io # in a perfect world

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Neon Zebra
Jan 4, 2003
southern nevada
i would make great decisions,
cereal would stay crunchy in milk,
and my mouse would not be sticky all the time.

Take your ball out of your mouse (she said ball. uhh huh ) and scrape the inside wheels where the ball touches.. I'm sure its caked with gunk :wink:
In a perfect world..
There would be no need to balance my checkbook (because I'd have all the money I could possibly want)
Mountain Dew Code Red would come out of my faucet
I'd have a dance floor in my house
I'd rid the world of disease and societal plagues and peace would prevail.

I would also have 10 kitty cats. :heart:

I would have 10 great friends and no trust issues.

I would eat without worry of counting calories or gaining weight.

I would have a beautiful singing voice and killer body.
in a perfect world, i would have a bad-ass sportscar that would never break down on me when i least expect it.

daisy would play outside with her friends without worry of bad people or strangers wanting to harm her.

i would be living in a small house next to the beach, with a kickass job, supporting myself and daisy.

i would never have to worry about people with bad motives.
in a perfect world, i'd kick ass in whatever i do.
i'd find the perfect girl that would light my fire.
in a perfect world, i'd find a place called home.

And you can dream,
So dream out loud
And don't let the bastards grind you down
In a Perfect World,
I would play Dwayne Wayne
in the broadway version of
A Different World.

Just to wear those glasses damnit!!!

PLEASE, never use the terms "Scrape" and "Balls" in the same sentence again....

In a perfect world, eh.....

Women would ask ME out.

Finances would not be an issue.

Are we supposed to have three? I think those two are good for now.
i have to scrape the dirt off the ball...

ok i know that didnt make any sense at all, but i had to put both words in the same sentence. just for zoney.
HelloAngel said:
I must hear more about this sticky mouse, bg. :sexywink:

chelsea likes to sit for hours playing the sims.
she also likes pb&j on crustless bread very, very much.

in a perfect world zoney would not be such a ball scraper and he would comment on the poem i wrote for him in my journal.

in a perfect world...
  • I would get paid the same amount for doing absolutely nothing as I would for actually working
  • I would have enough money so that finances were not an issue and I could buy anything I wanted
  • Nothing bad would ever happen (no wars, fighting, arguments, disease, hunger, sickness, crime, etc.)
  • I would have my dream job of being an artist and own my own company
  • I could go to a U2 concert whenever I wanted to and have a front row seat :sexywink:
in a perfect world:

- men and women wouldn't have to play these ridiculous waiting/guessing games anymore

- my dog would still be alive to lick the tears off my cheeks when i cry

- i'd have a fully stocked liquor cabinet at all times and my friends would come over (no cancellations allowed) to hang on the patio and talk long into the night
zonelistener said:
Me....grey walls, jet fuel and extremely heavy bags from asia.

dude, you work ramp?

in a perfect world, zoney is a pilot, foo fighters style, i have a key to LMPA's liquor cabinet, and cujo knows that dwayne wayne was on what's happening, not a different world.

in an ideal world there would be no depression. up the happiness level of the entire population even a couple of notches.

sleep would be a choice

chocolate and caffeine would be recognised as legitimate food groups.
bonosgirl84 said:

dude, you work ramp?

in a perfect world, zoney is a pilot, foo fighters style, i have a key to LMPA's liquor cabinet, and cujo knows that dwayne wayne was on what's happening, not a different world.


Ramp: we do it all in these little outstations! Counter, ramp, and all. And, I don't want to fly the plane. seems kinda boring.

Cujo: you'll have to forgive the young goatboy. I don't even think he was born yet when Dwayne Wayne was on TV.

zonelistener said:
Cujo: you'll have to forgive the young goatboy. I don't even think he was born yet when Dwayne Wayne was on TV.


What the hell?

You're both wrong. Do not question my obscure tv knowledge... before you challenge me, maybe watch some tv!

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