so...8 months on, do people class bomb as a hit?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Nov 16, 2004
just a question i have been wondering, looking through the coldplay album v U2 album thread it seems that coldplays album will outsell bomb in the U.S.

what do people think?
It will be very difficult for coldplay to outsell htdaab in the U.S.A. unless they 'll have another hit single.You should also consider that even killers's album with one very succesfull hit single(mr brigthside) hasn't outsold u2's album.HTDAAB will be the second most successfull rock album of the year in U.S.A. behind green days's american idiot.
KUEFC09U2 said:
just a question i have been wondering, looking through the coldplay album v U2 album thread it seems that coldplays album will outsell bomb in the U.S.

what do people think?

The album has sold over 9 million copies worldwide since its release nearly 8 months ago. In terms of global sales since November 23, 2004, no other album has sold as much as the BOMB worldwide. Despite the slow down in sales in the USA, the album will be one of the 10 biggest selling albums of the year in the USA and potentially even top 5 once Billboard does its year end chart which starts with the first week BOMB was released in the USA in November 2004 and will end with the week just prior to that in 2005.

This album is already one of the biggest sellling albums of the decade, to say that it is a "hit" would be an understatement.
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