SOE 14: The Morning after Meltdown

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Has Bono ever been seen publicly with trump over the years?

I wonder if trump made any comments on the performance.

The Clintons were at one of the MSG shows I was at last year so no surprise there.

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Either candidate will have world-wide implications though, correct?

As far as this statement "there is no denying that Donald Trump is creating an environment where bigotry is ok to say in the open rather than being a controversial opinion people keep to themselves" i disagree, you have just described every message board to include this one (the proof is here in this thread).

If bigotry is defined as: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Thanks Irvine. :(

Though let me add, NOT supporting HRC does not necessarily make one a TRUMP supporter. There are a lot of very conflicted people out there.

I don't think everyone who supports Trump is stupid or racist, or indeed deplorable. I think a large portion of them have some kind of problem perceiving their fellow human beings. But not all. Many are just very jaded with everything -- the crash, the rise in terrorist attacks, etc. It's a little baffling that they chose a guy who in 70 years of being alive did not learn the meaning of the nuclear triad.

As a journalist, I hate any kind of bias in reporting. I think the editor of new york times (maybe, not sure) wrote a piece a few months ago effectively saying that Trump was different and does not merit the coverage of a run of the mill candidate. He is half right -- he is different but trust should be kept in regular coverage to vet him and Hillary, who IMO opinion is the second worst candidate possible but there is daylight between her and Trump in that list.

The media should be neutral, but that is a pipedream long lost in the right v left war. So there can be some angst there. But a rock star, a talk show host or a comedian are not bound by those restrictions. In so many words Steven Colbert, for example, has long been telling Americans how to vote. So it's surprising that you would fault the band that plays Bullet The Blue Sky in every concert with a monologue about the political issue of the day worked in.

But I absolutely agree with you on one point. Castigating other people for not sharing your point of view is how this shit got started. And not being a Hillary supporter doesn't make you a Trump supporter. But Bono has a right to voice his opinion from his pulpit and him not being American has nothing to do with it. And if being rich and spoilt disqualifies him, then no one owning an apartment in an NYC highrise should be voting.

And to your last point of playing his cards right for future lobbying, I would be disgusted with Bono if he let that stop him from criticising someone who he sees as racist and bigoted.

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one thing the French are pretty good at is tactical voting - they don't always vote for who they want, as that's clearly not always an option, but generally, well definitely since 2002 when the FN got into the second round of the presidential elections for the first time, have come out in their masses to vote AGAINST the presidential candidate they didn't want...
Isn't this kind of what many people were saying when country A invades country I because they did not like a certain ruthless dictator back in 2003? People told us to mind our own business, and we sure should have listened to them am i correct?

Wow. Because invading country I and waging war is the same as someone coming over, playing a rock concert and telling people that candidate d is a D.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app
one thing the French are pretty good at is tactical voting - they don't always vote for who they want, as that's clearly not always an option, but generally, well definitely since 2002 when the FN got into the second round of the presidential elections for the first time, have come out in their masses to vote AGAINST the presidential candidate they didn't want...

That's the biggest problem of presidential systems or 1st-past-the-post systems or systems with tones of circumscriptions/electoral districts, which distort the vote/MP's ratio and most times polarize the discussion between two big options only, leading the electorate to go for the "tactical voting", instead of voting the party/list they most identify with.
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Thanks Irvine. :(

Though let me add, NOT supporting HRC does not necessarily make one a TRUMP supporter. There are a lot of very conflicted people out there.

i really was going to let this go, but i think i need to respond because i made a mistake here. i should have been more artful in my words, and for that i am sorry. i'm having a bad week so i'm probably more testy than usual.

i think i overstated my position on Trump precisely because i was trying to make the point that while i wholly agree with those in the ROW who fear Trump, there are inherent difficulties we all have when commenting about the politics of another country, when we cannot know/feel -- because we are not of that culture -- the complexities that inform political decisions. i didn't want the more nuanced second point to be obscured by a failure to fully and totally condemn Trump.

that said, i find it hard to separate the fact that a vote for Trump is a vote for the nakedly racist policies he has advocated (Muslim ban, Mexico wall), and the term "fool" was less about being stupid and more about being conned by a famous, decades-old con artist.

as for the other part of this discussion, i've found in my international experiences (living and working abroad) that many people think they know a lot more than they actually do about the US precisely because it does have a very big footprint when it walks through the world. of course anyone can have an opinion, and they can be very informed opinions. Bono is informed. he can say what he wants. i agree with him most of the time. and if you listen to the Charlie Rose interview, he offers a lot more than "don't fuck it up."

but, and i say this as someone who has actively combated this impulse within myself, when you are talking to a native of a country -- from the US to Uruguay to Uganda -- it probably is best to listen and ask questions before spouting off, "lemme tell you the matter with you people ..." It happens a lot. I know it's hard to extend sympathy and the benefit-of-the-doubt to the big kid on the block -- like it's difficult to extend sympathy to Irish near-billionaires -- but that doesn't mean it isn't deserved or, better, useful in actually having these conversations.

that's it for me on this subject in this thread. promise.
You're either joking, ignorant, or just playing semantics if you don't know exactly what kind of bigotry I mean.

And there's an enormous difference between spouting hate on a U2 message board vs. spouting hate as the president of the United States of America.

I am sorry that you feel this way but insinuating that i am ignorant kind of makes my point.

Again, bigotry as defined:
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Have a good day.
i really was going to let this go, but i think i need to respond because i made a mistake here. i should have been more artful in my words, and for that i am sorry. i'm having a bad week so i'm probably more testy than usual.

i think i overstated my position on Trump precisely because i was trying to make the point that while i wholly agree with those in the ROW who fear Trump, there are inherent difficulties we all have when commenting about the politics of another country, when we cannot know/feel -- because we are not of that culture -- the complexities that inform political decisions. i didn't want the more nuanced second point to be obscured by a failure to fully and totally condemn Trump.

that said, i find it hard to separate the fact that a vote for Trump is a vote for the nakedly racist policies he has advocated (Muslim ban, Mexico wall), and the term "fool" was less about being stupid and more about being conned by a famous, decades-old con artist.

as for the other part of this discussion, i've found in my international experiences (living and working abroad) that many people think they know a lot more than they actually do about the US precisely because it does have a very big footprint when it walks through the world. of course anyone can have an opinion, and they can be very informed opinions. Bono is informed. he can say what he wants. i agree with him most of the time. and if you listen to the Charlie Rose interview, he offers a lot more than "don't fuck it up."

but, and i say this as someone who has actively combated this impulse within myself, when you are talking to a native of a country -- from the US to Uruguay to Uganda -- it probably is best to listen and ask questions before spouting off, "lemme tell you the matter with you people ..." It happens a lot. I know it's hard to extend sympathy and the benefit-of-the-doubt to the big kid on the block -- like it's difficult to extend sympathy to Irish near-billionaires -- but that doesn't mean it isn't deserved or, better, useful in actually having these conversations.

that's it for me on this subject in this thread. promise.

Let me join you. No more. Promise.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app
but, and i say this as someone who has actively combated this impulse within myself, when you are talking to a native of a country -- from the US to Uruguay to Uganda -- it probably is best to listen and ask questions before spouting off, "lemme tell you the matter with you people ..." It happens a lot. I know it's hard to extend sympathy and the benefit-of-the-doubt to the big kid on the block -- like it's difficult to extend sympathy to Irish near-billionaires -- but that doesn't mean it isn't deserved or, better, useful in actually having these conversations.

that's it for me on this subject in this thread. promise.

I don't think everyone who supports Trump is stupid or racist, or indeed deplorable. I think a large portion of them have some kind of problem perceiving their fellow human beings. But not all. Many are just very jaded with everything -- the crash, the rise in terrorist attacks, etc. It's a little baffling that they chose a guy who in 70 years of being alive did not learn the meaning of the nuclear triad.

As a journalist, I hate any kind of bias in reporting. I think the editor of new york times (maybe, not sure) wrote a piece a few months ago effectively saying that Trump was different and does not merit the coverage of a run of the mill candidate. He is half right -- he is different but trust should be kept in regular coverage to vet him and Hillary, who IMO opinion is the second worst candidate possible but there is daylight between her and Trump in that list.

The media should be neutral, but that is a pipedream long lost in the right v left war. So there can be some angst there. But a rock star, a talk show host or a comedian are not bound by those restrictions. In so many words Steven Colbert, for example, has long been telling Americans how to vote. So it's surprising that you would fault the band that plays Bullet The Blue Sky in every concert with a monologue about the political issue of the day worked in.

But I absolutely agree with you on one point. Castigating other people for not sharing your point of view is how this shit got started. And not being a Hillary supporter doesn't make you a Trump supporter. But Bono has a right to voice his opinion from his pulpit and him not being American has nothing to do with it. And if being rich and spoilt disqualifies him, then no one owning an apartment in an NYC highrise should be voting.

And to your last point of playing his cards right for future lobbying, I would be disgusted with Bono if he let that stop him from criticising someone who he sees as racist and bigoted.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app

Good post, i agree with some of it but let me try and clarify one point; what i perceive you made of my earlier post. I have no problem how anyone in a New York penthouse votes, or anyone anywhere for that matter. I served in the military so that people could vote for Donald Duck if they so choose to. It's their vote to cast and i fully support that whether i personally disagree with their choice or not. That was my point. And if anyone tells you otherwise, or HOW to cast your vote, that is where i draw the line.
Wow. Because invading country I and waging war is the same as someone coming over, playing a rock concert and telling people that candidate d is a D.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app

I believe you have taken what i said out of context. No its not the same at all.
Good post, i agree with some of it but let me try and clarify one point; what i perceive you made of my earlier post. I have no problem how anyone in a New York penthouse votes, or anyone anywhere for that matter. I served in the military so that people could vote for Donald Duck if they so choose to. It's their vote to cast and i fully support that whether i personally disagree with their choice or not. That was my point. And if anyone tells you otherwise, or HOW to cast your vote, that is where i draw the line.

On the plus side it's only 9 days until U2's next gig. Maybe we'll get some more info around that time... and a longer greatest hits set. Maybe this time they'll be able to throw in WOWY, IWF and MW!!!

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On the plus side it's only 9 days until U2's next gig. Maybe we'll get some more info around that time... and a longer greatest hits set. Maybe this time they'll be able to throw in WOWY, IWF and MW!!!

True! Based on info guides from Salesforce, U2 are taking the stage stage at 8:15pm PST and show's over at 10pm. There's an immediate VIP after-party so they'll be pretty strict about it. I attended Dreamforce last year with the Foo Fighters, The Killers and Gary Clark Jr.. and all bands were prompt to almost the minute on the poster. Corporate gigs are very different haha

As far as new material, this is not nearly the promotional avenue iHeart would've been and this is very much a corporate conference 'Best Of' gig. Expect the warhorses and a lot of (RED) talk and thank you's. There's certainly a possibility they'll tease it or try something new, but I wouldn't bank on it.
i really was going to let this go, but i think i need to respond because i made a mistake here. i should have been more artful in my words, and for that i am sorry. i'm having a bad week so i'm probably more testy than usual.

i think i overstated my position on Trump precisely because i was trying to make the point that while i wholly agree with those in the ROW who fear Trump, there are inherent difficulties we all have when commenting about the politics of another country, when we cannot know/feel -- because we are not of that culture -- the complexities that inform political decisions. i didn't want the more nuanced second point to be obscured by a failure to fully and totally condemn Trump.

that said, i find it hard to separate the fact that a vote for Trump is a vote for the nakedly racist policies he has advocated (Muslim ban, Mexico wall), and the term "fool" was less about being stupid and more about being conned by a famous, decades-old con artist.

as for the other part of this discussion, i've found in my international experiences (living and working abroad) that many people think they know a lot more than they actually do about the US precisely because it does have a very big footprint when it walks through the world. of course anyone can have an opinion, and they can be very informed opinions. Bono is informed. he can say what he wants. i agree with him most of the time. and if you listen to the Charlie Rose interview, he offers a lot more than "don't fuck it up."

but, and i say this as someone who has actively combated this impulse within myself, when you are talking to a native of a country -- from the US to Uruguay to Uganda -- it probably is best to listen and ask questions before spouting off, "lemme tell you the matter with you people ..." It happens a lot. I know it's hard to extend sympathy and the benefit-of-the-doubt to the big kid on the block -- like it's difficult to extend sympathy to Irish near-billionaires -- but that doesn't mean it isn't deserved or, better, useful in actually having these conversations.

that's it for me on this subject in this thread. promise.

I have spent several years abroad and let me just say i have never felt the urge to advise citizens of the host country on how they should vote. It was just kind of a mutual respect between us, they let me in and were kind to me and i tried to be respectful and appreciative in return. Of course i am not a rock star on a big stage so it's not like anyone would have listened to me anyway. Bono can do or say whatever he wishes, but whatever the consequences of his comments will be, they are probably well deserved. Some will love it, others won't.

As for TRUMP's controversial positions i suspect he could make a better case for them than just blurting shit out as he often does. If you are ever curious and watch old footage of him from the 80's he was much more well spoken back then. Enforcing the laws and trying to keep a country safe should be as important as education, health care, the economy, at the very least.

We currently have a major problem in the country with murders, mass shootings, terrorist attacks, etc. I am genuinely curious how either of these candidates would approach these topics.
While I do fully believe these 2 gigs were originally supposed to be part of a larger promo tour for SOE, I am at peace with the fact that is no longer the case. U2 may have a lot of faults as they get older, but the difference between them and the Rolling Stones is that they are still striving and thriving to create new music.

They still played 7 new songs on the I+E tour every night, sometimes more. When the Stones were U2's age they were touring Bridges to Babylon, and would usually play 3 new songs per night at best. The fact that they're pushing at all for SOE is impressive, considering they could sell just many tickets and make just as much money doing nothing but Greatest Hits shows.

I know it's disappointing, but I'm pretty sure we'll have at least a new single by January (unless something goes horribly wrong). So I guess I'm just gonna chill out, put my focus on other things for a few months, let the holidays run their course, then let U2 take over my life again in the new year.

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As the saying goes....."Vote early and vote often!"


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can we please for the love of god stop comparing u2 to the rolling stones?

that is an absolutely horrible comparison, the two bands (and their histories) are nothing alike. they are both completely unique in the history of popular music.

edit: how unhappy to be there does larry look? this looks like a photo of a kidnap victim and his three captors pleased with their catch :huh:
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I am the most fashion unconscious person I know, so I may be very wrong. But I really think Bono should change his get-up on stage.

His leather jacket and pants just seem too tight. Maybe not change attire, but just move up in size a bit?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app
I am the most fashion unconscious person I know, so I may be very wrong. But I really think Bono should change his get-up on stage.

His leather jacket and pants just seem too tight. Maybe not change attire, but just move up in size a bit?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using U2 Interference mobile app

the round glasses are brutal for me.
can we please for the love of god stop comparing u2 to the rolling stones?

that is an absolutely horrible comparison, the two bands (and their histories) are nothing alike. they are both completely unique in the history of popular music.

edit: how unhappy to be there does larry look? this looks like a photo of a kidnap victim and his three captors pleased with their catch :huh:[/

I was responding to the people who are saying they're the new Rolling Stones, by illustrating the ways that they're not. Apples and Oranges.

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