Survivor 43

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
It's the 43rd season of Survivor! The party continues! And so far, they actually have a pretty likable cast. We called the woman who got voted off Rainbow Brite. Lol! Here's to another exciting season.
Interesting that Woo managed to get a bit out of shape, put on Clark Kent glasses, use a fake name (Owen) and get back on the show.
I like Owen so far. He does resemble Woo. He's lucky Rainbow Brite was deemed more useless. :wink:

I'm surprised Jeannine escaped being a target. Deciding to have her dig through the sand in the challenge was flat out stupid. I guess the though was she's small so not much sand had to be moved. But you needed someone with the strength to actually dig through the sand.
She got quite the mark on her chin from wriggling under that log. I thought it was mud that she had missed wiping off at first.
Well, the person that I found annoying is gone, so that's good. Not too often they have a 90 minute episode. Cody is very entertaining. A mostly likeable cast so far this season. That doesn't happen too often.
Sometimes the tribe names are a wee bit pretentious. :wink: So, I'll just go by colors. I've seen people help other people during challenges, but never tribes blatantly helping other tribes. The yellow tribe had congratulated the red tribe for their Reward win. Why not return the favor? :wink: I actually watched this week's episode twice. I felt guilty watching it without my significant other. Cody kicked ass in the Reward challenge.
The season is moving along quickly. Was busy the last couple of weeks. Didn't even comment on the last couple of episodes. Good blindside tonight. Gabler and Cody's battle was impressive. Cody is still my favorite.
This week's episode was filler. First Jeanine's head is on the chopping block. Everyone wants her gone. Then, when Ryan goes fishing, Sami throws out Ryan's name and the majority seem on board. Seemed like a bold move by Sami. A move perhaps to bolster his resume? Then a not so blind vote out by the majority. All the machinations seemed like a waste of time. But I suppose they wanted to add some suspense to an otherwise "simple" vote.
Yeah, if Sami really wanted to flip the game on the alliance of 7, he could have done so as Cassidy voted for Ryan. Missed opportunity.
Jeannine needs a sandwich anyway, so she is better off. Looked like she weighed 69lbs.
Yeah, if Sami really wanted to flip the game on the alliance of 7, he could have done so as Cassidy voted for Ryan. Missed opportunity.
Jeannine needs a sandwich anyway, so she is better off. Looked like she weighed 69lbs.

Yeah, she would have looked emaciated by the end if she made it. Sami could look like a douche if Ryan finds out that he mentioned his name as a possible elimination. We'll see.
Loved seeing James go. The look on his face when he was voted out was priceless. Serious sour grapes saying "see how far you get now" to his ousters...well guess what James, they got farther than you!

Like you said, had no issues with Ryan. Good dude, good fisherman, probably a lack of strategizing with others was his downfall.
Loved seeing James go. The look on his face when he was voted out was priceless. Serious sour grapes saying "see how far you get now" to his ousters...well guess what James, they got farther than you!

Like you said, had no issues with Ryan. Good dude, good fisherman, probably a lack of strategizing with others was his downfall.

For sure! Ryan's desire to fish and provide for his tribe got in the way of strategizing with others. I can't recall James doing anything except boss people into doing what he wanted done.
Jesse's checklist was the most awesome thing I've seen all season. In the beginning of the episode when he mentioned his advantages, I thought he'd be a goner. They were smart to get rid of Noelle. Lots of good players left. Cassidy was great in the Immunity Challenge. That challenge looked impossible.
In the beginning of the episode when he mentioned his advantages, I thought he'd be a goner. .

Thought the same thing. Usually when they start an episode highlighting someone talking about how great a position they are in, it's a foreshadowing to their comeuppance.

Noelle's win in the reward challenge was awesome. Was sad to see her go, but it was a smart move.
Thought the same thing. Usually when they start an episode highlighting someone talking about how great a position they are in, it's a foreshadowing to their comeuppance.

Noelle's win in the reward challenge was awesome. Was sad to see her go, but it was a smart move.

Yes, that was a cool moment. I never thought she'd win the challenge. You can't give up in Survivor!

I like Jesse. I could see him, Gabler, and Cody in the Final 3.
I can't believe they outlasted the tide. Karla and Owen were amazing. I really like Owen. He's been the underdog this season. Cody is still my man. All the players who are left are worthy of winning, though. Cassidy was impressive in the last challenge too. I've liked this season. Most of the cast are pretty likeable. I can recall in the past it was tough finding somebody you liked because they were all mostly assholes.
Yeah, that challenge was something.
Loved how Karla and Jesse were acting like Sami saying he was gonna use his shot in the dark was an affront to their trust...while they were planning to vote him out. Snake move. Just trying to get him to not take a shot at keeping himself alive. Wish it would have come up "safe" and then they'd have had to revote as all 6 votes went on Sami. Would have provided quite the scramble with only 3 options to vote for.
With the way they were focusing on Sami, I thought it would come up 'safe" and really throw a wrench into their plans. Even if Jesse makes it to the Final 3, I don't think he'll win because he has been lying to almost everyone.
It might earn him a million dollars. Was a great move as he also flushed Karla's idol making her vulnerable ay final 5, and the jury is fully aware that he was the architect.
Assuming the jury rewards game play, that is the biggest move on any resume currently and has to make Jesse the new favorite to win should he make final 3.

New odds of winning assuming final 3:

1. Jesse
2. Karla
3. Cassidy
4. Owen
5. Gabler

Big jump up for Jesse. He'll now be a big target of course.
If you were Cody, would you vote Jesse the million dollars even though he stabbed you in the back? (Now granted, you might have played your Idol and not allowed yourself to be stabbed in the back. Lol!)

I think Karla's chances have gone down drastically. Now that Cody is gone, I'm rooting harder for Owen. They all should be gunning for Jesse and Karla. If Gabler won this thing, that would be something considering he's "old". :wink: Not sure about Cassidy, but she sure is nice to look at.
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