Face it America, Oasis are Coming

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Noel said in the new NME that he wrote a new song called "The Importance Of Being Idle" and that its a lot like The La's..

Cool. :)
I love Oasis. Saw them live once and they are techincally boring live but its part of their "philosphy." But its a testament of their music, that fans are able to look past their lack of stage antics.

I find it funny that America was so turned off by their loutishness and arrogance. Its a shame that people let image get in the way of enjoying music. That is my impression/ opinion on why they haven't been able to hit it "really" big in the US. However, IMO if not for that same behaviour, I don't think Oasis would have hit it big in the UK (huge rock deity-like proportions). I mean the more arrogant and controversial they were, the more press they got in the UK (during their prime) and I think the more the Brit fans ate it up.

I used to be annoyed by them and turned of by the arrogance back in 96-97, but I gave them a second chance with Be Here Now and Morning Glory. Then I re-listened to Definitely, Maybe. The scales fell from my eyes and I have been a fan since.

Oasis captured that moment, that sort of "it" thing in Britain, sort of how Nirvana did in the USA. Right group of songs, with the right personalities, at the right time IMO.

I also loved their fighting and drama. The fights within interviews were funny as hell and endearing. It was a breath of fresh air to all that grunge and seriousness. Also the desire to be big and not reject fame/ mainstream acceptance was also another big breath of fresh air. I really dislike the indie mentality.

Can't wait for the new album and I liked Heathen Chemistry. For me, it was a better album than SOTSOG.

Also, the knock on them being a Beatles cover band is overrated and a little far off. The Beatles only wish they could be that loud and obnoxious in their music.
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I agree, Flying FuManchu. I find them to be absolutely hilarious and think their interviews especially, are funny as hell and yes, even endearing. Their interviews often leave me in tears from laughing, I can't complain about that. :wink: Some of the interviews and videos are absurd... okay, maybe I have a weird sense of humor... :p :lol:

I'm a big indie fan and don't mind the mentality so much, but their attitudes and honesty about wanting to be so big are a breath of fresh air. :shrug:

Even if their attitudes turned me off, that wouldn't stop me from listening to their music.
when I was young I thought I had my own key
I knew exactly what I wanted to be
Now I'm sure you've boarded up every door
I'll paint you a picture
'cause I don't think you live 'round here no more
You've never even seen the key to the door
we only get what we will settle for

While we're living, the dreams we had as children fade away

GOD I love Oasis. Yes, the first 2 albums are much better than BHN and especially SOTSOG, but I thought Heathen Chemistry put them right back up there.

And "Slide Away is just so... :drool:
They certainly had flashes of brilliance, but never quite put them together to form anything magnificent overall.
Oasis are just a third rate Beatles tribute band and I find the praise lavished on them by the music press quite baffling.

Oh all right, I'll be nice. They're a second rate Beatles tribute band.
I have Definitely Maybe and (What's the Story) Morning Glory, they are a talented band, I like them but I don't love them. I really like many bands before them.
sentimental songs such as champagne supernova and wonderwall only appeal to me for thinking back to junior high days, but otherwise, i think they're pretty lame.

i'm glad they didn't break out too far, and never will.
Damn this is an old discussion.

They're always fun to listen to. Granted, it's not necessarily the most spiritually deep music out there, but I always think all the stick they get is undeserved.

There are better bands out there, but there are also worse.
I do like Oasis...but they need to be taken down a peg or two.

I can remember seeing them doing a show in a little club in Providence. It was great until Liam had a shoe thrown at him and it clonked him right in the head....that was the end of the show. He did come back out onstage to tell us Americans we were shit. :shrug: I still listen to 'em though. :lol:

Good story. :huh:
On their last few albums there are 2 or 3 fantastic tracks.Put them all together and you would have a superb album.The only problem is that there is also alot of shite on each album.Atleast Noel can still write a good song,its just that they seem to stretch over alot of albums.
U2_Muse said:

They have had some really great songs, but they've never seemed consistently good.

I loved Definitely Maybe. So much raw energy: I've always thought of it as the sound of a band discovering who they were. I was 18 and just discovering who I was when it came out, so it was one of those "Soundtrack For Your Life" things - a really corny phrase, but I can't think of any better way to put it.

I'll never forget Noel's comments on how to be successful in the music "industry": "You pick up your guitar, rip a few people's tunes off - preferably dead, so they can't sue you - swap them around a bit, get your brother in the band, punch his head in every now and again, and it sells." Highly amusing and also true in this case! :)

Their arrogance used to SERIOUSLY piss me off though. That was until I read a comment by Liam, banging on about the Bible:

"I'll tell you about the bible-there's no pictures in it. How can you buzz off a book, right, without no pictures in it? You've got to have one picture floating about. If there ain't no pictures in a book, you can fuck right off! I want to see Jesus getting off his tits and smashing the stalls up. I want to see Jesus walking on wine...or whatever, walking across water going, 'Waaahhyy, I'm a geezer.' But there's no pictures to prove it. So fuck right off. There's no pictures to prove that Jesus turned water into wine, I know he did and I know he's a geezer, but a book without pictures is a shit book."

I found that really funny... it was at that point that I thought, all this arrogance is a show: no-one can be that daft!
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Zoomerang96 said:
sentimental songs such as champagne supernova and wonderwall only appeal to me for thinking back to junior high days, but otherwise, i think they're pretty lame.

i'm glad they didn't break out too far, and never will.

You could put Oasis's best 20 or so songs against Radiohead and they'd absolutely piss all over them... and "didn't break out too far"??? They've sold the best part of 40million albums! which is roughly 4 times what Radiohead have sold.

I reserve my right to like both Oasis and Radiohead.

The thing is Oasis fans (the beer-swilling, Manchester City-supporting types who like to say 'fook', even if they're from New Zealand) think Radiohead make pansy, difficult music that's impossible to like 'because it ain't got no proper tunes, innit?'

And Radiohead fans (by this I mean the annoying half of atease) think Oasis are crap because they make extremely simple songs and that because they don't list Miles Davis and Autechre as influences, they're utter shit.
yertle-the-turtle said:

I reserve my right to like both Oasis and Radiohead.

The thing is Oasis fans (the beer-swilling, Manchester City-supporting types who like to say 'fook', even if they're from New Zealand) think Radiohead make pansy, difficult music that's impossible to like 'because it ain't got no proper tunes, innit?'

And Radiohead fans (by this I mean the annoying half of atease) think Oasis are crap because they make extremely simple songs and that because they don't list Miles Davis and Autechre as influences, they're utter shit.

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