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A rock star, lead guitarist for some band me hopes !

[This message has been edited by ACROB@T (edited 10-27-2001).]
I grew up yesterday

so I guess this is it

Shake it, shake it, shake it
oh yeah acrobutt we gotta start rehearsing!

salomey, u actually grew up?



thats just sad
Originally posted by zooropamanda:
salomey, u actually grew up?
made you watch!
made you watch!

neh, neh, neh, neh


Shake it, shake it, shake it
Peter Pans all of you!!!!!!!!!!

promise me this, at some point in your day you will do atleast one of these things..

*kiss someone u love or find a stranger to kiss
*jump on your bed and mess it up
*have a picnic in your backyard, maybe even invite some teddies
*sing as loud as u can in your car, and when stopped at the traffic lights, sing louder
*make a wish on a falling leaf
*run outside naked in the moonlight
*slide down a slippery slide
* make strawberry and passionfruit juice in a blender
*chase a puppy around in some long grass
*put on KISS make up and play vinyl records LOUD so as to make the windows shake
*forget about your car, and bum a lift from a neighbour u never talk to
*or if u live in my type of neighbourhood(with cranky pantaloonies) moon your neighbour while hes mowing the lawns
*write a love letter to a secret crush and actually mail it
*vaccuum in the nuddy while listening to Pavarotti
*hug someone you wouldnt normally hug
*let yourself REALLY get hugged
*poke your tongue out at your boss(on a weekday of course. Theres no point if they arent there to see u do it)
*jump into a bath with all your clothes on
*find someone to take them off for you hehe

time for me to swing on a star and head off to dreamyville...

goodnight from Sydneytown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proudly brought to you by Bonobubbles*
you wouldn't be giving us a run-down of your past week now would ya amanda ?

[This message has been edited by ACROB@T (edited 10-27-2001).]
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