Songs of Experience - Part 3

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Ironically, The Miracle is still being played on the radio here quite often. Sure it's not on the hip stations, but not oldies either. Either way it was a million times better as a single than Boots.

Tho I would've preferred if they had released Volcano first though. :wink:
I wish they had the balls to release it exactly the same way. Just put it in everyone's iTunes again and say F it. Be "punk rock" as they say.
I wish they had the balls to release it exactly the same way. Just put it in everyone's iTunes again and say F it. Be "punk rock" as they say.

God, that'd be amazing! Somehow, I could almost see it having the opposite effect if they did it again. Like, it'd be such a ballsy, "fuck you" thing to do, people would actually respect it in a strange way.
God, that'd be amazing! Somehow, I could almost see it having the opposite effect if they did it again. Like, it'd be such a ballsy, "fuck you" thing to do, people would actually respect it in a strange way.

Exactly! And without Bono apologizing.
I wish they had the balls to release it exactly the same way. Just put it in everyone's iTunes again and say F it. Be "punk rock" as they say.

I'd rather they had brains instead of balls and not do something this stupid and give people even more reason to hate them. Nobody is going to respec their 'punk rock' move. Once again Einstein's quote rings true. Stupidity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I don't see how this situation would be different.
yep - no one is questioning U2's balls (teehee)

put out an album with your best music, some great artwork, and let the cards fall as they may.
Bono needs to stop referring to themselves as punk rock. They may have been influenced by punk in the EARLIEST days of the band, but it never showed trough in their music or image. What they were / still are somewhat is something bigger than any genre or label.

Plus punk rockers don't have vacation mansions in the south of France, the millionaires playground.

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Bono needs to stop referring to themselves as punk rock. They may have been influenced by punk in the EARLIEST days of the band, but it never showed trough in their music or image. What they were / still are somewhat is something bigger than any genre or label.

Plus punk rockers don't have vacation mansions in the south of France, the millionaires playground.

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and punk rockers certainly don't eat at In-N-Out Burger
I think that touches on their biggest issue... that they still try to be hip and cool with the kids. Nothing will make you less hip and cool with the kids than desperately trying to be hip and cool with the kids.

Can you please try and explain this to the band? Clearly they fail to grasp at this with their quest to become relevant.
Can you please try and explain this to the band? Clearly they fail to grasp at this with their quest to become relevant.

Maybe they learned this after the recent collabs with One Direction and Taylor Swift came out… you know, with them trying to appeal to "kids" and all.
When you think about it, the way they try to appeal to kids is kind of "punk rock" when comparing them to other bands their age.
wasn't punk about doing whatever you want to do regardless of trends or expectations? like the Clash did in London Calling
wasn't punk about doing whatever you want to do regardless of trends or expectations? like the Clash did in London Calling

It is. Mid 50 year olds attempting to reach out to an audience outside of their age range = Punk Rock.
They know very well that they're not a punk rock band. Bono just likes to play with that idea. As he does with a lot of other stuff. Being Bono, you know.
As for the release, I don't give a fuck how the album is released as long as it is released. And I'm pretty sure the young kids don't give a damn either. They won't listen to it either way. No release method is going to change the perception. The dislike of U2 is not grounded in their release method or even music.
Anyway, all I'm hoping for is an album this year, with good songs, and a continued tour.
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