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War Child
Sep 19, 2001
outside the Quick Stop
My big brother and his wife are having a BABY!!! :dance: :cute: They emailed us pictures of them gathered around the pregnancy test. haha. Only my brother. If it's a girl its gonna be named Madeline and if it's a boy its gonna be named Joshua (which I tried to convice them that it should be named Joshua Tree but I dont think they went for that) Now I really need to go home, but we are going to my cousin's wedding in July when the baby is due so that works out...kinda :(
DML said:
if it's a boy its gonna be named Joshua (which I tried to convice them that it should be named Joshua Tree but I dont think they went for that


I guess that can always be your little nickname for him. :p
achtung baby, come here and eat your veggies!!

DML said:
I tried to convice them that it should be named Joshua Tree but I dont think they went for that

better than "achtung baby"

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