although that was before my time unfortunately.

Dear lord. What size of an audience area would this be?

It will likely be very difficult to get tickets either way, I'm guessing.
Ha yeah and that's fine. I brought it up not to be a whistle blower, but just so everyone would at least keep it in mind with regards to an album roll out. I don't see them playing a March promo show for a July release.

And again, nothing concrete so far. I don't have an NDA so I'm just relaying what I hear.

If it's credible FACT, you will tell us your source's name, position and relation to the band or band management, their address, social security number, and how many times they farted last week. Otherwise, it's not a FACT. Any old forum member can make shit up, man. Real FACTs are backed by hard evidence.
The fact that I'm my own source probably wouldn't fly over there. Anyway this is more about keeping the people I give a shit about informed. I'd say it's more likely than not at this point, but I'll definitely follow up when it's confirmed or falls through.
I would post the SXSW info on Twitter, but I only have like 8 followers and probably no one would notice.

The fact that I'm my own source probably wouldn't fly over there. Anyway this is more about keeping the people I give a shit about informed. I'd say it's more likely than not at this point, but I'll definitely follow up when it's confirmed or falls through.

I'm over 50 and I work in the music industry, so if you're source is anybody I will know who they are, etc...
The fact that I'm my own source probably wouldn't fly over there. Anyway this is more about keeping the people I give a shit about informed. I'd say it's more likely than not at this point, but I'll definitely follow up when it's confirmed or falls through.

I totally get it...and appreciate any such info immensely.
I'm actually very excited about this. I hope it pans out.

Also, I've got one eye on The Other Place. It'll be funny if this piece of news never makes it over there.
It'll probably end up on the atU2 forums or somewhere least expected. :lol:
Just stuck my head in the other place. (Boy, that sounds dirty.)

Anyway, apparently radio stations are tweeting that they are premiering the song at noon EST.

That happens to be exactly the same time I will be starting a 10 mile run in the morning, so I'll probably just wait and download the damn thing from iTunes.

I have too much drinking to do tomorrow to waste my time listening to some radio rip.
We really need to just start a Shuttlecock 2.0 thread so I can get back to talking about Warpaint in here.
Should I assume the song won't be available until after the commercial?

EDIT: Nevermind, read DB's post.
If it's credible FACT, you will tell us your source's name, position and relation to the band or band management, their address, social security number, and how many times they farted last week. Otherwise, it's not a FACT. Any old forum member can make shit up, man. Real FACTs are backed by hard evidence.

You forgot to include what church they attend.
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