Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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Sorrow found me when I was young
Sorrow found me sorrow won
Sorrow they put me on the pill
It's in my honey it's in my milk

Don't leave my hyper heart alone
On the water
Cover me in rag and bones
Cos I don't wanna get over you
And I don't wanna get over you


and now for something completely different... I love that in a week and a half my degree with be over! But I'll still have weeks of unstressful beachtime before heading back to the real world :heart:


My nipples explode with delight.

it's those bloody inaccurate hungarian phrase books...

My hovercraft is full of eel!

:cute: :laugh:

I love when the tornado sirens stop!!

The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie--Captain Jack Sparrow is as charming as ever, and I got to see my man, Captain Barbossa. Be sure to stay through the cast and credits, savvy? :D
The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie--Captain Jack Sparrow is as charming as ever, and I got to see my man, Captain Barbossa. Be sure to stay through the cast and credits, savvy? :D
I can second this. :hyper: Great fun like always. Saw the last bit as well, my friend works at the theatre so I get free popcorn and all of the hidden scene's.
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