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redkat said:
:lol: I love the last page!

I just used the phrase "cramp my style" :tsk:

In recounting my day I listed the dump things I've done and wow I suck


Cheers! I don't think you suck. I do dumb things all the time. In fact, it's pretty much all I do. :D

shit, I just remembered I have to go to Philly on Thursday. :( I like Philly, but I'm just no in the mood.
redkat said:
:lol: I love the last page!

I just used the phrase "cramp my style" :tsk:

In recounting my day I listed the dump things I've done and wow I suck


I didn't see you there Kat :wave:

You don't suck, at least not any more than the rest of us :hug:

And yes, cheers :another:
Just for the day beav?

I jolted out of bed at 5:30 and took the trash out this morning only to realize it wasn't trash day :der:

Do we have plumbing problems?
snowbunny00774 said:

either you're delusional or I am...I'd have to say you. I wish you were right. Sinks :tsk:

Bathroom sinks have been known to pop in and out of alternate realities, granted. But I'm talking kitchen sinks, "kitchen" being understood when "sink" stands alone. Is that where the disconnect is happening?

I'm drinking Egg Nog. I went to get Irish Cream, but they were out, so I got Egg Nog. It's the reason the Islanders lost, by the way. I didn't have Irish Cream, they had no chance. Sink. I've come to discover that I prefer non-alcohol egg nog. This comes as a surprise, but this stuff is hard to get down after a bit.
That may be. However, finding the kitchen sinks is the problem. And don't even dare say "why, they're in the kitchen", they're not.

That is a surprise :hmm:
The sink thing is hard to grasp, but it's RIGHT THERE! Maybe not IN the kitchen, but next to the stove for sure.

Yeah, this is some McCormick's Egg Nog. Came in this fancy bottle with 2 cool glasses. It just tastes too strong. I love regular sink egg nog, but this tastes too much like rum or whiskey or whatever they put in it. I like at Christmas when they come out with the milk carton egg nog, I prefer that to the huge can egg nog.
I'll have to look more carefully I guess :slant: :sigh: I think I need a detailed map or something :denseatthebestoftimes:

Night Beav.

Bono Cobain...are you kidding?
How old is the egg nog beav? because around here it's only available around christmas :sick:

and you gave up Guinness the health drink for that :tsk:

My sink doesn't stand alone by the way
redkat said:
How old is the egg nog beav? because around here it's only available around christmas :sick:

Uh...I don't know. I think it was still good. It didn't taste "expired" just, strong. I didn't give up the Guinness, it's just that Irish Cream brings the Isle's luck, Guinness did not. Had I sink known that Egg Nog was cursed, I would have gone with the Guinness, no doubt.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Hey Lila can you find me the Berger post it from Sex and the City?

I need another one of these - I'm almost finished sucking this one down. :yay:

Just popped in and saw this. I know the note you mean, but no idea how to find it. I believe when I googled :flirt: , the episode number is 80, if that helps
UberBeaver said:

Uh...I don't know. I think it was still good. It didn't taste "expired" just, strong. I didn't give up the Guinness, it's just that Irish Cream brings the Isle's luck, Guinness did not. Had I sink known that Egg Nog was cursed, I would have gone with the Guinness, no doubt.

See - there ya go - the sink Egg Nog should have been more obvious M I RITE??

that perfect date you tube is hilarious - P's husband could totally do the best impression of that guy and will walk around repeating it all day to annoy people (P specifically). As a loving gesture towards her, I've emailed the link to him :greatfriend:

I'm going to hold off on buying summer cute tops till I lose a few lbs. lbs <---:killintheface:
Same old fucking shit over and over and over again. I'm done. Out. Picking up my ball and going home. :cheers:

He apparently wants to keep talking. This guy, who could formerly only speak in grunts at the best of times, just won't let it rest, and wants to keep talking...albeit in uncomprehensible bullshit, but talking nonetheless. Talking sucks. :killintheface:

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