2023 NFL Playoff Pick Em - Demolish the Dual Dynasty

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
14 Bengals

13 Bills

12 Chiefs

11 49ers

10 Eagles

9 Cowboys

8 Vikings

7 Bucs

6 Chargers

5 Jaguars

4 Seahawks

3 Giants

2 Ravens

1 Dolphins

Tiebreaker - 69
Sorry all
standings after wild card:

Jerry Dunk - 61
Hewson - 59
mikal - 58
DaveC - 58
phanan - 56
Headache in a Suitcase - 55
LuckyNumber7 - 55
PennyLanePHINS - 53
GirlsAloudFan - 52
iron yuppie - 50
U2inUtah - 50
standings after divisional round:

Jerry Dunk - 107
Hewson - 106
DaveC - 105
mikal - 104
phanan - 102
LuckyNumber7 - 102
PennyLanePHINS - 102
Headache in a Suitcase - 101
iron yuppie - 100
U2inUtah - 98
GirlsAloudFan - 98
here are the 3 possible remaining outcomes:

PHI wins SB: DaveC
KC wins SB: DaveC
CIN wins SB: Hewson
standings after championship round:

DaveC - 131
Jerry Dunk - 130
Hewson - 126
mikal - 126
PennyLanePHINS - 126
iron yuppie - 126
U2inUtah - 125
phanan - 124
LuckyNumber7 - 124
Headache in a Suitcase - 123
GirlsAloudFan - 121

i won, losers :cool:
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