The Temple Bar - It's Christmas, Elfa, please come home - UYMFA!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks, Kristen. I'm weird. I'll be pissed off to the highest level of pisstivity for like, 30 minutes. Then, I'll be over it. :)

Feeling any better?

Haha well at least it's only a temporary bad mood :wink:

Nope I'm still feeling like crap. The whole right side of my throat is raw and I have a fever. Of course my work gave me phone numbers to try and get ppl to cover my shift tomorrow and absolutely nobody is calling me back with an answer :down:
Well my new year's eve has been fucked. The repair company failed to tell me that they extended my service to the 31st. Fucking assholes. FUCK FUCK FUCK I'm so mad. Now I can't pick up my car until NYE, and that leaves me with absolutely no time to unload my shit in CT and get back to the city in time.

Nooo!!!! So what will you end up doing?

I'm sorry to hear that! You could always take the megabus to T.O. :wink:

So I leave on my annual Christmas hiatus, and this place turns into PLEBA II? :| :barf:

You disappeared, we had no boys to keep us entertained so Bono was a good second choice in your absence :shrug: but glad you're back :hug:

Kristen - hope you feel better soon :hug:
Nooo!!!! So what will you end up doing?

I'm sorry to hear that! You could always take the megabus to T.O. :wink:

:lol: I think my parents would beat my ass with the switch if I told them I was heading out to Toronto from their home.

It looks like there's a VT game party at a pub in DC, so I might be doing that. Olde Towne is also pretty fun, I'm going to check for parties there.

For whatever reason, the universe is holding me here for a few more days. Perhaps I have some unfinished business or something.
Nope I'm still feeling like crap. The whole right side of my throat is raw and I have a fever. Of course my work gave me phone numbers to try and get ppl to cover my shift tomorrow and absolutely nobody is calling me back with an answer :down:

That's awful. That sucks nobody is calling you back. Hopefully it will work out.

I'm sure you'll have a blast - I love D.C., has all my favourite museums :heart:

Oh yeah, it's going to be fun, I'm sure. I love DC, too. I'm just tired of being stuck in suburbia hell.n I'm getting restless, and my snake is starving. I was really hoping to go home tomorrow so I can settle in.
Aww crap, I let my premium thingy expire :grumpy: No wonder it said my inbox was full. *runs to pay*

Btw :wave: How was everyone's holidays?
Ha! Not this year, but here's a little sumthin to satisfy...from my Christmas tree to you.

Oh right, and there's evidence of my Christmas Eve schemes on FB in case anyone hasn't noticed :wink:

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