Who has 3 new albums coming out in 2005?

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what's that sound i hear? sounds like a vacuum. sucking money out of its fan's wallets.

i don't care what people say, usually when a band releases multiple albums in the same year, only one of two (can't think of any examples of 3 off the top of my head) is any good. the other is simply mediocre.

now, i don't know when the last time mr. adams released an album, and maybe he has a perfectly legit reason for doing it this way (other than $$$)...but he better have a host of good material stored up.

i guess the beatles released more than 1 in a year in one or two cases, but since they're the beatles they defy being an example.
That's awesome.

I think the reason is one album is a rock album similar to 'Rock N Roll'.

The other is him solo probably in the vein of 'Love is Hell'.

The third is a double album he recorded with the band "The Cardinals".

So all three are completely different albums.
I've read that Sheryl Crow has 2 albums of new material coming out this year.
It's not really surprsing with Ryan. The guy writes so much music he may have already caught up with half of Dylan's catalog. (Ok, hyperbole, but still). I'm looking forward to all three. So long as they're staggered releases. And good. (Last 2 were excellent, so here's hopin')
Awesome!!!!!!! I can't wait

Love Is Hell and Rock N'Roll were both released at the same time, two completely different albums, yet both were among my favorites for the year

Wasn't Ryan originally planning on releasing a boxset entitled, "Career Killer" ? These three albums could just be what he originally intended to be on the boxset, broken up into three albums
I quite enjoyed Rock N Roll, and I've had Love Is Hell on my list for a long time. I'll be keeping an eye out for these new ones.
I don't think so.

Oh my gosh...I can't wait...this is incredible!

Non-Ryan freaks are probably gonna have a field day with how over the top it is to have three releases, especially with one of them being a double album. But Ryan always catches shit for what he does, so he might as well do what he wants.
IWasBored said:

what's that sound i hear? sounds like a vacuum. sucking money out of its fan's wallets.

i don't care what people say, usually when a band releases multiple albums in the same year, only one of two (can't think of any examples of 3 off the top of my head) is any good. the other is simply mediocre.

now, i don't know when the last time mr. adams released an album, and maybe he has a perfectly legit reason for doing it this way (other than $$$)...but he better have a host of good material stored up.

i guess the beatles released more than 1 in a year in one or two cases, but since they're the beatles they defy being an example.

I still haven't really got into any of Ryan Adams music
A street teamer has said that these are the release dates:

Cold Roses - 4/19
Jacksonville - 7/19
29 - 11/1
Ryan Adams has been really, really, really hit-or-miss since Gold, so I really, really, really wish he'd just make one big, good album again, but at least we're likely to get an album of good material out of all this. I mean, statistically, it can't all suck, if he's at all trying.
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i like rock n roll.

i like the stuff BC put on the mix she made for me.

that's really all i've heard, though.

oh, and the one with the radio on the cover. demolition? didn't like much of that.

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