
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
LOL. It's the happening party

Stories 4 Boys - you've never heard the joke about the blind man and the fish market?

SIZE=1]edited[/SIZE] nevermind.[
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notiti said:
Can I get a geisha martini over there. Thanks.

shaken or stirred?

How about a tall glass of water... for a tall glass of water :sexywink:?
Hmmm... ouizy is quite the super contender now... though too bad his efforts will be lost on bear. As he is not a premium member.

You're Number One in my books.
The jig is up.

well, as far as I can see, as far as the dice may roll
It makes no sense to me, and onward I shall roll...

Mr. Pussy cast your lot, You are the world to me
and onward I shall roll, you are my history...:der:
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Wheee! I'm finally in the house of debauchery and mayhem you people like to call "Mr. Pussy's". Chaos and havoc are sure to follow. Stay tuned! :wink:
4 months later........

I really don't know what to post in here, I've always considered myself sacrosanct....

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