top 3 songs from the 00's

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Well just for interests sake I added up everyones votes giving 3 points to peoples first choice, two points to their second and one to their third.

So here's what you guys thought was the top 3 U2 songs for the noughties,

1st place. Walk on (35 points)
2nd place. City of blinding lights (31 points)
3rd place. Mercy (27 points)


4th place. Kite (24 points)
5th place. Love and peace or else (23 points)
1. City of Blinding Lights - My username, and avatar, and, if I had a sig, it would be in there :wink: I just adore this song.

2. Kite - Fantastic song, awesome chorus, dedicated it to my grandfather.

3. The Ground Beneath Her Feet - Great song, I love how it just explodes at 2:30 and the mysterious feel behind it is awesome as well.
LyricalDrug said:
It boggles my mind that people list B-sides and rarities here. Not that there's anything wrong with them, but it's still really surprising that such rabid U2 fans would choose songs that the BAND doesn't even think deserve to be chosen to put on albums, much less released as singles.

I guess it shows there's nothing more subjective than artistic taste!

I think it shows how awesome U2 are. I mean, come on, an UNRELEASED track is on many people's top 3!


The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Original of the Species

and Beautiful Day just missing the list.
LyricalDrug said:
It boggles my mind that people list B-sides and rarities here. Not that there's anything wrong with them, but it's still really surprising that such rabid U2 fans would choose songs that the BAND doesn't even think deserve to be chosen to put on albums, much less released as singles.

I guess it shows there's nothing more subjective than artistic taste!

No. It shows that Bono is smoking crack these days.

Maybe if The Edge or Adam were allowed to speak their mind and let their true feelings out, we may actually get these great songs on an album. Maybe.
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I thought it was Larry who made the final desicion to cut Mercy from the album. :hmm:

edit: I just realized I'm a New Yorker now. :happy:
Lancemc said:
I thought it was Larry who made the final desicion to cut Mercy from the album. :hmm:

edit: I just realized I'm a New Yorker now. :happy:

Oh, did he? :mad: Well, I'm not surprised. After all, Larry is known to be disappointed with Pop, right?... only one of the greatest albums of the 90s!


Congratulations on becoming a New Yorker btw! :happy:
1. Mercy
2. Love And Peace Or Else
3. Wild Honey


Just kidding, 3 is OOTS
miracle drug
city of blinding lights

in a little while
when i look at the world
electrical storm
Zootlesque said:

Oh, did he? :mad: Well, I'm not surprised. After all, Larry is known to be disappointed with Pop, right?... only one of the greatest albums of the 90s!


yeah, and some of his best work too :shrug:

Mercy has Bono written all over it, it was one of Bono's favourites, which leads me to believe it will show up somewhere.
hmmm, very interesting
Top 3
2. Walk On
3. Love and Peace or Else

Honorable Mention: Beautiful Day, Kite, Sometimes
2nd Honorable Mention: New York, Vertigo, Miracle Drug, Crumbs
...there's just so many to choose from!!!

BTW, i did NOT like COBL for the longest time, and it has now become one of my favorites
There have been a lot of nice Ones

Walk on has to be there

Beauitful Day is a possbility.. but so is IALW and Kite.

COBL is one of the best tracks ever, but smile is triffic 2.

Top 5
Walk On
In a little While

probably in that order

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