Muse & Edge - Glastonbury

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I doubt U2 will be at Glasto next year. But U2 'having not agreed to it' would be the official line even if they had methinks

I think Michael Eavis would want to avoid having thousands upon thousands of U2 fans buy tickets. He doesn't announce headliners before the event is sold out to avoid having one band's fans colonise the audience. Muse would have brought thousands of fans too. I reckon Eavis prefers a totally diverse crowd to match the diversity of performers.

So I think there could be an announcement that U2 are not headlining next year to put U2 fans off scrambling for tickets. 2013 on the other hand ...!
Just got back - my God what an incredible weekend!

I was down near the front pit for Muse, I was expecting some sort of U2 tribute but never ever thought of an appearance from Edge, totally took me by surprise and really made my weekend, I'm so grateful to him for considering those big U2 fans who were in the audience who were so disappointed by their cancellation.

Has to be said though that the crowd reaction directly around me was a little mixed (although I was definitely screaming louder than the others!), clearly some were underwelmed or confused, having said that the same people were talking throughout the vast majority of Muse's set as well. My mates in a different section of the crowd said totally the opposite, that the crowd were loving it and watching the video back its clear that the vast majority were.

Gutted however that I didn't bump into Edge walking round the site :|

I think the chances of them headlining in either 2011 or 2013 are now guaranteed, the experience for Edge will have been amazing and as for Bono, well, I can't even imagine how sick he'll have felt watching that, and how determined he must feel to be there himself.
When this came on I was just like :angry: really??! There were also two guys next to me shouting at security "I'M BONO, AND HE'S EDGE! LOOK, MY BACK'S FINE, LET ME ON THE STAGE!" which I appreciated to no end hahaha. I just got back (with a wonderful seven hour wait in Bath Spa station) and will write some more comprehensive thoughts later, once I am clean :wink:

hey there! you survived it!! :applaud: can't wait to hear your take on the weekend..:hyper:
I also believe Glastonbury organisers won't reveal U2 as headliners until tickets officially go on sale because the place will be swarmed with U2 fans, that's certainly something they want to avoid. I still say chances are very good that U2 will indeed be coming to Glasto next year. Edge enjoyed it so much and Bono will try everything to make it happen, the cancellation was such a huge disappointment to him.
Just got back - my God what an incredible weekend!

I think the chances of them headlining in either 2011 or 2013 are now guaranteed, the experience for Edge will have been amazing and as for Bono, well, I can't even imagine how sick he'll have felt watching that, and how determined he must feel to be there himself.

I think this is true, Bono is bound to want some of what Edge experienced, he'll be more determined to headline Glastonbury than ever. All being well I'd say they'll be there next year.
i hope mikal's ok. :sad:

Yeah sorry mikal for being so cantankerous. That was a bit unnecessary.

You are of course very, very welcome to come to Glastonbury! But a positive, happy, isn't-everything-just-so-damn-lovely attitude (basically the exact opposite of my own) is the most essential thing to bring with ya.

And I'm 1000000% convinced (perhaps more) that you would have quite enjoyed Muse's set and even their version of Streets just a little bit if you had been there.
Oh, you lucky, lucky bastard! :)

Was it your first time at Glastonbury? Any other magic little Glasto moments?

It was my first Glastonbury, the whole weekend was just magical and beyond anything I hoped it would be. Other highlights for me was the surprise set by Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood on the Friday, closing Sunday with Faithless and then Orbital :hyper:, and Ray Davies on Sunday afternoon - amazing to see the great man singing so many amazing tunes.

Seeing Mark E Smith stumble around the Pyramid Stage with Gorillaz was a surreal moment as well :wink:

Edit - oh also, how could I forget, going down to the Shangri-La area on the first night and discovering a little bar called Temple of the Blessed Bono where they were serving Guinness and had a small karaoke booth set up with Bono & Edge puppets. Needless to say my mate and I belted out Desire and the photo of our heads on top of these moving puppets is absolutely hilarious, I will try and upload it here at some point if I can!
Fantastic! I love hearing about people's first magical Glasto moments. Sounds like you lucked out with seeing Radiohead! My mates missed em to see Dizzee who didn't impress them too much. Orbital would have been my choice for the Sunday night too, I saw their last "final" Glasto show back in, er, 2004 or 2005.

I heard about that Bono shrine thing too, brilliant touch! :)

Why the f*ck didn't I try to get in? Aarrgghh!
Edit - oh also, how could I forget, going down to the Shangri-La area on the first night and discovering a little bar called Temple of the Blessed Bono where they were serving Guinness and had a small karaoke booth set up with Bono & Edge puppets. Needless to say my mate and I belted out Desire and the photo of our heads on top of these moving puppets is absolutely hilarious, I will try and upload it here at some point if I can!

That sounds great :lol:
what a weekend just got home - i was walking away from the pyramid stage (wasn't impressed with Muse) and heard the opening bars of Streets... I was back as fast as my legs could carry me. The crowd reaction was great where I was.
right i need a shower.
Agreed that the 'word' being no U2 for 2011 could be deliberate to stop 200,000 U2 fans hogging the tickets when that time comes, but it could also be very possible that the US rescheduling means it's simply not doable. As much as they'd be itching to make amends at Glastonbury, it is of greater importance for them to do the right thing by the paying fanbase. If something about the trickiness of rescheduling means that weekend has to go to the 360 ticket buyers, and not for Glasto glory, then that's that. But yes, at the same time, I don't think they could announce U2 before it's already sold out. It could be a ruse. But, it is being reported that 2011 is a 'no' for U2, but that the 'one after' will be the one. As was said earlier, Glastonbury is having a year off in 2012, in part because it would clash with the London Olympics. That means... 2013.

Either way - We'll all know when we see the new 360 schedule.
It was my first Glastonbury, the whole weekend was just magical and beyond anything I hoped it would be. Other highlights for me was the surprise set by Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood on the Friday, closing Sunday with Faithless and then Orbital :hyper:, and Ray Davies on Sunday afternoon - amazing to see the great man singing so many amazing tunes.
:drool: You were able to see Thom and Jonny, then Faithless oand Orbital! :applaud:
*just a tiny bit jealous*
I went to the temple too! I had a guinness and we sang 'oooooooh danny boy, why did you hobble bono...' lol the guy was funny, the bono impersonator!

I liked his jokes!

Yeah Glasto was great, saw some amazing bands, and had the best fun in the silent disco! Just slightly to hot to do much, i missed so much of it!
The Silent Disco was great. That whole Park area was my kind of 'go to' spot if I didn't have any immediate interest elsewhere, especially late at night/early morning.
Edit - oh also, how could I forget, going down to the Shangri-La area on the first night and discovering a little bar called Temple of the Blessed Bono where they were serving Guinness and had a small karaoke booth set up with Bono & Edge puppets. Needless to say my mate and I belted out Desire and the photo of our heads on top of these moving puppets is absolutely hilarious, I will try and upload it here at some point if I can!

:lol:...oh, my god, seriously? That's awesome :D!

Once again, I'm incredibly jealous, but I'm so glad everyone who went had a fantastic time! Yay! Good that the festival seemed to be an overall success-way to celebrate 40 years, guys :up:.

Muse is garbage. When I saw them open for U2 in september, It was so shitty. Why does every fucking song begin with fuzz bass!!!!!!! Lol, really though, hearing this guy sing streets was painful. I had to bust out the Slane DVD to remedy it.

"all i want is youuuuuuuuuuuuuohhhhhhhhhhohohohhhhhhhhh!!"

That's better.:love:
I think its pretty conclusive that U2 won't be headlining in 2011 from what Eavis is reported as saying. I think the word is one solo artist and 2 returning artists. This is a bit of shame in my opinion, although fingers crossed for 2013. There should definitely be some new material by then!
can anyone recommend me some essential Muse listening? I have never been into them (I have actually actively resisted), but the Streets performance has me wavering...
LOL u is crazy if you can't appreciate the level that Muse is on. They sounded amazing on streets with the edge, and the crowd was amazing. Shame you can't see past u2stanning to appreciate it.

Oh, come on. I find calling them "shitty" pretty ridiculous, but it's okay not to like Muse. Not liking Muse does not equal U2 stanning.

(But bonus points for using "stanning!" :lol: )
can anyone recommend me some essential Muse listening? I have never been into them (I have actually actively resisted), but the Streets performance has me wavering...

Origin of Symmetry is their finest album. The first few songs - New Born, Bliss, Hyper Music, Plug-In Baby :drool:
cheers mikeyjb. I have only ever known time is running out and starlight. Am a big fan of Thought of a Dying Atheist, but so far I am slowly working through the collection. I know they arent all the same, but they are the kind of band that when you have no reference point, the songs melt into each other a bit. Still, have to say, I am an idiot for resisting them for so long
I'm all for people not liking bands but seriously Muse brings it everytime. I don't even like them 100th the amount of love I've got for U2 but they seriously put on an amazing show, their songs are epic and they just make you want to dance. I just think some people can't even begin to appreciate others or try to run them down just because they not u2 you know?

Dan, I LOVE Absolution especially butterflies and hurricanes but my favourite album is Black Holes and Revelations - its got some amazing stuff on there, besides Starlight (which I love) Knights of Cydonia is absolutely beathtaking live. I love it!

I know Muse is not for everyone, but you can't rubbish em for being good! :cute:
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