This is so unlike me

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Rock n' Roll Doggie, FOB
Feb 2, 2002
Born under a bad sign with a blue moon in your eye
I, for some reason, can't stop buying things.

Usually, I'm pretty frugal and rarely buy myself anything, unless I absolutely need it.

However, now my credit card bills are :eek:
I used to be to pay off my credit card every month, because I only put 100 or so on it a month and could afford to pay it off.
I thought I could pay it off completely this month, but I had my insurance bill do, so that took priority. I keep thinking I should not use my card until I get it paid off, but I just see things that I want and boom...I just buy it.

This week alone I bought three sweaters, a new hairdryer(I don't really need one, but I wanted a new one), five pairs of pants, four shirts, a couple of pairs of high price sneakers, four pairs of regular shoes, the ES Singles (both) and five other cds while I was at CDNow, and I had to force myself to not get a new TV (another thing I don't need but I just want it).

These are all things I would never before have even thought of buying for myself....or if I did, I'd not buy them all at once.
* takes away daisy's credit cards

I'm pretty good about spending.. although I want a new outfit at least once a week. :slant:

:heart: :heart: :heart: clothes :heart: :heart: :heart:
I can so relate to that. I used to have an obsession with buying CDs - like I'd buy them faster than I could listen to them, and I spent virtually every penny of my paycheck on them.
The only way I found to not spend so much was to set really strict limits on what I could buy, not so I couldn't buy *anything* but so I could limit myself to just things I really wanted. That way I didn't ever feel like I couldn't buy myself anything nice (because if I did that I'd just get sick of it and go out and spend a whole load of money!), but I just had to make better decisions about what to buy etc.

And credit cards are evil anyway :shifty:
daisybean, have you gone through any changes in your life like a breakup or the loss of a friend or family member? Sometimes people shop a lot to compensate for love or companionship, and if you're spending as much as you say on a regular basis, that might be problematic.

We all know the feeling...more than once I've nursed a ditched date or a lousy stretch in school with a new dress or CD. ;)
Re: Re: This is so unlike me

FizzingWhizzbees said:

And credit cards are evil anyway :shifty:

Amen to that! Cash is king daisybean...i've learned the hard way. It's sickening how easy they make it for young people to obtain credit cards. Plus, i have an impulsive personality, so i would just be swiping that thing left and right (of course for things i didn't really need). Before i knew it, my ass was in debt by the time i was 20. Thank God someone snapped me out my frivilous spending. So i basically cut up all my cards, and just worked at paying them off (believe me, it was no fun task). I absolutely abhor credit cards, and i know very few people who can use them properly without abusing them and ending up in the same boat i was in.

well for one thing, i'm thankful i didn't end like that one chick who started a web page asking for donations targeted at paying of her credit card bill (i don't know if you saw that thread or not?). wtf?!!:rolleyes: :tsk:
Hello, my name is Naya and I have a spending problem.

I have no clue where my money goes. I spend and spend without really thinking about it. I've tried making a budget but I have never respected it. I have a credit card but so far, it has been a miracle, I have been careful with it. So daisy you are not alone !

I love buying cd's :sick:..and when I'm feeling blue going shopping and spending $$$ really improves my mood. :D
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I wonder if claiming religious convictions could help me out then...

I'm usually pretty good about not spending too much, but lately it hasn't been my fault. $500+ to replace the alternator and battery in my car, then $165 cash to get it back after it was stolen.

Oh, and I bought a couple tickets to a Wilco concert next week. But that was before the car got stolen.
Bought a CD and two books today.

I'd like to think I am pretty good with my money, but I just can't seem to stop buying books and CD's. The big problem is I have officially run out of room. I am starting to stack my books and CD's in piles here and there. :crack: Not to mention I buy books faster than I can read them...

Oh dear...

:wave: You could always plead your case online like that girl in New York
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bono-vox said:
:wave: this thread will get plenty of replies

...not so much as you think :lol:

I'm almost never spending money an anything. :| My parents pay everything! :D
Credit pits of death!

I'm pretty good with money and my credit cards. Although, five months ago I was nearly $7000 in debt! :no: But now i'm @ zero debt! :D So, Now I can lavish Sicy with gifts and Clothes! cards? :scratch:....what credit cards baby? :shrug:

I only have one credit card

I like the word 'lavish'. :kiss: :cute:

:wave: yay for 0 debt!
yay so dak for bein cheap!

if i wasn't working 50+ hour weeks, i'd buy stuff. :slant:

but i don't have a job now AND i'm in college...which is not really a good combo imo.
they shouldn't allow me to have checks...on one hand it's better cause i'm spending money that i have......but i spend WAY more money than when i had to rely on cash.....i was bored today and went to the mall....bought a onesie and a sweater for my best friend's daughter and two tank tops for myself....just cause i was bored. don't need to buy happiness cause even if it does make you happy at the time, it's empty....please....know that there are always people here who will love you for who you are...nothing else. :hug: i hope you feel better soon.
I can relate all too well....

With my work schedule I'm off a lot when most people are working... so I find myself going shopping a lot etc... and buying things I dont need. My credit card bill is far beyond the point of where I would like it to be. I make decent money, but I just have so many bils. There's rent, utilities, car, insurance, school loans to start, and then the regular cost of living. I'm tempted to just move home sometimes, and pay everything off. I think I'd rather be broke though then live with my parents again.
Re: Bought a CD and two books today.

Angel said:
I'd like to think I am pretty good with my money, but I just can't seem to stop buying books and CD's. The big problem is I have officially run out of room. I am starting to stack my books and CD's in piles here and there. :crack: Not to mention I buy books faster than I can read them...

Oh dear...

u just described me lol

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