Time Of Change

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Jack In The Box

Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
May 7, 2003
is strange for me, I'm going to change for the first time of house, all my life I have lived here, where I am now and I'm going to change to a greater house and :blahblah: but everything what I know is here, I do not know as I feel :huh:

perhaps is the human natural fear to the change and to the new, I do not know it

I only wanted to express it
Yeah, it will be hard to get used to in the beginning, but I'm sure you will love the new place later on. Change is always good in some way. :)
I went through the same thing a few years ago. We were more or less felt moving out of my childhood home would be best for certain reasons and it was hard to do in some ways. It took me awhile but once I was settled it felt like home and now it's hard to imagine sometimes where we lived before. We stayed in the same area though so it wasnt a major change in some aspects.

Change is hard when it's a something big but it can be exciting too.
It was really strange to leave the childhood house. It was hard to even think of ever leaving it and now it's been almost 10 years. Now I can't even imagine my parents still owning that house.

Change is scary but I think it's a good thing too.
Same here too...but luckily for me, my brother and his family bought our old house...but trust me, even though it is still our old house it is really really different. My old bedroom is now my two nieces room. When I was livin there, I would never expect there to be a crib in my room. hehe.

You'll get used to it....it will take some time, I am still getting use to my move.
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