2012 Golden Globes Yammering Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
She's the only thing on that show that deserves any sort of nomination. So laughable that it was nominated for best drama.

And this is coming from someone who enjoys the show!
Claire Danes for the win. (Edit: YAY!)

Oooh, Madeleine Stowe was nominated! She's awesome on Revenge.

And I love Julianna M.
It's hilarious - he plays "Matt LeBlanc," but is a total asshole. (And I'm assuming he's acting and is not actually a jerk in real life.)
if any of you get the TMC channel

look for a 1950 film called No Way Out, with a 23 year old Sidney Pottier, and you might look into his life and work.

Having him there for Freeman was an honor.
oh yeah it was. just a throwaway comment about the self-congratulatory "I'm here with a beer!" line.

I am unreasonably amused by the ATT silent treatment commercial.
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