Lady GaGa General Discussion

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holy shit, what am i going to see tonight?
Maybe she's just straddling that fine line, but I guess I'm just not convinced yet of what her deal is.

Which isn't to say that I don't still love her songs and she amuses the crap out of me, but still.

I think there's more I have to say about this whole thing - "I don't buy it" isn't quite right, but I'm not ready to be on board with whatever some people say she's selling. I don't really know how I feel about whether or not there's some goofy hidden meaning under all the product placement (although when it's so blatant, I feel it almost has to be), or whether or not I buy her being in any way subversive beyond being a strong woman in charge of her own image and "product."

If that makes any sense.
I think there's more I have to say about this whole thing - "I don't buy it" isn't quite right, but I'm not ready to be on board with whatever some people say she's selling. I don't really know how I feel about whether or not there's some goofy hidden meaning under all the product placement (although when it's so blatant, I feel it almost has to be), or whether or not I buy her being in any way subversive beyond being a strong woman in charge of her own image and "product."

If that makes any sense.
i want to believe it, and i feel like i do. the alternate theory basically seems to be that she arsed her way backwards into all of this, and given what the whole gaga thing has become, it just seems implausible that she doesn't know what she's doing.

but even just typing that it's easy for me to see how she could have just managed to get dead lucky. the benefit of hindsight will eventually get us there. i saw her opening act interviewed on tv the other night - she used to open for them - and the impression i got from them when she briefly did come up was that it still felt like it could have been either way.
it just seems implausible that she doesn't know what she's doing.

Oh! No, I'm completely sure she knows what she's doing.

I'm just saying I'm not sure I'm convinced as to what this whole "deeper meaning" or whatever is, or if she's just messing with us about there even being a deeper meaning to her image, persona and videos.

I just deleted two more paragraphs because I am so completely NOT making any lick of sense today.
I guess I can sum up my incomprehensible posts by saying: I'm not convinced she's subversive or underscoring anything with messages of brilliance.

She seems pretty coy about such things in interviews as well (or maybe I'm not paying attention), like she's not coming out to say "This is what x is all about, and this is what I'm trying to do."

And you know what? That's a little awesome in and of itself. If she doesn't have big hidden meanings and is all subversive, she kind of leaves it up for people to decide (and have internet slap-fights about it).

She definitely knows how to get people talking, so I take my metaphorical hat off to her for that.
I guess I can sum up my incomprehensible posts by saying: I'm not convinced she's subversive or underscoring anything with messages of brilliance.

that sounds right. i think she's probably contriving her fame, but she's not trying to make a statement with what she's doing.

or at least, nothing deeper than "haha look how easy this is".
I like this quote from one of the endless "GaGa is awesome/GaGa is shit pop music and nothing more" arguments elsewhere on the internet:

"That delightful shot in the diner where Lady Gaga is just posing there in this magnificently outlandish costume because I'm-so-fucking-fabulous is all the argument she needs really."
The simple fact of the matter, imo, is that Irishteen is right. She really just knows what to do to make herself a name. There's no such thing as bad publicity, and she'll do whatever she can to stay in the limelight, and it's working out pretty damn well for her. I honestly don't think she has one original thing to say, or anything deep and meaningful, but damn if she isn't good at what she does.
i should hopefully be in new zealand by then, unfortunately. since her shows seem to be going down so well, i'm sure i'll see her on her next tour. knowing what i know now, i wish i saw her back in december. oh well, live and learn.
so it was pretty wild. a lot of trendy women, a few gay people and a surprising number of older (north of 50) people and an utterly, completely staggering number of children were there.

the show follows a theme of gaga and her friends trying to get to the monster ball and getting a bit hopelessly lost along the way. amongst other props there was a mini new york subway car, a fountain with blood that shot fire, an entire central park setup and also a flaming piano. oh, and a monster bounced around on stage during paparazzi before she vanished under the stage to return with the pyrotechnic bra.

to just skim over the show and to bring up some wtf moments, she played an organ set in the hood of a car during just dance. speechless was just as dull live (and twice as long), and paired with brown eyes it was a bit average, although she did play a burning piano for both, so that was fun. there's some long breaks where they play generic dance music for costume changes and to change the set on stage but it didn't really disrupt the flow - given the show went on for over two hours you appreciated the chance to sit down.

uhh, just trying to keep remembering noteworthy. simulated masturbation during telephone. the singles all went down well. bad romance killed at the end - i'm sure half of the reason my ears are still ringing is because of the crowd reaction to that.

she did seem genuinely appreciative of all of her fans. i actually believe it too - she recounting telling her accountants to go fuck themselves when they wanted her to bring an abbreviated show down here.

it's only taken four years but we're finally seeing some decent shows at the vector arena.

overall, very impressed. the stuff that bothered me was stuff that had to happen to make the show what it was - the breaks for costume changes, set changes. said she'd be back and i'll trust that - i'd certainly go again.


eta: even my mum really enjoyed it.

also as a sidenote, i'd never found her attractive until the concert. the yellow hair looks great on her, and she's in great shape.
I saw that, and I took it to mean that they will be covering one of her songs on the show and not that she'll actually be personally appearing on it. That just makes a lot more sense to me. I'd be surprised if she actually took a role on the show. I could be very wrong, though.
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