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Another thing that pisses me off is that the band hardly ever gets credit for addressing important issues in their music. Which other act out there has songs about Aleppo, the refugee crisis, and democracy’s struggles on their album?
6 stars is an actual standard in some places??

This German review is garbage. He pivots from the iTunes debacle to compare them with The National and says there's one good song- which, by his standard, should have made him live Love is All as well, but no. It's clear to me that if they had presented him with JT he'd have hated it, based on name alone. These kind of reviews piss me off- these guys need to take a course from Christgau or Fricke.
The NME are a joke. They wil by default gives bad reviews to anyone or anything that is popular and not alternative.
I'm not one to get hung up on reviews. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

But that NME review was written by someone who clearly is just a small person. You can feel the joy he gets by ripping this apart. He bemoans the band for being self-important but this review is just that.
You can just tell this review is from someone who just hates the band.

In fact, I went through the music review page of NME & to my utter disbelief I didn't find any other 2 star review there !!! All other albums of different bands got either 3 or 4 star........ even Miley Sirus.
God damn, I did not expect this.

You'd have thought by now all these hipsters would have realized that if they really wanted to be counter-culture or whatever they'd start praising U2.
NME review is just outright ageism and general hatred of U2. Reviews don’t get me worked up but with an album this great it’s just pathetic and sad to read this crap. Change the band name and make them 25 year old dudes and it’s 4 or 5 stars for them.

I truly believe some of these clowns give low reviews to get a rise out of fans to generate buzz for their articles. One Quick view of this guys twitter feed explains a lot about him. Oh well back to the album!!
Well, the Rolling Stone cover has the headline: U2’s brilliant return. Can’t wait to read the review.
In all seriousness tho, I'm psyched (and surprised, frankly) to see so many here enjoying it. Holding out til' Friday.
The hipster community is not on board.


Pitchfork will give them a solid review (thinking 8+). They praised them earlier this year for Joshua Tree Tour and it will be the new hip thing to do (praise U2).
So if I'm reading the NME review correctly, they are bashing U2 for sounding like other bands that sound like U2. So other bands can sound like U2, but U2 can't sound like themselves? :doh:
AV Club calling the album "insufferable" in the headline seems a bit unfair, no? Not that I expected them or some of these others to like it..
So if I'm reading the NME review correctly, they are bashing U2 for sounding like other bands that sound like U2. So other bands can sound like U2, but U2 can't sound like themselves? :doh:
Sounding like a pastiche of a pastiche is a relevant argument, one of the few the author makes. Most U2-inspired bands sound less like U2 than an interpretation of their attitude toward arena rock as a whole, so U2 taking inspiration from those bands would have the unfortunate side effect of draining the nuance out of their music.
Man, they are getting savaged! It seems somehow people are as mad today as they were over three years ago about the SOI release. I can understand the I-tunes thing causing SOI to receive terrible reviews, but the follow up? Damn. Also, looks like their anti-Trump stance is winning them absolutely no brownie points. Lot's of angry people in the world today.
So if I'm reading the NME review correctly, they are bashing U2 for sounding like other bands that sound like U2. So other bands can sound like U2, but U2 can't sound like themselves? :doh:

'I want you to be like U2 but not actually BE U2'. Strange one isn't it?

I respect the AV Club review for loving their 90s work. Then again, they assigned a reporter who specialises in reviewing fast food chain restuarants so maybe his love of U2 in the 90s is purely grounded in a love of them performing in front of a massive McDonald's like arch during Popmart.


I don't think they've posted a review yet (or did they?), but Consequence of Sound has already called the album terrible in their Twitter. They are another U2 hater though, so I am doubting they've actually listened! A couple of the replies to the tweet hit back at CoS though.
Sounding like a pastiche of a pastiche is a relevant argument, one of the few the author makes. Most U2-inspired bands sound less like U2 than an interpretation of their attitude toward arena rock as a whole, so U2 taking inspiration from those bands would have the unfortunate side effect of draining the nuance out of their music.

My head just exploded. I need more coffee to understand this!
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