U2 at Dem Convention ?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jun 22, 2004
Polish-American Stronghold PA
This rumor doesn't sound very credible. Bono goes out of his way to not be partisan in his efforts to gain AIDS funding in the U.S. Congress. I don't think he will jeopardize those efforts by favoring one convention over the other.
The Sage said:
Where does this rumor come from?

One of our readers/posters heard a Boston radio station (WAAF) remark that U2 was going to show at the DNC. Beyond that and what is stated in the news blurb, we don't know anything else. We contacted the radio station to see what was up and all they did was cite "U2's love for Boston" as a reason so far, and indicated they were still working on the story themselves.

Personally, I think the story is far-fetched, but I decided to report on the rumor because it was interesting enough.
note from another Bostonian...
AAF is well known to be full of crap...
on just about everything...
they are ClearChannel-corporate-owned-radio and frequently uses misogynistic hateful terms and outright bigotry to up its "popularity" with its target audience - Limp Bizkit-listening 19-22 year old white guys. These guys wouldn't know U2 if Edge walked into their studio and played Streets.

If you want real U2 news listen to Keith Dakin on WFNX 101.7 or 92.1.
Ya actually the radio station was first to clarify no they did not have any sort of confirmation but they were looking into it..

I think it was on the radio stations part a case of thinking U2 has an affection for Boston and we heard someone mention this so it makes sense that they would play it.

For all we know it could have been someone mentioning they were going to play a recording of Beautiful Day at the convention and through broken telephone it was twisted into this as U2 performing and the rumour broke out..

But ya far fetched I would say still an interesting note though as for it being Bullshit well that's what all rumours are and they will continue to get better and better .. we do our best to find out if it's fact or fiction and let you know either way
Katey said:

For all we know it could have been someone mentioning they were going to play a recording of Beautiful Day at the convention and through broken telephone it was twisted into this as U2 performing and the rumour broke out..

That's what I was thinking. I know Kerry has used Beautiful Day as he makes an entrance at a campaign stop. But you guys probably already knew that. ;)
neutral said:
I know Kerry has used Beautiful Day as he makes an entrance at a campaign stop. But you guys probably already knew that. ;)

To me, that is the same as an endorsement of Kerry:| Look, how many times have people tried to use songs and the artist made them stop, saying they didn't want their song associated with the candidate because they didn't support them? So, since U2 hasn't said a word, or might even have approved this, I take it they are not upset about it, even happy about it, and therefore are supporting Kerry's campaign! :|

I am unhappy with this for 2 reasons:

1. As many of you have said on the thread on the news forum, it is best for Bono not to play partisan politics because no matter who wins, he will need their support for his AIDS battle! Suppose Bush wins, and knowing Bush was for Kerry, he might not be so friendly to let him in the White House next time. Bono has done an excellent job worming his way into Washington and I don't want that to change. It's too important to his cause!

Even if they haven't officially given their permission, their silence allows him to continue using it, which to me is the SAME AS AN ENDORSEMENT! :down:

2. U2 was so upset by the idea of one of their songs being used in a car commercial, they rejected a $23,000,000 bid! They said their music was too special to them and their fans to have it associated with commericals! Yet, they go and allow a politician to use it?? :confused: I would much rather see my song connected with a car flying down the highway, or through mountainous terrain, on a happy joy ride than to be associated with a politician, and all the negative things that come to mind with politics!
I havent heard Kerry use it since the primaries but I guess we won't know, I would be dissapointed if U2 allowed him to continue using it or didn't allow the Republicans or Independents to use U2 songs.
Republicans will use "Until the End of the World" at their convention.

Sorry, it was there and I couldn't resist.
U2Kitten said:

To me, that is the same as an endorsement of Kerry:| Look, how many times have people tried to use songs and the artist made them stop, saying they didn't want their song associated with the candidate because they didn't support them? So, since U2 hasn't said a word, or might even have approved this, I take it they are not upset about it, even happy about it, and therefore are supporting Kerry's campaign! :|

I am unhappy with this for 2 reasons:

1. As many of you have said on the thread on the news forum, it is best for Bono not to play partisan politics because no matter who wins, he will need their support for his AIDS battle! Suppose Bush wins, and knowing Bush was for Kerry, he might not be so friendly to let him in the White House next time. Bono has done an excellent job worming his way into Washington and I don't want that to change. It's too important to his cause!

Even if they haven't officially given their permission, their silence allows him to continue using it, which to me is the SAME AS AN ENDORSEMENT! :down:

2. U2 was so upset by the idea of one of their songs being used in a car commercial, they rejected a $23,000,000 bid! They said their music was too special to them and their fans to have it associated with commericals! Yet, they go and allow a politician to use it?? :confused: I would much rather see my song connected with a car flying down the highway, or through mountainous terrain, on a happy joy ride than to be associated with a politician, and all the negative things that come to mind with politics!

Politicians don't have to ask for permission. They are not using them for commericials or anything else, there are no licensing issues involved at all. The only time musicians ask politicians ask to not use their songs is when they absolutely oppose this persons politics. i.e. when Bruce asked Reagan to stop using Born in the USA. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSMENT OF ANY KIND.

And here are the reasons it would be bad for U2 to ask Kerry not to use the song.

1. It's introducing the song to people who may not be U2 fans, to an audience that would have no negative connections. People at Kerry rallys are probably Kerry fans therefore there isn't the stigma of attaching something negative. And face it even though U2 don't play partisan, we all know they don't absolutelty disagree with the Democratic party.

2. If they asked to remove the song you may burn those bridges to a future president.

3. Bush is not informed enough or even intelligent enough to know it's a U2 song, therefore there's no risk of burning bridges. Even if he did know it's their song, he really should be worrying about other matters.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

Politicians don't have to ask for permission. They are not using them for commericials or anything else, there are no licensing issues involved at all. The only time musicians ask politicians ask to not use their songs is when they absolutely oppose this persons politics. i.e. when Bruce asked Reagan to stop using Born in the USA. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSMENT OF ANY KIND.

I still think it is, by their silence, considering how many artists take songs away from candidates.

And here are the reasons it would be bad for U2 to ask Kerry not to use the song.

1. It's introducing the song to people who may not be U2 fans, to an audience that would have no negative connections. People at Kerry rallys are probably Kerry fans therefore there isn't the stigma of attaching something negative.

Not everyone considers Kerry to be something positive.

And face it even though U2 don't play partisan, we all know they don't absolutelty disagree with the Democratic party.

I know but you're not supposed to be that open about it if you hope to stay friends with both sides no matter how things turn out.

2. If they asked to remove the song you may burn those bridges to a future president.

By the same token, allowing him to keep it could also piss of a future president. Don't forget, this isn't a done deal, Bush might win!

3. Bush is not informed enough or even intelligent enough to know it's a U2 song, therefore there's no risk of burning bridges. Even if he did know it's their song, he really should be worrying about other matters.

That is a rude assumption. :tsk:

Khanada- :eek: I meant Bono :uhoh: sorry for the goofup. You can fix it if you have time.
look people...

U2 has always been, and always will be political, whether people like it or not. Going on long diatribes about it here is not gonna change that.

In the words of Adam Clayton --
"People say you shouldn't... mix music and politics... I think that's bullshit."

If U2 get word that someone they don't like is using their music at political rallies, they'll put a stop to it right quick, just as Springsteen did, just as Tom Petty did.
And by their silence, you can be certain of their tacit approval, or at least of their tolerance thereof.

There is some fascinating information on the history of "campaign songs" and politics in music here:
wolfeden said:

If U2 get word that someone they don't like is using their music at political rallies, they'll put a stop to it right quick, just as Springsteen did, just as Tom Petty did.
And by their silence, you can be certain of their tacit approval, or at least of their tolerance thereof.

My point exactly. By allowing the song to be used, even if only by not stopping its use, is an open endorsement of the Kerry campaign.

Speaking of them being 'political', you know, if Bush had more sense he could see that Bono didn't really like him and he was only being used for whatever good he can get out of him for his causes. If it were me, I'd be pissed. Once you get involved in politics, the two faceness and ass kissing must kick in.
U2Kitten said:
My point exactly. By allowing the song to be used, even if only by not stopping its use, is an open endorsement of the Kerry campaign.

And what would you say when Bush starts using U2 songs too?
Popmartijn said:

And what would you say when Bush starts using U2 songs too?

If he did, I would be certain the band would put an end to it.

If Bush wins, we are in for a boring inagural ball since no hip celebrities will dare risk their name in Hollywood or the music world being associated with him :shifty: What did he get last time, Ricky Martin!
Because I believe they do not like Bush and are against all republicans. They dissed Reagan, they helped Clinton, come on, they're left wing neo-pinkos, all of them :shifty: They would not want their song associated with someone they are against. So they are clearly not against Kerry.

Bono only pretends to be nice to Bush and republican congressmen to get what he wants-legislation on his Africa issues. I believe he is selling himself out, doing things he doesn't want to do as a sacrifice to save lives in Africa. Edge has dissed him for it, remember? While his cause is good, if I were a rep. congressman or president, I would feel used and it would not make me happy.

But of course, if it were me personally, Bono is so darn cute and charismatic I'd give him anything;)
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Bono, speaking about Canadian PM Paul Martin's increase in AIDS relief spending:
"Of course you're being used. Yes I'm being used. I want to be used. That's my job here - to provide applause when somebody does the right and courageous thing and to provide criticism when they don't."

Bono said the price for his political involvement is "hundreds of thousands of lives these Canadian dollars are going to change, transform."

He said when you see AIDS patients dying three to a bed in Malawi, "you understand that this is an issue that you wouldn't mind bending over just a little bit for, if I could be so crude."

from http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2004/05/11/455582-cp.html

Everyone gets used in politics. There's lots of pretending all around, and it's a dirty business. For as much as I'm interested in politics, I don't think I could ever be involved in it. I admire Bono for being able to wade through it all to fight for a cause he believes in.
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Oh yes, he's being used and he knows it, but he's doing it for a good cause. The politicians, on the other hand, are also being used, because he hates them and everything they stand for, yet he kisses their asses and tries to be nice to them to get what he wants. I'm saying, if someone secretly doens't like me, I don't want them to be 2 faced and pretend to be nice to get what they want. It would piss me off. Of course, when it's a cause as important as that, the only thing that matters is saving lives as quickly as possible before it's too late. But politics is all so phoney. I could never do it either, ThatGuy :tsk:
U2Kitten said:
...if Bush had more sense he could see that Bono didn't really like him and he was only being used for whatever good he can get out of him for his causes.
Hypothetically, what would you do if you learned that Bono actually likes Bush despite their political differences?

Would it lower your opinion of Bono, or would it challenge you to re-evaluate your assumptions about Bush?
TheFirstBigW said:

Hypothetically, what would you do if you learned that Bono actually likes Bush despite their political differences?

Would it lower your opinion of Bono, or would it challenge you to re-evaluate your assumptions about Bush?

Actually, you got the wrong person. I'm not a Bush hater :p

I was only applying those comments to what seems to be the majority going rate opinion and stereotype about Bush on this forum, and what I believe about U2's politics from what I've read.

But I do wonder how all the Bush hating U2 fans would answer your question;)
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It wouldn't actually surprise me at all if Bono were to say that he's friendly towards Bush. He has the capacity to be diplomatic towards anybody.

However... the photos I have seen of the two men together tell me everything I need to know about what they think of each other. Body language speaks louder than rhetoric.....

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