Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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An asshole driver getting what was coming to him. I was going slow because it was a school zone, and I could see that there was a cop up ahead. This asshole was tailgating me and was visibly annoyed that I was going the speed limit, but I wasn't about to speed up, because of the cop car being nearby. The idiot decides to illegally pass me, flips me the bird, and of course the cop catches him and I hope gave him a really expensive ticket. :hi5: :lol: I could not stop laughing the rest of the drive home. Totally made my evening. :D


This just made my day!!:wink:
An asshole driver getting what was coming to him. I was going slow because it was a school zone, and I could see that there was a cop up ahead. This asshole was tailgating me and was visibly annoyed that I was going the speed limit, but I wasn't about to speed up, because of the cop car being nearby. The idiot decides to illegally pass me, flips me the bird, and of course the cop catches him and I hope gave him a really expensive ticket. :hi5: :lol: I could not stop laughing the rest of the drive home. Totally made my evening. :D

lol, sweet, sweet karma. :applaud:



I love that my daughter now has a best friend. She has always been in a group of friends, but on Friday, a girl told her that she was her best friend. My daughter has been smiling all weekend.:cute:

I love that my daughter now has a best friend. She has always been in a group of friends, but on Friday, a girl told her that she was her best friend. My daughter has been smiling all weekend.:cute:
This is beautiful. :heart:

I love it when it rains. And the smell of the world after the rain.

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise, surprise and fear, fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise, and ruthless efficiency, our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, our *four* *Amongst* our weapons, amongst our weaponry are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again.
I love hearing bass properly (sorry for deviating from the Python theme :reject:)

No need to apologise, this page was getting rather silly! It started off as innocent thread about things people love, and then someone started talking about skits! I shall warn this thread not to be silly, and if it happens again I'm going to lock it!
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