Poowong, Victoria Superthread

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England win by an innings and 71 runs! Christ on a bike, Australia, way to just capitulate today.
Aw man, and they're not even showing the Ashes here until 3pm. :( Well, at least they capitalised on their first innings and won comfortably.

And ugh, I have year 10 thing tonight where we "celebrate" moving from middle school into senior school. Ugh. I do not know why but I despise these things. Send us the certificate through the mail, thanks.
Wait, you're not getting the cricket live there? I thought that bullshit had stopped years ago.

And ugh, I hate how "middle school" is increasingly replacing "intermediate" as the term of choice these days.
Wait, you're not getting the cricket live there? I thought that bullshit had stopped years ago.

And ugh, I hate how "middle school" is increasingly replacing "intermediate" as the term of choice these days.

We did for the first two days, I'm guessing because the whole place was sold out. I assume that's how it goes. Then they start showing them at 3pm which is probably a move to get people to Adelaide Oval. It's pretty sucky.

And the simple minds of today need the simple term of choice. Ask any 15 year old and you'll find that the majority won't know what the word "intermediate" is.
My car is on Google Earth. I am entertained by this.

Back to stalking Green Day. :giggle:
Yeah, do you remember when they used to only show the first innings of an ODI if the game wasn't sold out? This wasn't too much of a problem for me, because at the time I lived on the Gold Coast and we get signals from both Brisbane and northern NSW. When the Brisbane feed cut out, I just switched over to the northern NSW feed.

But they stopped doing that a few years ago. I've never seen them do programming like that with Tests in QLD or Melbourne ... hope they don't decide to do it here if the later days of the Boxing Day Test aren't sold out.
Yeah, do you remember when they used to only show the first innings of an ODI if the game wasn't sold out? This wasn't too much of a problem for me, because at the time I lived on the Gold Coast and we get signals from both Brisbane and northern NSW. When the Brisbane feed cut out, I just switched over to the northern NSW feed.

But they stopped doing that a few years ago. I've never seen them do programming like that with Tests in QLD or Melbourne ... hope they don't decide to do it here if the later days of the Boxing Day Test aren't sold out.

Eh, for your sake I hope you don't get that. It's an irritating thing.

And on another note ... HOLY SHIT WHAT A THUNDERSTORM we just had. I literally threw myself off my computer chair when thunderstruck about what feels like 15m away from my window. The biggest shock I've had for a while. At the same time my mother rang me and told me to switch off every powerpoint in the house. :lol: It turns out that the underground carpark at her work was flooded, however her car was parked nearby on gravel. Belarusian 1 Flood 0. :D

It's calmed down now so I turned on the computer again.
Oho! That storm is heading our way. Should be entertaining tomorrow.
I feel thankful that I live in the hills as the chances of the floodwater flowing into our house are minimal. It also helps that our land slopes upwards the tiniest of margins.

I don't know whether to feel concerned or excited about these thunderstorms. Some albums sound so good when it's raining outside. :drool:
I've always found storms in Melbourne pretty weak compared to those up in Queensland. Don't know what they're like over your way, though.

My only real concern re: flooding is the basement here; sure I don't have a car, but there's a storage area down there with some of my stuff in it. However, we're right at the point where some very flat land begins sloping down, so there isn't much in the way of flooding; everything just runs down into the Moonee Valley catchment.
Meanwhile, our snowstorm is almost at an end :( what a fun four days it's been.
Glad that graduation thing is over, got a good report out of it, too. :up:

I've always found storms in Melbourne pretty weak compared to those up in Queensland. Don't know what they're like over your way, though.

My only real concern re: flooding is the basement here; sure I don't have a car, but there's a storage area down there with some of my stuff in it. However, we're right at the point where some very flat land begins sloping down, so there isn't much in the way of flooding; everything just runs down into the Moonee Valley catchment.

In Adelaide as far as I know, storms don't really last for too long. You can definitely cannot compare them to a Brisbane storm or a Cairns storm by any means. For the record, I heard on the news that the rainfall that we had for today was the most we've ever had on a December day since the 1930's.
In Adelaide as far as I know, storms don't really last for too long. You can definitely cannot compare them to a Brisbane storm or a Cairns storm by any means. For the record, I heard on the news that the rainfall that we had for today was the most we've ever had on a December day since the 1930's.

Storms don't really last very long in Queensland either ... they're just fucking intense. It can be brilliantly sunny at 4pm and at 5pm, but in the intervening hour, everything went almost as dark as night, the skies opened, and about a month's rain fell. Not to mention a lightning strike killed your modem, as happened to me once (I'd unplugged everything from the power sockets, but forgot to unplug the telephone cable!).

Big? People are surprised that an alliance is making plans to defend one of its outer flanks? In a militarised and anarchic world system (i.e. that which we have), it's what any responsible alliance would do. I hardly think the Kremlin will be surprised; unless the SVR and FSB have both been completely disbanded without anybody being told, they knew all along.

The International Relations intrigue-monger in me is honestly kind of let down that everything revealed so far could've been guessed by any switched-on undergrad IR student or any terrorist with a bit of imagination.
Less than two hours ago, it was nice and sunny. Now we've got some of the heaviest rain I've seen in months. Bring it on - but I'm glad I'm not going out today!

And hello thunder!
Oh man, I just am so overwhelmed by my 2010 list all of a sudden. I've got to find a better way to do this. This is still FAR superior to last year's travesty.
Are you attempting a ranking? I've long since given up. I may do a list divided into categories with my usual sorts of headings, but beyond that ... no. I even have trouble naming a best album of 2010. I lean towards Alcest's latest, but Agalloch's album is impressive.
How come everyone's getting storms but Brisbane? :sad:

I am let down, Queensland.

You're meant to get some wet weather and possible storms tonight, aren't you?

And I take it the weather's not much different than when we were up there in November?
Are you attempting a ranking? I've long since given up. I may do a list divided into categories with my usual sorts of headings, but beyond that ... no. I even have trouble naming a best album of 2010. I lean towards Alcest's latest, but Agalloch's album is impressive.

Oh, I've tried to rank all year.

Next year, the Smiley face system is going into effect.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the return of Moonlight and Mistletoe avatar.
I look back on some of my old ranked year-end lists and they're just sad ... bizarre choice of order, inadequate selection of albums, etc. I prefer something with just a few headings that later discoveries can be slotted into pretty easily.

I see your Christmas avatar has returned, too. Can't believe how close it is to Christmas. Tree goes up in five days here, wow.
Oh well look at you two beating me to the Christmas observation!
I look back on some of my old ranked year-end lists and they're just sad ... bizarre choice of order, inadequate selection of albums, etc. I prefer something with just a few headings that later discoveries can be slotted into pretty easily.

I see your Christmas avatar has returned, too. Can't believe how close it is to Christmas. Tree goes up in five days here, wow.

Oh man yeah, this list is just hardly indicative at all, though I'm pretty ok with the top 30. I think that's all I'll bother posting to the blog, and then my list of the worst albums of the year, and all it a day.

And somehow you guys still haven't seen this movie :tsk:
Oh man yeah, this list is just hardly indicative at all, though I'm pretty ok with the top 30. I think that's all I'll bother posting to the blog, and then my list of the worst albums of the year, and all it a day.

And somehow you guys still haven't seen this movie :tsk:

Worst albums of the year is pretty easy for me, at least! That said, I'm still out of the loop re: Y Not. Also, any (good!) albums you reckon I should hear? I asked you this last year and a couple of your suggestions were fantastic.

Well why don't you bring a tape over! I can bake a cake. Don't give me that Pacific Ocean excuse.
Where in your pagan rituals of railfanning, wine and mehtahhhhoowwwwllll does Christmas fit in?

You can't have the first ball of the Boxing Day Test without Christmas Day gluttony slotting in beforehand!

Yes, the lifelong highlight of Christmas for me is the cricket the next day (much to Charlotte's distress).
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