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I'm on Day #2 as well...Jeff is Day 1 as he bothered to keep his membership up for the last few years and I am still a little bitter about the "fan" tickets I got in the upper bowl behind the stage. I figure if I get anything closer than fifth to last row in front of the stage, it was $50 well spent. :shrug:

I'm not stressing either...once will be enough; Vertigo gave me everything I wanted and more. Some of my Indy friends are upset they're not coming here but if I were a rock band, I would NEVER come to this city because all concert goers just talk through the whole show. But I'm sure we'll get a few in, wherever.

Hey, Schmeg! :wave: Are you guys going to try to go to Chicago? We are, and we're also thinking of going to Charlottesville (VA) if we can get tickets. I can't believe they are going there! That's like 30 miles from our "home place."
so U2.com was sending me emails on a very regular basis until Sun night/Mon morning when I was told I could participate in the 2nd day of the presale for the shows going on sale that say. I haven't received a single thing since. Has anyone? I don't know why I'm even concerned about that since my shows won't be on sale for a while yet and I have my code. But the fact that I got tons while other people still haven't received any of their codes made me feel a bit relieved about all of this. Now that I haven't heard from them in a few days I feel like I'm missing emails too.
I worked 210 hours in 4 weeks. :crack: I went from barely getting 3 days a week to barely getting a day off or day less than 10 hours a day. I would never have believed I would have worked this much in 4 weeks, 4 weeks ago. :crazy:

feet hurt.....need new shoes. My kitchen safe crocs actually lasted a whole year. Best $20 ever spent! I think I'll order a new pair tomorrow.

I'm off for two whole days and I told all supervisors to leave me alone until Sat at 1:00!
so U2.com was sending me emails on a very regular basis until Sun night/Mon morning when I was told I could participate in the 2nd day of the presale for the shows going on sale that say. I haven't received a single thing since. Has anyone? I don't know why I'm even concerned about that since my shows won't be on sale for a while yet and I have my code. But the fact that I got tons while other people still haven't received any of their codes made me feel a bit relieved about all of this. Now that I haven't heard from them in a few days I feel like I'm missing emails too.

Yeah, I got the one saying something like "You can buy tickets in Sweden" :lol:

Hi Schmeg :wave:
Thanks for the F & F card, kariann :)

Hi Schmeg :wave:

I have decided that I would be a very happy girl if I never heard Get On Your Boots again. I just can't stand the sexy boots line :no: I like the sound part and the Edge guitar magic, but I can't get past sexy boots line:shudder:

The rest of the Cd is good. I can't say any more. It still has the poor luck of timing.

Should have gone to the local custard place today:
French Vanilla Cappuccino

A great combination of vanilla custard and espresso custard and an added delight of cappuccino pieces and a dusting of vanilla powder
Place of employment was in newspaper again. 20 unprofitable stores..........we are not one of them. We are profitable.......the HR manager stressed that this morning....... wonder what is next for those poor 20 stores :reject:

Still don't feel safe.
it never ends.....woke up to news today that my uncle had to be admitting to the hospital over kidney issues. Then....even worse.....my great aunt and grandpa live in a duplex. She lives downstairs. She comes up to see him every few hours to make sure things are ok. Well apparently she came up this morning and he was still on the chair he was in last night when she left him and he was in his clothes from yesterday. A few weeks ago he told my mom it was time for him to go into a nursing home but then the next day he changed his mind. My mom and aunt went to the nursing home anyways just to check it out for both my grandpa and great aunt since she probably won't live in the house without him. He's 94 so it's probably a good idea for him to be there. So anyways the nursing home said he needed to be evaluated in order to take him. He was too weak to go downstairs on his own so they had to call an ambulance. He goes in and out of reality. He had 4 older sisters that all basically lost their minds right before the end of their lives. So...yeah. He's in a hospital bed but thinks he is in a garage right now. :( Poor guy. One of my cousin's is with my parents, brother and great aunt to represent for her family while everyone else is at the hospital with my uncle. My great aunt doesn't know about him. She wouldn't be able to hand both situations all at once. She does keep asking why my aunt and uncle aren't with them to be with my grandpa so hopefully they told her one of them has a cold or something. I have no idea the status of my uncle but this afternoon it sounded like they're trying to get him hydrated and he should be fine.

I want to go home right now but it wouldn't do me any good to just stare at my grandpa in a hospital. Especially, and unfortunately, if I go now I'll more than likely have to go back soon. :sad:

It just makes me really sad that he might not ever go back to his own home. I felt that way when they had to rush my grandma to the hospital. She said in the hospital a few days before she died that when she left that night she knew she would never go home again. :sad:
it never ends.....woke up to news today that my uncle had to be admitting to the hospital over kidney issues. Then....even worse.....my great aunt and grandpa live in a duplex. She lives downstairs. She comes up to see him every few hours to make sure things are ok. Well apparently she came up this morning and he was still on the chair he was in last night when she left him and he was in his clothes from yesterday. A few weeks ago he told my mom it was time for him to go into a nursing home but then the next day he changed his mind. My mom and aunt went to the nursing home anyways just to check it out for both my grandpa and great aunt since she probably won't live in the house without him. He's 94 so it's probably a good idea for him to be there. So anyways the nursing home said he needed to be evaluated in order to take him. He was too weak to go downstairs on his own so they had to call an ambulance. He goes in and out of reality. He had 4 older sisters that all basically lost their minds right before the end of their lives. So...yeah. He's in a hospital bed but thinks he is in a garage right now. :( Poor guy. One of my cousin's is with my parents, brother and great aunt to represent for her family while everyone else is at the hospital with my uncle. My great aunt doesn't know about him. She wouldn't be able to hand both situations all at once. She does keep asking why my aunt and uncle aren't with them to be with my grandpa so hopefully they told her one of them has a cold or something. I have no idea the status of my uncle but this afternoon it sounded like they're trying to get him hydrated and he should be fine.

I want to go home right now but it wouldn't do me any good to just stare at my grandpa in a hospital. Especially, and unfortunately, if I go now I'll more than likely have to go back soon. :sad:

It just makes me really sad that he might not ever go back to his own home. I felt that way when they had to rush my grandma to the hospital. She said in the hospital a few days before she died that when she left that night she knew she would never go home again. :sad:

It is really sad to watch those who came before us decline. :sad: Love them all you can. :hug:
in other news....I'm really excited that I'm actually off on the night that they're bringing back all the oldies from ER. I stopped watching the show probably a good 5 years ago when Dr Carter traveled to another country and then slowly started to disappear from the show. I only recently found out that John Stamos of all people is a dr on the show. But until I stopped watching it, I followed the show religiously and even watched all the reruns on late night tv. So this is a show i've been looking forward to seeing but figured I'd miss it due to work.
:doh: sounds like my grandpa's case could be a little OD on his pills. He might have taken too much yesterday. He's still going to the nursing home but he knows where he is now and is concerned that no one knows where he is other than my parents. So they think he might have taken his pills then forgot and taken them again.
early tonight I put on my facebook page that I wish I could go to Minnesota right now. That's all, no details yet. One of my friends that I've known for a good 20 years, and spent a lot of time at my grandparents house in our younger days, instantly knew something was up. She sent me a pm on FB asking me what was going on. We don't talk that often and probably only see each other a few times a year. No one else that I talk to on a regular basis even asked me why. I have a few friends that I pm with over there constantly and the MN comment went right over their heads. I :heart: my friend. Despite not being able to see each other often (when I lived in MN) and only talking every so often, I don't know what I'd do without her.
arw, a great big hug :hug: for you
I can't even imagine how hard it is for you to be away from most of your family esp. at times like this
The only problem is that it is Friday the 13th :crack:
Phone call at work this morning:
Customer: The toaster I bought does not toast evenly. I want to return it.
Me: Ok, do you have the packaging?
Customer: Yes and the receipt. I was actually going to return it this past Wednesday but I got to your parking lot and it was full so I turned around and went home.........
Me: (making a strange face at the phone)
Customer: Are you busy now? Is your lot full?
Me: :huh: Right now, I have no one in front of me ..............I couldn't tell you if the lot is full :crack: (We are on the upper level, no windows)
Customer: Well maybe I will try to come later.
Me: ok

I mean what do you say to that?

We all had odd phone calls today.........strange Friday the 13th shit.
Plus other work stuff :crack:
The only problem is that it is Friday the 13th :crack:
Phone call at work this morning:
Customer: The toaster I bought does not toast evenly. I want to return it.
Me: Ok, do you have the packaging?
Customer: Yes and the receipt. I was actually going to return it this past Wednesday but I got to your parking lot and it was full so I turned around and went home.........
Me: (making a strange face at the phone)
Customer: Are you busy now? Is your lot full?
Me: :huh: Right now, I have no one in front of me ..............I couldn't tell you if the lot is full :crack: (We are on the upper level, no windows)
Customer: Well maybe I will try to come later.
Me: ok

I mean what do you say to that?

We all had odd phone calls today.........strange Friday the 13th shit.
Plus other work stuff :crack:

:coocoo: what a weird call!
uncle should be out of the hospital tomorrow. To be honest I wasn't really all that concerned about him. It sounded like he was dehydrated and nothing more. If it would have just been him in the hospital yesterday I wouldn't have even mentioned it but the fact that my uncle and grandpa went in on the same day is a little nutty.

Grandpa....not getting clear answers. My mom says one thing my dad says another. My dad tends to not pay attention to whats going on though but this is my mom's father that's sick so she's probably not thinking clearly either. Enter my brother....he has a slightly different story and thinks I should stay put where I am right now. My sister is going to go since she's not working. But I can't go unless it's an emergency. It's weird but I kind of said goodbye to my grandpa when I brought him lunch in Dec. I had a feeling that might just be the last time I saw him. I'd love for it to not be true but I hate to see a 94 year old man suffer anymore than he has to. I was planning a long weekend home at the end of May so I can soak in some lilacs and Lake Calhoun for a few days. I really hope I'll be able to bring my grandpa lunch in 2 months....
Well that is good news about your uncle

I know what you mean about not wanting your grandfather to suffer any more than he has too, but it is still hard to fully accept that (trust me I know from recent experience) and to be a fair distance away when you have always been *home* in past situations makes it harder.........I take it your brother is the *clear thinker* in a family crisis?

Amen to that!

These past two weeks have ridiculous. We had to move into our new building really quickly and I had my annual big senior event today. One or the other is bad enough, but doing both at the same time has been insane :crazy:

arw, I'm glad to hear your uncle in doing much better. I'm sending good thoughts for your grandfather :hug:
Friday is Sunday for me today so no TGIF for me! :( Back at it tomorrow.....

so my sister and I just did my taxes. Everything went ok on Fed. Getting a nice amount back. We did AZ and then got to MN where my sister got confused. She now thinks AZ is wrong too. So now, as I suspected all along, I need to take it to someone to have this done. I'm not a resident of AZ so I'm completely confused even though 95% of my income from last year was in AZ. :crack:
Bought cheap green nail polish today. Gotta go green for St. Paddy's/Gaelic Storm :D
Hair cut this morning so I can see the stage and not just bangs :up:
Played phone tag with co-worker and still have not connected.

Last Carnival (new song on Bruce's new CD about the loss of Danny) is very hard to listen to right now. It played as mom and I drove past my friend's husbands business..........I had to swallow back emotion.......the lyric that played as we went past...*Moonrise, Moonrise The light that was in your eyes Has gone away*
I'm so......annoyed I guess.

My sister sent me a text yesterday afternoon saying she booked a 1 way ticket home for this morning. :huh: Yep. Just dropped her off. Her boyfriend went there for work last week because his nursing license experied here a few months ago and no one notified him....well ok he was notified by a postcard this week :der: Oh and then there's the whole if he had been working all along he would have known a lot sooner but that's ok, everyone just quits their job for 9 months to do nothing. Sure he could keep track too but whatever...so the agency he works for said he could go to work in MN as that license is still good for a few years. So he's been there for a week. My sister has been out of work for a good 5-6 weeks now and has only once mentioned going to MN at the very beginning of that. Then she said it would be stupid to leave in case she gets called in for an interview. She had two interviews 2 weeks ago and already received word she didn't get either job.

So now she's going home to see our grandpa. He's stable. He had some infection that they're treating but he should be ok enough to leave the hospital soon for the nursing home.

I think I'm just irritated over the 1 way ticket thing. Now I have to stress about taking care of the animals. The cat is going to go into severe depression and won't eat while she's gone and when she does, she'll throw up here and there. The dog....she won't eat unless I sit with her. Then she'll bark nonstop outside and then she will bark all night long so I won't sleep. My sister doesn't seem to think this is an issue but that's because none of the above happens when she's home. Plus I really, really, really hate being here by myself. Not in the house but just in general. I have people at work I can call if I have an emergency but.....She said she'll be gone a week "or so" but wouldn't elaborate on the or so part. :angry:
First of all your sister sent you a text? She couldn't call to tell you or if she had to, leave a message?
The boyfriend went back to MN to work? Is he going to work there for "a few years" or is he going to get his license back in AZ? Eventually?
Your sister left the return date up in the air? Wouldn't be happy about that either. Would she look for employment in MN?
Hopefully the animals will not *lose* it completely
Went to breakfast with the gals from work ~ 17 of us. There would have been more but vacations, illness prevented a few from coming. The world's biggest omelette with hash browns and toast *toomuchfood*. I have half a omelette with hash browns in the fridge.
I really should switch out keyboards today but am feeling lethargic from gigantor the omelette.
First of all your sister sent you a text? She couldn't call to tell you or if she had to, leave a message?
The boyfriend went back to MN to work? Is he going to work there for "a few years" or is he going to get his license back in AZ? Eventually?
Your sister left the return date up in the air? Wouldn't be happy about that either. Would she look for employment in MN?
Hopefully the animals will not *lose* it completely

we communicate by text so she probably didn't think it was a big deal, plus she was going to chipotle and dropping something off for me so she knew we would talk then. But it was still shocking. It was something she mentioned maybe doing for a long weekend next weekend but not "oh by the way, can you drop me off at 7:30 am tomorrow at the airport.."

The bf went back to work for about a month in MN maybe 2. He can do all of his licensing stuff online plus the agency he works for has offices in every state so he can go there too. He should have it by sometime in April.

She does not want to move back to MN. She likes it here and doesn't want to deal with a large move right now.
Went to breakfast with the gals from work ~ 17 of us. There would have been more but vacations, illness prevented a few from coming. The world's biggest omelette with hash browns and toast *toomuchfood*. I have half a omelette with hash browns in the fridge.
I really should switch out keyboards today but am feeling lethargic from gigantor the omelette.

17?!?! Wow. That's a lot of people!
Bought cheap green nail polish today. Gotta go green for St. Paddy's/Gaelic Storm :D
Hair cut this morning so I can see the stage and not just bangs :up:
Played phone tag with co-worker and still have not connected.

Last Carnival (new song on Bruce's new CD about the loss of Danny) is very hard to listen to right now. It played as mom and I drove past my friend's husbands business..........I had to swallow back emotion.......the lyric that played as we went past...*Moonrise, Moonrise The light that was in your eyes Has gone away*

I forgot you're going to see them this week! Feel free to call me and leave a message:flirt:
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