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Happiness (for Lucy) is...


Someone else's ice water :mad:

we have to hide all our glasses or our kitty drinks from them, then tips the glass over.
I feel like Phoebe hardly drinks any water. Is there something I can watch for to make me suspect she's not drinking enough? Most days, there's the same amount of water in the dish as there was when I filled it up.

She does like to hop in the tub and lick at whatever water is left over from my shower (ew), so maybe she likes that better. I don't know.

She seems fine. She still does that thing where she'll lick and lick and lick me, and her licks always seem kind of scratchy and raspy, but I've never had a cat lick me so damned much, so maybe that's how all their tongues are.

Any suggestions or tips?
Does she eat dry food or wet food? If she eats wet food she probably wont drink that much water. Cats normally do not drink a lot of water, but it is still important that they keep hydrated. You could get one of those fountains, my cats absolutely love theirs.
What Sicy said. In my college house all our cats LOVED the fountain. My cats seem to drink more out of the fish tank and the dog bucket than their water bowl.

Generally wet food is best for cats. That said, mine all eat dry, but we've never had a UTI or crystal issue. If we do, I will switch to wet, or soak their dry food.
Daft question to ask, but, do cats or can they feel more vulnerable when drinking water?

I mean, our two, if they drink water, if we or I go into kitchen they just stop and watch us, until we are gone, yet they are fine to keep heads down when eating?

make sense?

Mine are but I have three dogs, lol! The cats like the dogs' water pail which is on the kitchen floor, so when they are drinking, the dogs (mainly the puppy) want them to run and have a chase. It's funny, as soon as the pup is asleep, cats come out of the woodwork and are taking turns drinking.
Maurice will put himself thru endless dog-abuse just to drink from the dogs bowl, when his own water bowl is right there, completely out of the dogs reach. :der:
I feel like Phoebe hardly drinks any water. Is there something I can watch for to make me suspect she's not drinking enough? Most days, there's the same amount of water in the dish as there was when I filled it up.

She does like to hop in the tub and lick at whatever water is left over from my shower (ew), so maybe she likes that better. I don't know.

She seems fine. She still does that thing where she'll lick and lick and lick me, and her licks always seem kind of scratchy and raspy, but I've never had a cat lick me so damned much, so maybe that's how all their tongues are.

Any suggestions or tips?

I remember reading somewhere that cats prefer "found" water over their water dish and this is the case with mine.

Put another dish or two in the living room or in the bathroom and see if she'll go for that. My three always drink out of their other dishes and our glasses, if left unattended ( :angry: ) instead of their dish in the kitchen...
Thanks for the tips. She eats only dry food. My family cats growing up only ate dry food, and they never had any issues. I tried giving her some once, but she wouldn't eat it. Works for me, considering the stuff makes me gag.

I have considered one of those little fountain things, but I'll try putting a dish of water in the bathroom as well, to see if she likes that.

But she seems fine, so she must be drinking enough.
Does she drink out of the toilet when you don't see her? Is there a leaky faucet anywhere that she could be slurping from? We've had both situations in the past with our kits.
I just want to say that Isabella loves the Furminator.. We tried it on her a couple of days ago and she hasn't thrown up a hairball since. She usually does it everyday. As psycho as she can get about some things, not wanting to be still long enough for us to clip her nails, or give her ointment for her eye when she gets conjunctivitis. She literally purred when we were brushing her with it.:wink:
Does she drink out of the toilet when you don't see her?

Oh, she tries so hard to get at the water in the toilet. She'll be up there with her little paw stretched as faaaaaaar as it will go, just straining to reach the water!

But she never does, so I don't think she's getting it from the toilet. ;)
Oh, she tries so hard to get at the water in the toilet. She'll be up there with her little paw stretched as faaaaaaar as it will go, just straining to reach the water!

But she never does, so I don't think she's getting it from the toilet. ;)

We have to keep the toilet lids closed, because Fergus still likes to play in them, if not drink. :lol:
isabella has mastered the leaning over the edge of the toilet seat with her front paws on the side of the bowl while drinking.. :lol:

she loves to drink out of left out water glasses or even the tub on occasion. But she mostly is good and drinks out of her water fountain..(that I know of anyways....cuz she is a sneaky lil devil)
So... my little kitten has developed this extremely loud wail. She did it all day yesterday, and is doing it again today. It's not just a miaow, it's a full-on wail, sounds almost like a dog caterwaling (or whatever) and is very loud and can be heard throughout the house. She has food, water, but we don't let her outside. She hasn't been desexed, and Dad thinks this might be the problem. He thinks she has "heat" or something, he said, any ideas?? Very annoying.
So... my little kitten has developed this extremely loud wail. She did it all day yesterday, and is doing it again today. It's not just a miaow, it's a full-on wail, sounds almost like a dog caterwaling (or whatever) and is very loud and can be heard throughout the house. She has food, water, but we don't let her outside. She hasn't been desexed, and Dad thinks this might be the problem. He thinks she has "heat" or something, he said, any ideas?? Very annoying.

Time to get her fixed. :yes:
Yeah she's about eight months apparently... I think we're doing it next week.

Meanwhile why the miaowing? Is she in pain? Out of annoyance??
She's horny and wants to mate. Whatever you do, DONT let her outside.
Uh guys. Do any of you have experience collecting a urine sample from a cat? :uhoh: The vet asked us to get this cause Miep has been peeing some blood lately. But I've no clue how to get it. :crack:
Uh guys. Do any of you have experience collecting a urine sample from a cat? :uhoh: The vet asked us to get this cause Miep has been peeing some blood lately. But I've no clue how to get it. :crack:

I THINK one way of doing it is replacing the litter in the box with corn kernels so the urine won't be absorbed. It will just pool in the bottom of the box or tray and you can collect it and dump the kernels.
Anyone have tips on having a multi-cat (i.e. more than two) cat household? I currently work for a large humane society, and this year have taken in two litters of sick foster kittens. My first litter (from April) got well quickly, and were adopted out. I took in three more at the end of August. The biggest one was spayed and adopted out in early October. My other two have had problems getting over their upper respiratory issues...and have completely stolen my heart. *sigh* Not too mention the fact that they're extremely bonded to each other and should stay in a home together. No way could I split them up!

Drew and I currently have two dogs, and two five year old brother cats. I still haven't fully decided if we'll adopt my babies...I think we're both battling over whether we should go from four animals to six animals. Plus, Toshi enjoys the kitties, but Takibi cannot stand them. He's very hissy and growly with them. Anyone else have a houseful of animals and kitties? Any tips for keeping the peace? Much appreciated....
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