Stuff I love part, err, 33.333333333333

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Went to my brother's and sister-in-law's house for a cook-out in honor of my birthday and Mother's Day. Good people, good food, good conversation, good time. And I may be the only Mom in the U.S. whose Mother's Day gift from her son was a six-pack of pear cider, similar to what we had in Ireland! :love:
(We didn't adopt Mothers Day (or Fathers Day) when we moved to Australia :reject: Just Christmas.)

I bought two kilos of bananas for $6 today! They were discounted because they were looking very ripe and had dark spots and things. Sounds like a silly thing to get excited about, but I'm on a shake diet right now and they taste like crap if you don't put bananas in, and with all the terrible weather in Queensland in the last few months they cost a fortune.
I love waking up to hear All I Want Is You :heart:

I love that my mom spent an entire phonecall yesterday describing a robin's nest outside my grandma's house

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww :hyper:
Watching music videos on Youtube :)

Specifically, the Police dance hilariously in 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'
That the sun has returned, even if just for a little while. It's been so damn rainy and gloomy here, I was about to cut a bitch. Having to wear sunglasses because it's so bright and gorgeous outside is WONDERFUL!! :love:
An effing awesome freshman kid coming up to me (I was wearing my Replacements shirt) and saying 'I love the Replacements, they're my favorite band!' Heh.
I love that a friend who struggled to get out of an abusive relationship last year has found herself a man that treats her with love and respect. It was a long road, but she is starting to find happiness!:heart:
Rediscovering albums you forgot you even had. I.e., Judy Collins's Whales And Nightingales. She has/had one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard. :)
That the sun has returned, even if just for a little while. It's been so damn rainy and gloomy here, I was about to cut a bitch. Having to wear sunglasses because it's so bright and gorgeous outside is WONDERFUL!! :love:

:up: Sunshine. :drool:

I love that a friend who struggled to get out of an abusive relationship last year has found herself a man that treats her with love and respect. It was a long road, but she is starting to find happiness!:heart:


I loved Friendly Fires concert :heart: and meeting them yesterday. :love: All lovely guys. Especially Ed. :shifty:
I love that a friend who struggled to get out of an abusive relationship last year has found herself a man that treats her with love and respect. It was a long road, but she is starting to find happiness!:heart:

That is fantastic. :) It's amazing how we can get so caught up in the BS, we forget how good it feels to have something healthy. Good for her.
An asshole driver getting what was coming to him. I was going slow because it was a school zone, and I could see that there was a cop up ahead. This asshole was tailgating me and was visibly annoyed that I was going the speed limit, but I wasn't about to speed up, because of the cop car being nearby. The idiot decides to illegally pass me, flips me the bird, and of course the cop catches him and I hope gave him a really expensive ticket. :hi5: :lol: I could not stop laughing the rest of the drive home. Totally made my evening. :D
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