Where´s the rock and roll?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Jun 8, 2004
Anyone noticed how the last shows have become mellow?

On the Auckland and Tokyo shows, I´ve counted 6 U2 rockers (no, I´m not counting The Saints are Coming; it ain´t a U2 song and it sucks):

I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet the Blue Sky
The Fly

Throwing out Zoo Station and Love and Peace or Else was an unbelievably bad decision and this is the result.

Just check out the opening San Diego show:

The Electric Co.
An Cat Dubh
New Year´s Day
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet the Blue Sky
Zoo Station
The Fly
All Because of You

Half of the set was rocking and now the setlists are reduced almost to a stereotype (One Tree Hill saves the day). A mellow stereotype, to make it worse.

I´m not going to start how rocking the ZooTV and Popmart sets were. Hopes fade away for a future rock and roll album...
I could care less. Radiohead, PJ, any of my other favorite bands; I could listen to a whole concert of their rockers or a completely mellow set, good live music is good live music...
djerdap said:
Anyone noticed how the last shows have become mellow?..."

Yes, it's true. I'm going to Hawaii and I would love to see Love & Peace but specially Zoo Station. I've seen them in arenas but I want to see those songs played in a stadium. Love the new additions but man... those songs make the show rockin'! Let's hope they bring them back.

djerdap said:
On the Auckland and Tokyo shows, I´ve counted 6 U2 rockers (no, I´m not counting The Saints are Coming; it ain´t a U2 song and it sucks):

Oh ok, piss off. The Saints are Coming rocked out Auckland. 7.

Love and Peace was played Auckland 1. 8.

Mysterious Ways rocked. 9 (sort of).

Go to these shows and bitch about the setlist. How would you know if these shows are mellow? I'll have you know that every song in Auckland (bar Miss Sarajevo) rocked.

A sterotype. Sod off, some of us like these songs.

Go compile your own perfect setlist from bootleg recordings to reduce complaining.
coolian2 said:
I have the horrible feeling the setlist geeks are about to descent on me and give me seven shades of shit....
LOL quick get into your shelter at once ;)
I'm so shocked love and peace or else has been dropped - it works SO well live, plus you can't say it has been overused when it has only been used on this tour. Bring back LAPOE!
partygirlvox said:
I'm so shocked love and peace or else has been dropped - it works SO well live, plus you can't say it has been overused when it has only been used on this tour. Bring back LAPOE!

Love and Peace was actually a favorite part of the show for me, Bono on the :bonodrum: that was wild!
Sure, The Saints Are Coming may be a cover and isn't the greatest song in history, but it's better than having to hear ABOY.

And it's funny that An Cat Dubh is mentioned as a rocker despite the fact that I feel Beautiful Day rocks harder. Though I know which I'd rather hear, and it's not the one from ATYCLB.

And like a couple of others have said, good music is good music. I'd rather hear something gorgeous like Miss Sarajevo than a shitty rendition of Elevation (like at the tour's opening gig).
djerdap said:
Anyone noticed how the last shows have become mellow?

On the Auckland and Tokyo shows, I´ve counted 6 U2 rockers (no, I´m not counting The Saints are Coming; it ain´t a U2 song and it sucks):

I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet the Blue Sky
The Fly

Throwing out Zoo Station and Love and Peace or Else was an unbelievably bad decision and this is the result.

Just check out the opening San Diego show:

The Electric Co.
An Cat Dubh
New Year´s Day
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet the Blue Sky
Zoo Station
The Fly
All Because of You


you forgot City Of Blinding Lights and Until The End Of The World.. they are great rock songs live oh and streets too :D
Re: Re: Where´s the rock and roll?

coolian2 said:

Oh ok, piss off. The Saints are Coming rocked out Auckland. 7.

Love and Peace was played Auckland 1. 8.

Mysterious Ways rocked. 9 (sort of).

Go to these shows and bitch about the setlist. How would you know if these shows are mellow? I'll have you know that every song in Auckland (bar Miss Sarajevo) rocked.

A sterotype. Sod off, some of us like these songs.

Go compile your own perfect setlist from bootleg recordings to reduce complaining.

It makes me laugh when I see people being so rude and upset ("piss off", "sod off") over someone else´s opinion.

Of course some of us have different opinions about what is a rock song and what is not. City of Blinding Lights and Beautiful Day IMO are definitely not and An Cat Dubh features a great solo and drumbeat. So, of course there will be totally different perspectives on this.

Streets and COBL are more like classic U2 hymns, and Until the End of the World wasn´t featured at Auckland II and Tokyo I.
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Mirrorball Man said:
I remember Twickenham 2 - Electric Co, Wild Horses and (sniff) Zoo Station (sniff) - now defunct :sad: I was happy just being on the same planet that it was being played on!

Those 3 songs on the tour made the most impression on me as well

I thought Electric Co. was the song of the tour
partygirlvox said:
I'm so shocked love and peace or else has been dropped - it works SO well live, plus you can't say it has been overused when it has only been used on this tour. Bring back LAPOE!

I agree... I'd be interested in knowing their reason for dropping it.

Bit I think it was worth the sacrifice in order to get Desire/AOH/One Tree Hill into the setlist this time 'round.
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partygirlvox said:
I'm so shocked love and peace or else has been dropped - it works SO well live, plus you can't say it has been overused when it has only been used on this tour. Bring back LAPOE!

If it was up to me , but it isn`t:wink:
I keep LAPOE and drop Pride:madspit:
They could play the Human Rights Video over the intro of Streets.
Bono can say anything about africa and all would be swell.

Not a bad trade come to think of it : Pride:madspit: for LAPOE.

Cheers ,


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