Wide Awake in Europe Discussion only NO REQUESTS Thread

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phoenixcoyote @ yahoo.com

Thank you! I already have the LP being shipped to me, but I don't have a turntable, so it'll be great to have the mp3's to listen to at least.
Someone just told me they got a "temporarily unavailable," so it might be busy at the moment. Shocking!

Keep trying. If people keep getting that message, I can try and put them on another site.
I can't believe you guys are ragging on oldmanfly so much. Remember, these are only music EPs. Sure, what he did may have been a little sketchy, but it's nothing to go tits up about.

This post is the most reasonable, mature and accemptional response so far.
There still is hope for this forum yet. Agreed, there are a lot more important things going on the world than a record. But when some folk are in their own world being on u2 forums all the time, engrossed to know every move the band makes...well, what goes on in the real world isn't interesting.

I have never had any wish, want or desire to be a part of Interence's Forum. Why? Because of the ill reputation that this forum has in the u2 community. Why do I say that? From comments of opinions from other fans that were on this site at one point. These comments are a tip of the iceberg from what I've heard in the past;

" don't ever post anything you might not be 100% sure on there. if you do, they will crucify you for it because they have the attitude of u2 know alls. the thing is...they're not!"

"that site is full of bullying and the moderation is non exsistant"

"if there was ever such a group of self entitled fans who whine and cry over stupid shit, they're on Interference."

"most fans on Interference are post 2004 i-pod tribute generation morons"

"never thought I'd see the day fans fighting with other fans over Bono's children's names"

"can understand bootlegs, but can't believe they openly share official u2 material on that site"
(this is true. just saw superyo blatantly post he's got the leak, PM might find an interest in that it being official material. Can't even be discreet about sharing it thru pm's. Superyo is the uber cool pirate, he's got to post it to show he's the first kid on his interference block.
There is a u2 site dedicated to posting mp3's OOP material and live recordings. Official material is a no-no. just sayin')

I hope some of you are happy with fellow fans opinions of you. I saw the posts from the guy in UK I know who was actualy speaking proper english gets himself flamed in less than three minutes for it. Or the fan that is from u2.com you call a "spy" and tell that person to leave. Who do you ppl think you are? Seriously?

I was googling the WAIE cover art for a screensaver and came upon this thread hoping to find one. Then I saw my ebay link posted with dirogatory comments by Utoo. First and formost, ebay is about privacy and yes, I know you can copy the link and share it. That's where u2.com is more classy in not allowing ebay links to respect the privacy. A complaint has been made by me to ebay in regards to this PUBLIC forum and will be in touch with this sites admin to rectify it..

To be called a douchebag, ass and jerk is imo, and anyone
else in that situation is considered drawing first blood.
I didn't come in here to harrasss any of you. I came here to explain myself, with facts, nothing more, nothing less. I didn't come in here to post how "boasting about being an awesome guy to do things for us" or "post about being proud of myself" by "ripping off u2 fans" because I'm "money hungry". I certainly had no wish to make friends or "admirers" on Interference.
The part that makes me laugh the most is that you all don't give a shit about the 8 other happy fans I looked out for! They care! Instead your main focus was that one copy I'm selling on ebay to test the market and provide a little extra money to buy my kids xmas gifts. The second part is actualy my main intent in this economy, but at first, didn't want to bring that part into a insensitive forum. I don't mind saying this now. I hope you feel great about that. You don't know anyone's situation for there actions.

But you all chose to vent the forums frustration on how this EP release was handled from sellers on ebay, store sellers letting ppl buy as many copies and before the release date, preorders cancelled, u2.com not giving it first to that clubs members here. Why should they with the way you talk about how crappy it is? But as a member, you're entitled. I as a member, agree to a certain point. I agree, that u2.com doesn't do much for their members and in not doing so, U2 is losing it's relationship to it's loyal fans due to LN. I was the target for the babies.
I'm not at fault for any of this and like I said before, given the chance of oppurtunity and affordability, you would do the same. Because let's be honest here, you can have all the u2 moral fiber you want, but bottom line, you look out for yourself first and foremost. It's human nature being in the society we live in these days. Anyone who disagrees with this is a serious hypocrite.

From here you might want to copy and paste this next part just on a small chance, gets deleted. That way you can talk more about me thru pm's on giving some of you a taste of your own medicine..

To this Galeonbroad who was very harsh towards me with the quotes I already posted, I'd like to say, don't ever compare yourself to me either. I've been a U2 fan long before your daddy got an itch in his crotch. You can take your high horse u2 moral fiber ass and tickle your twat with it. Just shut that hole in your face while doing so!

To Corianderstam, although congenial, you have no back bone what so ever. You're a fence sitter that has no opinion because you and Galeoncunt are the u2 forums lifers with no life and no interest in the real world. You just want to know Bono's earlobe size and be able to be friends with everyone. I saw you on this site, @u2 ALL day and ALL night yesterday. So it's true.
Your quote, "To be fair, I don't blame him for coming in to respond to being called a "douchebag." followed by "But to be proud of the fact that you're making a profit off other fans, whether it's by scalping tickets or whatever, is not going to win you any admirers." is hypocritical to a certain extent. Either that, or you're a complete ditz! I tend to choose the latter.
Don't think you and Galeonsnatchface can twist things around. Unlike myself, anyone with a low amount of intelligence can see right thru you.
I saw it right off the bat.

To Danny Boy and BVS, there's a independant record store called Cutlers Music in New Haven who happened to put up for sale the first physical copy on ebay. Why don't u2 grow some balls, call him, and give him the same shit about store sellers that you posted in here. His name is Phil, and he will tell you to go shit in your know it all, be all hats.

Roland of Gilead, I've seen your requests for mp3s on u2.com and you have been obliged..BY ME! For someone to be okay with piracy and according to Utoo, is no different than scalping and selling on ebay, imo, is an oxymoron. You're a hypocrite ..

Lastly, to Utoo who created this hyperbole by posting ebay links, you just might have been a positive as ebay gets in touch with the admin here.
I don't think you'll be able to post more ebay links in the future.
You also are a giant pussy to hide behind a keyboard and say whatever you want about a person who you do not know, do not know the situations intent and facts when you wouldn't have the balls to say it it to that person's face. Look at the picture of the EP, I sincerely hope that's as close as you get to it. With that being said FUCK YOUTOO!

Ah, the power of the internet making more idiots one day at a time.

So how's it feel to be slagged and attacked kids? Piss you off?
What goes around comes around! I sincerely hope and expect to be banned which is fine by me.. But maybe, just maybe, the moderator might let this post sit so you can take a good look at how you conduct yourselves and how you're looked at by the u2 community.
And you call yourself u2 fans! ppfftt You haven't a fooking clue!

As I roll on out of this shithole dump of a site, to those mentioned, kiss my ass and lick my teabags!

Love peace or else jerkoffs and have a sparkling Thanksgiving.
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