The Temple Bar - A Cooler Name Than Sting -UYMFA!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I plan on being tipsy all day(but careful, too). And I can get away with it without looking like an alkie because it's my 21st. :nerd:

Sounds good! :D I don't think I did anything too crazy for my 19th (legal age in Canada). I don't really remember it, actually. :uhoh:

Good afternoon, bar. Long time, no visit.

Hi jo, how's it going?
Ok, since we're talking hair, how about an angled cut like this?
Thora! :hug: I ought to be jobhunting right now, but I'm here instead. So that's how it's going. :wink:

How are you?

ETA: April, I like the haircut :up:
I got my hair done volumne style by her, myhairdresser, I wasted 40 quid!

it wont sit like that now!

i hate that I hate how they get it you cannot follow!


I would show photo but .......wait, yep maybe, it does cover most of my face.

let me think about it.

like a small shot.
Thora! :hug: I ought to be jobhunting right now, but I'm here instead. So that's how it's going. :wink:

How are you?

ETA: April, I like the haircut :up:

You gotta take a break every now and then! :yes:

I'm doing pretty good. Keeping busy with work and training for a 10k that's coming up next month. :)
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