kiss/chilli peppers don't get in HOF

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Jan 2, 2005
This is a disgrace. Don"t care how you feel about those bands, they are hall of famers. Please. The sex pistols got in with one fucking album.
I'm not surprised the Chili Peppers didn't get in right away, but Kiss is a shock.
Best news I've heard all day. In all fairness, it's Christmas break and I didn't leave my room much, but just the same :loveshower:
This is a disgrace. Don"t care how you feel about those bands, they are hall of famers. Please. The sex pistols got in with one fucking album.

The Sex Pistols helped define one of the most important movements in the history of music, one that we will be feeling the ramifications of forever.

The Chili Peppers did no such thing.
Best news I've heard all day. In all fairness, it's Christmas break and I didn't leave my room much, but just the same :loveshower:

Eh, I think Kiss deserved in. They're just one of those iconic bands I think of when I hear the word "Rock". Even if I don't care for them.
The Sex Pistols helped define one of the most important movements in the history of music, one that we will be feeling the ramifications of forever.

The Chili Peppers did no such thing.

The Sex Pistols are awful, but yeah, they actually had a significant impact on the music industry. The Red Hot Chili Peppers mixed hard rock and funk, which never became a movement of any sort. Jane's Addiction and Rage Against The Machine took on that sound somewhat, but their music had self-respect and (at least in the latter's case) greater lyrical weight. RHCP were nothing special.
The Sex Pistols made a lot of good bands start up, even if they were shit.

Kiss and RHCP have made a lot of very, very bad bands start up, because they are shit. Although the Kiss movies are great!
I expect more people to agree with kiss , then chili peppers. Although i wanted to see the chili peppers get in. Kiss is a huge influence on hard rock/metal. Ace frehley is worshiped by many accomplished guitarists. The sex pistols did do what you said above, however it was just one album. The "album" almost deserves to go in without the band. lol. The band was a joke. In fact, i prefer their 1996-present live performances then the "back in the day" concerts where they set lasted 4 songs and then a riot. I know this board detests the chili peppers, but i want to see them in. I feel they have had a combination of influential/commercial success thats worthy. The bad part about the former is that they get blamed for limp biscuit. But they did have influence on other bands as well. They have had 2 big and 3 good commercially successfully albums.
Takes a lot more than mediocre music to "Get in the Hoff"

I'm not gonna do the obvious and bash who is going in. Not really into abba but i understand how big they were. The stooges are like the sex pistols except better. Genesis is ok. Great underground band/highly successful commercially.
Kiss is a fucking joke and a novelty act, but I guess if Aerosmith is in there they've already lowered their standards enough for them to fit right in.
thats the only good thing. For person who thinks aerosmith doesn't should be, why shouldn't they be?
If it came down to choosing between RHCP, Kiss, and Genesis, there's no doubt whatsoever that they made the right choice.

True that, but perhaps Kiss is more deserving of induction than say Abba, if one were to actually take the words "Rock and Roll" just a tad literally, but I digress.
thats the only good thing. For person who thinks aerosmith doesn't should be, why shouldn't they be?

Probably because they're the least original, least essential classic rock band. They also hired cheesy hitmakers (Diane Warren, Desmond Child) to write singles for them beginning with their big comeback album Permanent Vacation and continuing for almost every album afterwards.

The only important artist they appeared to influence are Guns 'n' Roses, who are about 50x better.
I'm not a KISS fan, but the band has had such a huge influence on so much of the music I've listened to my whole life, ranging from Motley Crue to Stone Temple Pilots to Weezer. A lot of people picked up guitars and started bands because of KISS.

Full list:

The performer inductees are:

Ahmet Ertegun Award (nonperformers):
Probably because they're the least original, least essential classic rock band. They also hired cheesy hitmakers (Diane Warren, Desmond Child) to write singles for them beginning with their big comeback album Permanent Vacation and continuing for almost every album afterwards.

The only important artist they appeared to influence are Guns 'n' Roses, who are about 50x better.

So if they broke up circa 1979 and stayed that way, would they be HoF material?
Cause pre-comeback, their work is pretty solid and largely their own writing save a few covers, and far more prolific than the Sex Pistols one album and far more Rock and Roll than Abba's collection of dance odes to bulls and the like.
yea, sorry aerosmith belongs in the HOF. Yea, im not a big fan of the more pop oretinted stuff, but regardless those songs sold well. Basically, had major hits from 1973-2001 except for the first half of 80's. Their comeback in the 80's with permanent vacation is considered one of the greatest comebacks in rock.. Considering how fucked up they were come 1981. Oh, that and the rap/rock with run dmc on walk this way. Not saying you gotta like them , but to say they don't belong after all their success is a little hard to agree with.
I don't know, I just don't think a band should be inducted because they sold well and managed to stick around for a while. Their influence should be measured on the same level, if not more so. What has Aerosmith done? Who did they bring about? I like them and some of their music, but what makes them Hall of Famers? I'd say their most memorable moment was "Walk This Way" with Run-D.M.C., but even that's due more to Rick Rubin digging those guys out of their heroin-addled graves and Run and Co. being a bunch of badasses.

As for Kiss, they took elements of metal and glam rock and have a logical throughline, bringing about the hair metal of the '80s. Wow, what a legacy. The elaborate stage shows/theatricality isn't new, nor are their songs. Again, they've been around for a while and sold well, but you could make a better case for them than Aerosmith.

Every act that got in this year was far more deserving than those two, at least. Same with the Chili Peppers. If there was a Dude Rock Hall of Fame, they'd be in the introductory class.
well actually yea, if you sold well and stuck around for a long time, yes then that sorta does matter. Consider how many millions of people try to "make it" with bands that never leave their basement. About less then 1% of them. And then less 1% of them will make it past the first couple albums. So yes, longevity and sales factor in. I think you are acting like aerosmith is limp biscuit who 12 years after their debut are considered one of the worst acts ever to make it and have not aged well. Geez, you really think they are that bad? the 70's stuff is pretty solid/great hard rock. They may not be as influential as kiss, but many hard rock artists cite them as a influence.
No, I'm not. I even stated that I like them, but if record sales/persistence is a major factor, then kick The Velvet Underground out.

If Nickelback persists for 10 more years, then do they deserve a spot in the Hall of Fame?
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