To all the depressed people who read Interference?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

pub crawler

New Yorker
Mar 3, 2001
Los Angeles, CA USA
It has come to my attention that there are quite a few people on the outs with life or whatever who read this discussion board. For the love of God, it seems that about every two weeks we?re trying to talk someone down from the 44th story window ledge of the Interference Headquarters building. We?ve got all kinds of folks here who are so down in the dumps they?re wantin? to kill themselves. Nice people who want to end their lives. This is not good.

To those for whom that applies, please repeat the following words after me:

I have just 141,231 heartbeats, or some crazy shit like that, left on planet Earth.
In other words, within the span of all time, even if I live to be 100, I have but moments left to live. I have but moments left to live whether I?m 15 years old, or 30 years old, or even if I kill myself tomorrow, it?s all just moments.

I cannot escape that fact.

Therefore, it is time to kick ass and take no prisoners, i.e., it is time to seize the day.

From this moment forward I pledge to enjoy the presence of my friends, or if I don?t have any friends, my cat, or if I don?t have a cat, the rat that scurries through my barren apartment. Or, if I don?t have a barren apartment, the rat that scurries by the cardboard box in which I try to sleep, but never can. Or if I don?t have a cardboard box??? oh fuck, you get the picture.

It is time to literally smell the roses. Next time I see a flower, I will stop, stoop down, and smell it. It?s the only way I will know for certain that I am alive. Then, if I smell the fertilizer in the garden in which the flower grows, I will be depressed, but again, at least I?ll know that I?m alive. Then I will steal the flower from the person?s garden in which it grows. This will definitely make me feel better.

I promise to spend the next, oh, 10,171 heartbeats of my life, or whatever it takes, to find a purpose. I will scour every nook, cranny, crevice, and under every bug infested tree, for a purpose to live. My purpose will probably turn out to be kind of lame, but at least I?ll have one, dammit.

And, if worse comes to worst, I?ll bug pub crawler at and he?ll give me words of wisdom. I?ll probably end up telling him to shut the fuck up after a while, but dammit, he?ll give me words of wisdom.

well, Im feeling down (whats new) all the time dude.............but this place is pure tonic!!!!!!

simple as that!

and I never talk about why Im down, cause no-one can help ya really, its up to urself to MAKE urself strong........

pub dude will be bombarded with pervy emails now!!!!
I already do sniff the flowers, literally, as well as appreciate the sky and rainbows, all the little things. I already have a goal in life. I know how to appreciate life. In the words of Moby, then, why does my heart/soul feel so sad?

Thanks anyway for the thoughtfulness. It didn't go for naught.

Um, you really cant smell the roses around where i currently exist because the STUPID losers that inhabit this place will think you are weird and stare at you.

I wait until nightfall, then they cant see me.
I'm one of the depressed Interferencers.
I'm not suicidal, i do wish i had never been born, but deep down inside i dont think i *really* believe that.
No point in killing myself, there are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many others out there that would be more than happy to do it for me!

Not that I'd EVER give them the pleasure!

*Just cant get enough, of that Lovey Dovey stuff...*
Originally posted by zoomerang II:
Just think - out of those millions and millions of sperm, YOU won the race


Look...look what you've done to me...You've made me poor and infamous, and I thank you...

My name is MISS MACPHISTO...I'm tired and i want to go HOME...
ack I'm not that depressed, definitely not suicidal
that was a really nice gesture though, pubcrawler, and seriously, all of you who are depressed around here, take care..

*is feeling stupider and stupider by the moment for her post*

haha sara, I take it you're not a vegetarian
travu2, coming from a fantastic writer such as yourself, that's a tremendous compliment. Thanks, man.

Maddie, you crack me up! "Pure tonic" ... I love that line. Thanks for bringin' a smile to my face.

Okay, enough from me. Thanks everyone else for your thoughts and kind words.
I think there are 'quite a few depressed people' on Interference, because I think the Internet is an inherently solitary place, and, in my case, it just fed my depression like a cycle.

I should know, as in my worst days of depression, I would spend like 10 hours a day on the Internet. It took me pretty much 10 years to find a way out of the tunnel (found I had a severe nutritional deficiency that made my brain chemistry way off-balance), and I spend maybe 2 or 3 hours on the internet now every other day, but it's all never far behind me. So, for those who are depressed, I know where you are coming from.

My only advice to those in this situation is to try taking a B-complex, Vitamin C, and Magnesium (stay away from chelates, though). They stimulate natural dopamine production (i.e., the happy chemical [the same chemical in ecstasy]) and eliminates anxiety.


?Confused by thoughts, we experience duality in life. Unencumbered by ideas, the enlightened see the one reality.? - Hui-neng (638-713)
I have revealed this before, and I shall do it again...

I suffer from clinical depression.
I am currently on medication for this depression. For all I know, it may be for the rest of my life. I truely believe in the benefits of medication such as this, for depression CAN be an illness, and is therefore NOT my fault, and is therefore NOT something I shall be ashamed of!
I say a bunch of "go get 'em" words... and to actually live a happier, and more hopeful life ARE totally different things.
Depression and suicide are very serious and difficult issues. They require great effort, time, care, and attention to recover from.
They require outside help. Whether it be a parent, a family member, a friend, a minister, or a professional in the field, and yes, ultimately, a "higher power".
The first step IS to have to courage to "reach out".
The attempt of suicide is actually a cry for help, after all. Most really dont want to end their lives... They just want to stop hurting.

YES, its scarey! Yes, you have to endure a lil embarrassment... But... YOU are worth the trouble! You are important. You matter. You are one of God's children and you DON'T deserve to die.

The way to break this demon; the illness; is to talk... talk to someone. ANYONE.
Reach out.
There is hope.
Please try to believe it.

Peace and God bless!
Yes... reach out.

Yes... its hard.

But, its the way out.

As long as one stays isolated in one's own lil world, that damned depression has a griphold.

I know how hard it is to reach out. I've been there. I know the sick lil irony of how one holds on to one's own misery.
I used to "love" my misery... in a way. Because,... it was "all mine". I could sit there and feel soooo sorry for myself. I felt I even deserved it. It was a "noble" thing.

It wasnt. And I didnt deserve it.
And there is a way out. There is hope.

I guess I feel very depressed and all that cause I have never experienced luv...........I seem to attract twerps Im not attracted to, and they seem odd!!!!!!!!

I just want a sane person to keep me sane!

that, or maybe Im not attractive enough, I know most men worship beauty..........

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