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Reggie Thee Dog said:
Ice storms suck...do you have electricity VP?

And tre, what do you like? :eyebrow:

i like the temp less than 80 degrees, and higher than freezing. which never happens in summer or winter here.:down: i also hate humidity, which only adds to the heat here in the summer.
I'm using a computer, aren't I? :shifty: :wink:

They're not that big of a deal up here...they're not usually cause for panic, the way they are in the southern US, unless they're really severe, which fortunately doesn't happen very often.
My mom and dad used to go to North Carolina for a month every January. An ice storm hit while they were down there, and my dad said places of business were closing early, and they were ordering people to stay off the roads, etc. He said he went out in it, and it wasn't *that* bad. We're just used to driving in slippery conditions up here for 4 or 5 months of the year, and we have more salting/sanding/snow removal equipment to deal with it more quickly.
greeneyedgirl said:
My dad worked in Dallas for a few years.
If they even 'predicted' snow, people would freak.

:lol: That's exactly what he said happened - for a few hours before they imposed the curfew, people were in stores buying extra food and supplies, like they were in a state of panic. He was like "meh, we live with this all the time, no biggie." :lol:
The only problem with winter driving around here, so it seems, is other drivers getting used to it...the first snowfall/ice storm of the season is a good time to stay off the roads. I'm very confident in my driving abilities - it has to be REALLY bad before it bothers me - it's just the other idiots on the roads that haven't gotten used to slowing down and taking it easy who create the problems. :angry:
Ya, I'm a very good driver in the snow.
I'm confindent, but I don't take chances and I'm careful.
Some people think that just because they have an SUV that they will still be safe driving at regular speeds in the rain and snow.
Not the safest way to think.
Yup. It's definitely all the other crazies out there who make me nervous.

I admit I'm not the world's greatest driver in the snow (we usually get hardly any of it, but not this year!) but I am cautious. It's just the idiots who drive really close on my ass who cause all the problems.

Speaking of which, I'm off for my appointment with my insurance people to talk about my accident. Wish me luck! I don't anticipate there being any problems, or that they won't put the fault on the driver who hit me, but you never know.
greeneyedgirl said:
Ya, I'm a very good driver in the snow.
I'm confindent, but I don't take chances and I'm careful.
Some people think that just because they have an SUV that they will still be safe driving at regular speeds in the rain and snow.
Not the safest way to think.


We had a bad winter a couple of years ago, when I was driving an hour to school 4 days a week, mostly on rural roads. My mom was all worried about me, and bought me snow tires. :cute: They made a HUGE difference. Last year wasn't that bad, and I didn't even put them on. This year, up till now, has been spring-like. She told me yesterday I should put them on, but I said I'd wait a few weeks to see if we're going to get any real winter weather before I pay to have them put on.

Good luck Thora, hope it goes well!
Reggie Thee Dog said:
< ice cold today....*brrrrrrr*

Is going to go watch U2 in Milan :rockon:

I watched that today, too. :drool:

Original of the Species is my absolute favorite "new" U2 song. :cute:

I'm cold. :brrr: If I lose power during "24" someone's gonna get "Bauer"'d :mad:

Hey VG, Bri, GG, VP - all keeping warm and with power, I hope!

Hope the appointment went well, Thora!

tre, I'm waiting on spring, too. It gets nice, right around my birthday, except for two years ago when it snowed. :madwife:

Hope the fasting people are still alert and not suffering too much.

Reg, I was going to make an "in and out" joke, but that's way too easy...

LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Hope the appointment went well, Thora!

Thanks! It did go well. It didn't take as long as I thought it would be, which is great. We went over my claim briefly, and my car was looked at by an estimator. The bumper needs to be replaced, but that's it. If I have to go to the Dr again, then I need to go back to the insurance people as well to make sure everything's documented.

But basically all I have to do is take my car to the shop, hand them my papers, and I'll be good to go, once they fix the bumper. :D
redkat said:

Where is beav? :ohmy:

I'm doing fine. I even went out to lunch and just ordered an ice tea

I need your willpower. :up:

I was at my mom's all afternoon and she sent me home with some homemade brownies.

Moms = bad for diets. :grumpy:


She also made me a cute bracelet. She told me she made it for my trip to NY. She knows I'll be wearing red, heh.

Glad it went well today, Thora.
I have a big thing of Ghiradelli chocolate hidden away in a closet from my last trip to my mom's. She's so tiny I think she wants everyone else to be fat :mad:

glad it went well thora

sorry about your back beav :( but yay on the fasting success :up:

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