What Went Down on Oprah Yesterday

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War Child
Jun 16, 2002
Midwest, USA
I wrote this to an egroup I am on and figured I'd share it with y'all and the Zootopians too. ;) Yes I did go down to try and catch the show and by sheer dumb luck, I got in -- Another guy there had an extra ticket! Can you believe that?? And I am pretty sure I wouldn't have gotten in otherwise, because they're very strict with their rules and security at Harpo.

In short -- Yes, he looked good. He looked just like he looks on TV. Not much difference in real life. Same for Oprah. lol. We all know how amazingly gorgeous he is and I don't think I need to reitorate that for you. ;-)

He did a great job, as did Oprah. I think it will shape up to be a good hour of TV. Keep in mind when you watch it that the audience he is talking to (Oprah viewers are over 3/4 female -- mostly in their 30's, 40's or 50's) for the most part hardly know who Bono is, if at all, let alone all of the information about Africa that we as U2 fans have come to know forwards, backwards, and inside out. So yeah you're going to see all of his usual favorite phrases. How an entire continent is bursting into flames and we're all standing around with watering cans. And how our generation is going to be known for a.) the internet and b.) the africa crisis. Or how there are another potential 10 Afghanistans in Africa. Or how America actually gives .1% of our GDP to aid poor countries. Yadda yadda yadda. <g>

So anyway...

Only thing I was disappointed about was, the whole Oprah operation -- her staff wasn't as....down to earth as I expected, I guess. But it was a big day so perhaps they were just a little stressed. But I think...Well you know how most celebrities are annoyed by fans and generally try to avoid them -- and those are the kinds of celebrities that they are used to dealing with. So when we'd ask them about Bono -- where he was headed after the show, and in my case I had something I'd brought for him and wanted to know if I could give it to him -- they were not very forthcoming with info. at ALL. And they just...they were very blunt and cold about it, which was a major turn-off.

And something that struck me as odd was that they had ushers (mostly old men, lol) dressed up in dorky little suits who were actually kinda bossy with us at times, and generally rather grumpy...

And anyway....because of all the VIPs that were there to see Bono, it was all just a little too hollywoody for me. It was really pretty silly. Like Bono always says about celebrity, it is a pretty silly thing.

But FWIW, Oprah herself was great. Funny and intelligent as always. And it was cool to see two of the most powerful, wealthiest people in showbusiness up there sharing their thoughts with each other and with us. As we understood it, they (and all their VIP people) went out to lunch afterwards and -- different as these two people are -- I am sure they hit it off quite well. Two people with not just big pocketbooks, but big ideas and big hearts too. :)

The basic rundown was something like this (if i remember correctly):

Before Bono came out, on the video screen, they had a little video montage, narrated by Oprah, briefing us on Bono growing up, how U2 came to be, and how they have become relevant in our culture over the years.

The major subject was Africa. Bono explained the concept of debt cancellation to everyone, how it came about, and what the DATA organization is -- he had to make a point to explain it, because it's likely that most people in this audience weren't familiar with it -- which is the main reason he did the show. Because through Oprah he could reach an audience (mostly middle-aged women) that he doesn't normally reach. We're talking about 20 million viewers.

Throughout the show they showed clips of Bono's trip to Africa, usually right after a commercial break, or between subjects.

They talked to Secretary O'Neill as well as Chris Tucker via satellite, and briefly talked with two college students that apparently traveled with Bono (and chris, and o'neill, and that whole big gaggle of reporters, lol) around Africa. Both kids were very moved by what they saw there, and that among other things they touched upon throughout the show, was quite moving. Although I dunno if that will translate on screen. But at some point Oprah commented that you can just feel Bono's passion in the room, and just his being there was inspiring to her.

Then what followed was a lot of Q&A. I don't recall too many of the questions because I was actually busy trying to focus on how I was going to ask my question in a way that would be short and to the point. (Like Bono, I have a tendancy to go on a bit, lol.) But I never got called on anyway....Which on one hand made me feel sorta dumb because Oprah essentially manuvered around me, calling on everyone in my section who had a question BUT me, then moving on to the other section, lol...But on the other hand, looking back I feel really relieved that she didn't call on me. I wanted to connect with Bono, and I had a few things that I thought they'd want to touch on, but ultimately I am glad that I didn't draw attention to myself.

I had been thinking about raising my hand (actually the procedure is to stand to ask a question) and asking Bono for a hug. But I didn't want to be the annoying kid that steered the show off topic, so I opted to wait 'till the After Oprah part. But soon enough, a girl on the other side of the audience had been standing to ask a question, but her question was answered and she was still standing when they called on her. So she coyly asked for a hug. And Oprah was like, "Come on, girl! If you're gonna ask for a hug, ask with confidence!" And I (still standing, lol) blurted out, "Well, she's asking *Bono*! If anything, she deserves applause for her bravery!" And Bono invited her to come sit on his lap for a bit, which she did. And Oprah joked about what the girl would tell her husband about this when he sees her sitting on some other guy's lap on the Oprah show! It was a cute bit...A welcomed lighthearted moment in the midst of all the sobering statistics about Africa that Bono had rattled off, and all the sad videos that had been shown throughout the show.

As for the rest of the questions that were asked...All I can really say is there was a good variety. We had some really good, well thought-out intelligent questions, and then of course there were the ladies who just wanted to tell Bono how great he is. And man, they really buttered him up! lol.

Anyway, so um...I guess that's it, really. You're all gonna see it on Friday anyway, so...I guess anything I missed will be covered then. ::shrugs:: lol

Oh and also of note -- for those of you who have the Oxygen network there is a new show on there called "After Oprah," which they filmed immediately after the Oprah show. Basically they just left the cameras rolling while people asked him more questions, etc. And that is Friday, too, but I am not sure what time.

If you want to look for me, I'm in the center section (facing the audience, it is 2 sections to the left of where Oprah walks out from at the beginning of the show), about 4 or 5 rows up. I have shoulderlength brown hair parted down the middle. And I'm wearing a dark brown-colored blouse. I was one of about 2 people in the audience who did not dress up or have any makeup so just look for the ugliest, most sleep-deprived looking person in the audience and that's a safe bet it's me. <g>

I can't wait to see it! I am pretty sure I was in quite a few shots. (But not too many I hope! lol) I've never seen myself on TV before so it should be cool. <g> I hope I don't look like a complete loser! lol!

Wow! It's great that you got to see the taping! And thanks for the update- it sounds like the show should be pretty good. I'm sorry you didn't get to give your gift to Bono- I guess the Oprah people are used to dealing with divas and people who don't like to deal with their fans. Congrats on making it to the taping! :)
Bono Sells the Cause to Oprah's TV Audience
@U2, September 17, 2002

By Tim Cunningham for @U2, with Matt McGee

Bono the Salesman made his pitch to a new crowd today: Oprah Winfrey Show

He was the main guest on today's taping of the nationally syndicated
program, which will air this Friday, September 20th.

He told the in-studio audience that he had come on the show to sell the idea
of helping Africa to the American public -- that he needs voters to pressure
the government to dedicate more funds to the cause, and that the Oprah
Winfrey Show represents one of the largest audiences of women aged 25-50
that can be addressed at one time. He admitted to being nervous, even
claiming to have vomited backstage before the show.

@U2 has this recap of the show from fellow U2 fan Tim Cunningham, who was in
the audience today to take it all in.

There is the Bono that is most well known, the Bono who smiles coyly at
20,000 people screaming his name; then there is the Bono that some people
expect there to be, but never really get to see. That is the Bono I saw

I was lucky enough to know someone who knows someone at the Oprah show who
invited me to the taping which took place at Oprah's Westside of Chicago
studios today. We arrived at 10 a.m. to flashbacks of Elevation Tour GA
lines as there were already 100 people in line. The vast majority of them
were Oprah's target audience, many of whom had no idea about the topic of
the show, but a good handful of the 300 were U2 fans.

You could tell that all of Oprah's people were REALLY excited about the
guest as the various producers who spoke to the audience were as much in
shock about it as the audience. They intially brought four people on stage
to see who was 3?42@biggest Bono fan, so they asked who knew Bono's birth
name, the original names of U2, how many studio albums U2 have released, so
on and so forth. They all got Oprah t-shirts.

Just prior to Oprah coming on stage, Bobby Shriver sat down in the second
row. [@U2 note: Bobby Shriver is the son of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. He's a
friend of Bono's who helped Bono gain access inside Washington, DC, to lobby
for his Drop the Debt and African HIV/AIDS relief campaigns.]

Then Oprah came out and she, too, looked really pumped, even pointing out
that you had to know someone to get a ticket to the taping. She was all
happy until her teleprompter broke soon after arriving onstage.

Finally after that was fixed they showed a montage of clips set to U2 music
with Oprah narrating over it. She then introduced Bono who walked out in a
nice looking (read: professional) suit.

Oprah then introduced another video montage of Bono's life from childhood to
the present.

The typical talk show banter focused on Bono's humanitarian work. Chris
Tucker was beamed in live via satelite to discuss his feelings on traveling
to Africa with Bono, then Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill was beamed in to
give his thoughts on Bono. Two college students who had done work down in
Africa when Bono, Tucker, and O'Neill were visiting were in the studio and
were asked to give their reflections on the crisis in Africa.

The regular Oprah show ended at that point. But there is a new feature this
season which they called "After the Show" which will be airing on the Oxygen
TV network sometime on Friday. This 30 minute segment was made up of a
question and answer between Bono and the audience. [@U2 note: According to
Oprah.com, "After the Show" airs at 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. ET weeknights.]

The show ended with Bono giving Oprah his blue shades and Oprah kissing his
cheek, leaving a lipstick stain.

Sitting there in the audience, I saw several things I never really saw
before. Bono walked out in front of 300 people and was genuinely nervous.
For the first two segments he seemed to constantly bite his thumb and during
commercial breaks he asked Oprah if everything was going alright. He got up
during the commercial breaks to say hello to the college missionaries in the
audience as well as to ask the audience "is there anything I should be
talking about that I haven't?" I thought it was very humble of him to ask
the audience if he was doing a good enough job.

Throughout the taping I realized just how passionate Bono is about the
cause. Most of the interviews that have been done about this are short,
edited versions that don't reveal all that much, but this interview showed
just how much devotion he had to making a difference in Africa.

After the show there were a few people waiting outside the exit of the Harpo
Studios garage, and eventually Bono emerged in a black towncar. He got out
of the car to tell the crowd that he couldn't stay as he had to go do more
work. He then said something to the effect of "hopefully this will all work
out and the people won't be burning an effigy of me in the streets." He got
back in the car and drove off.

Sure there are plenty of details that have been left out but that can all be
seen on the show when it is aired this Friday the 20th.

Special thanks to Meghan Patke for getting me the tickets.

And special thanks to Tim for sharing his recap of what happened today and
what we can expect to see on Friday's show(s)!

? @U2/Cunningham, 2002.

Matt McGee / matt@atu2.com

Thanks for letting us who were'nt there. feel like we were....good story...lucky girl !!!
Thanks for the recount!! It will make it ineteresting to watch on Friday.
If the title of this thread were a question, the answer would have had to have been "a blind man".:lmao:

But seriously...great experience Dot.
now now Hewson..I was going to say something like..I hope , not Oprah...sorry

Dot, that was so beautifully written. Almost as good as being there. The instinting effort of that man....well it moves me in mysterious ways....and I like that.
"two people....with big ideas and big hearts..."
:heart: :heart:

Made me day, person with excellent handle..
pale blue dot
Thank U
What I saw there

Hi, I'm Tim and was fortunate enough to be in the audience for the Oprah taping, my review was already posted on this thread as it appeared via atu2.com.
Somethings I didn't mention in the original was that the video montages seemed to draw from all of U2's albums for background music, but JT was represented more then any other, I recall hearing streets, still haven't found, wowy, rtss, god's country, one tree hill, exit and MOTD.
The interview that was mixed into the montage was taken directly from the 2001 CNN people in the news special, so nothing really new there.
You could tell that Bono was marketing his arguements to better suit the middle aged female audience. Waiting in line it was funny as a lot of the people had no idea who the guest was and several times I heard that "bow-no" was the guest. What I found interesting though was that almost all the women in the audience were nodding in agreement with what Bono said.
Whats that line from Flannagan's book, Bono can be talking to a prositute at night and the next morning be at a meeting of important buisness people and not only be interested in both, but keep their interests?
What else what else? I can't remember. I know that security was really tight, I still managed to smuggle a sharpie and Bono's cheat sheet for his Streets psalm that I got at one of the Chicago shows, but the situation never seemed approriate to ask for an autograph, I didn't want to be the lunatic fan that makes an ass out of him/herself.
So that's about that, after the show is aired on Friday, I'll go back and put in all the stuff I can recall that didn't make the edit.
awesome! I can't wait to see it :)

I just sent an email to my Mom telling her to tape it for me. I don't have VCR at school. :( But I can't wait to see it!!! :happy:
<<Whats that line from Flannagan's book, Bono can be talking to a prositute at night and the next morning be at a meeting of important buisness people and not only be interested in both, but keep their interests?>>

Actually, it was that (paraphrasing) Bono could be talking to some nobody on the street one minute and hanging out with some of the most powerful people in the music industry the next -- and be equally as genuinely interested in both people. Interesting that you mention that, because if I had had the chance to say something on the show about him, that is one of the things I was going to say. What amazes me about him is his sheer capacity for love -- giving and recieving. I love to say that the only heart bigger than than the one he walks on is the one that beats inside his chest.

But on the other hand, we weren't there to tell Bono how great he is -- that is obvious enough. We were there to raise awareness about Africa. And I am glad that that is what they spent 95% of their time doing.

Thanks so much, dot and Tim. It's nice to get a little preview of the show. And Tim, it's great to see you on interference!! (I'm Brianne, sporadic U2-Midwester and friend of Gina.)

How much would I give to have a nice, long conversation with Bono? A lot. :)
Dot and Tim - Thanks for the great detailed stories! I loved reading them!
So, I just called my cable station and they say that in San Jose we DO NOT have the Oxygen channel, so I guess I will not see the after-show.....
If anyone coud tape it, maybe we could set up a trade for the after-show.....I have lots of Elevation videos I would be happy to trade!!!
Let me know if you get Oxygen and are interested in a trade!
oh my bono. :love:

whoa he makes my heart stop. to think that a person exists who is so beautiful inside and out.

edit: and oprah wears the shades well, too! lol
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