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I would be genuinely shocked if Pitchfork rates the record above 5.5 (not sure why I feel that number is the limit of reasonable expectness for me, but whatevs--as long as the review is thoughtful and well-written, then I'm all ears).
Pitchfork score betting pool anyone?

I’m leaning towards a 5 or 6.

a healthy 6.

compared to:
Songs of Innocence - 4.6
No Line on the Horizon - 4.2
HTDAAB - 6.9
ATYCLB - 5.0

interestingly enough - the new Noel Gallagher gets a 7.1

but more important, reviewing anything to the nearest tenth of a decimal point is the crockiest of crocks of shit. A 9.8 on the crock of shit scale, in fact.
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If you give this album less then at least 8/10 you are seriously tone deaf. Or a Pitchfork/NME reviewer trying to satisfy your spotty angry white teenager audience.
If you give this album less then at least 8/10 you are seriously tone deaf. Or a Pitchfork/NME reviewer trying to satisfy your spotty angry white teenager audience.

Are they teenagers? I tend to think of Pitchfork Readers as sexually frustrated 35-45 year old white men. They’ve been around for a while.
Big Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad giving SOE very good 4 star review. People really enjoying this fabulous return to form of our favorite Irish party and wedding band.
No, it’s a premium article so I can not link it. But tomorrow I will give a translation from the article (it’s pretty late in the Netherlands now?). But the reviewer is very pleased with the songs compared to the songs on SOI.
Think we will get a ton of reviews starting on the day of release and the following week, including RS

Lorde got 4 stars and Kendrick 4.5 and they were in front of U2 on the best albums list. So I guess it will be 4 star review, 4.5 maximum. :shifty: but I really don't care, this album is a gem. Surely I'll still get pissed off by NME, Pitchfork and some other reviews though :angry:

I think with RS i am less concerned how many stars they give the album and actually looking forward to reading their reviews of the songs. Always have enjoyed their song descriptions regarding u2, it's one of the few things that RS does well imho.
But when it comes to Bono’s offshore financial dealings and The Edge’s controversial plan for homes in Malibu, there may still be some ‘splainin’ to do.

Just can't help themselves, lol
Just can't help themselves, lol

Oh give me a break. You're the Washington Post. Go pick on corrupt politicians harassing 15 year olds while conspiring to save themselves 10 million dollars and spare me the litanies about the frivolities of entertainers. Please.
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Can anyone cut and paste the WaPo review?

By Pablo Gorondi | AP November 28 at 12:39 PM
U2, “Songs of Experience” (Interscope Records)

Like its 2014 predecessor, U2’s “Songs of Experience” is the product of a difficult and drawn-out recording process.

Much more so than “Songs of Innocence,” however, U2 has made an exciting, stage-ready album that doesn’t blush or blink in its use of the band’s signature sounds — The Edge’s chiming guitar, Adam Clayton’s trebly, adhesive bass, Larry Mullen Jr.’s sharp and responsive drums and Bono’s heart-on-his-vocal-cords singing.

“Songs of Experience” was supposed to be completed “soon enough” after “Songs of Innocence,” but things kept getting in its way.

From the automatic iTunes download fiasco of “Innocence,” Bono’s debilitating bicycle accident in New York three years ago and another, more recent, yet-to-be-described health scare, plus the changing political landscape and the wildly successful 30th anniversary tour of “The Joshua Tree,” which is barely over, sometimes the pause button was getting pressed and sometimes it was rewind or rip it up and start again.

As the band’s unavoidable frontman, Bono has worn the ensemble’s colors most brightly — the Christian zeal, the obsession with technology and its excesses, the penchant for big statements, his full immersion in the politics of the moment and his firm commitment to numerous humanitarian and philanthropic causes. Some of those themes appear on “Experience.”

While the last two albums — the other was 2009’s “No Line on the Horizon” — had some strong songs and sounds, there was a sense of erratic dispersion, of the whole being less than its components.

The new record is a thrilling listen because U2 sounds fully integrated again, a band with everyone on the same page and, just as importantly, in the same groove.

“Swan Lake”-like strings launch opener “Love Is All We Have Left,” as Bono duets with his own electronically modified voice on another of his typically zeitgeist ballads.

Breaking the musical mood if not the lyrical one, Bono seems to relive his bike crash on “Lights of Home” as the distorted acoustic guitar and cymbal splashes give way to an emotional solo from The Edge and a gospel-like, gap-in-the-clouds ending with assistance from the group Haim, who also get co-credit for the music.

“You’re the Best Thing About Me” has more of U2’s DNA of thumping drums and ringing guitars but the message is ambivalent — you’re magnificent but I’m leaving anyway.

Kendrick Lamar raps on the transition between “Get Out of Your Own Way” and “American Soul,” not really integrated in either, and Lady Gaga sings backing on “Summer of Love.”

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“Red Flag Day,” a counterpart of the anthemic songs on 1983’s “War,” references the scores of migrants drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and “The Showman” could be a Bono mini-biopic.

Closer “13 (There Is a Light)” pair ups with the opener as album bookends of Bono’s most vulnerable moments.

Nearly every song has a different producer or combination thereof but they all seem to have been peeking at each other’s notes. The result is the best U2 album since “All That You Can’t Leave Behind.” It’s not so much a return to their roots as a modern expedition across their vast reservoir of sounds and themes.

But when it comes to Bono’s offshore financial dealings and The Edge’s controversial plan for homes in Malibu, there may still be some ‘splainin’ to do.

Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
The Washington Post and Austin Chronicle reviews aren't by those newspapers. They are the same review by an AP journalist.
The Washington Post and Austin Chronicle reviews aren't by those newspapers. They are the same review by an AP journalist.

Yeah, that review was picked up by a lot of news outlets(saw the same one posted by the Toronto Sun). Good thing it was a positive review!
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