For Cat Lovers Only XIII - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

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Anywhere, here a few pics of the cute things:

What's funny about this pic is that the kittens' mum is the one on the chair, yet they're nursing from the other cat (the other cat may have run out of milk):

:lol: it's a great pic, too!

The grey-and-white ones - whose mum is the grey and white cat in the pic above - are now 6.5 weeks; I think we'll have better luck finding homes for them as we've found most people prefer the grey and white over the black and white kittens for some reason:

oooooohhh, SQUEE! :love::cute::love::cute:

the B & W kitts... Tuxedos?

I love long haired tiuxies!:heart:
It's been ages since I've posted pictures of Phoebe (ducks from Sicy's wrath), and these have been on my camera for months. Yes, I'm lazy.

Here she is around Christmas time, trying to figure out what all that white stuff is outside:


And here are two pictures demonstrating her hilarious habit of flopping down on the floor on her back, like she's just waiting for me to come and rub her belly. When I don't come, she just dozes off like that.


Phoebe is adorable! :cute:

I love the ones of her on her back! :heart:
:lol: I know that problem! With Miep I barely pet her tummy. She usually doesn't invite you anyway, and if she's lying on her back it's usually in the sun. Sometimes she allows you to pet her, but usually after a short while she grabs you with both claws and jaws. :uhoh:
Introducing Sunny (Santino), Stevie's new brother.

(I am aware Sunny is usually spelt Sonny)



with mum, sporting new engagement ring :p


I'm confused . . . what does this have to do with cats? :scratch:

Sorry, It was in response to a reply to a post about a cat picture that Sicy had posted that showed a calander where someone had written "Dick".... becasue Morrissey had cancelled a concert...

BTW, we had a cat called Larry once, was such a smoocher... But he ate our friends singing canary that we were canary-siting while they were on holiday. So we bought a new one and hoped they wouldn't notice. But he ate that one too!!! :doh: Goodness knows how he managed to spring 2 meters in the air, open the cage and knab a very agile bird, without destroying the cage or knocking it over. Twice! We never got asked to bird sit again after that...
they are fine. They run wild and play together, neither has been too rough yet, and when they are quiet they always go up to each other and smooch... its gorgeous
Cat question. Someone gave me a little device that emits a high-pitched sound that seems to bother the cats in order to train them to not scratch the furniture, etc. Is this cruel? Because it's going right into the trash if it is.
It might be unpleasant for them, but that's the point. I've also heard people recommend shaking a can of coins to deter cats from doing things they're not supposed to be doing. Same principle, I'd think. As far as physically harming their ears, I can't say for sure, but I doubt it.
They make similar devices for dogs. Judging by how often people tell me they do NOT work, I don't think it really hurts or damages their ears.
lol My sister's cat is named Fredo.

Haha, after we saw more of his personality we nearly changed it to Fredo!! But we would have to have changed Stevies name to Michael then, and Stevie suits his name :p

Cat question. Someone gave me a little device that emits a high-pitched sound that seems to bother the cats in order to train them to not scratch the furniture, etc. Is this cruel? Because it's going right into the trash if it is.

Same idea as that fould tasting goop they put on kids fingernails to stop them biting them. They couldnt market them if they caused lasting damage.
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