Randooooooooooom springtime ramblings

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cool pics! I like the clock pictures and the ones where they're all flying together. Hope the weather is nice for the real thing tomorrow! Did you get to the restaurant you wanted to go to?

What a surprise :rolleyes: #4 still hasn't made up his mind yet. I thought the deadline was today.
:angry: my car is not eligible for the cash for clunkers program. Surprisingly, neither is my dad's. I thought for sure his would be since it's an old piece of junk but I guess 1995 isn't old enough. :shrug: I've had my eye on a few cars lately, one is something my friend recently got and after driving it I love it, so I started to do some pricing. With what my car would be worth to trade in I'd still have a pretty high payment. I actually would never trade in a car since you can get more by selling it on your own but even the amount I think I could get would still not be enough to get my monthly payment down to an amount I can afford...when I have a job of course. :happy: Still not thrilled with the offer from the other day at the little bakery......anyways I wasn't sure what the cash for clunkers program was other than my sister's boyfriend's brother already did his homework a few weeks ago to find out he qualified and picked out his new car that he's buying next week. So I decided to look tonight and I guess a 7 year old car isn't old enough. It's certainly old enough in my book! :madwife: I need to win the lottery so I can buy a new car, travel to Europe, and find a cute little house in St Paul.
Tradition dictates that Mr. Favre will be unable to make up his mind until half the training camp is over or until it is over completely..............then he will just step in and throw interceptions :angel::evil:, play

N is running late ~ however, in the chat I asked her if she would like to stay for the night time airshow.............yes, :hyper: Germanfest has their own mini airshow and fireworks :up: Whole day at the lakefront :drool:
:angry: my car is not eligible for the cash for clunkers program. Surprisingly, neither is my dad's. I thought for sure his would be since it's an old piece of junk but I guess 1995 isn't old enough. :shrug: I've had my eye on a few cars lately, one is something my friend recently got and after driving it I love it, so I started to do some pricing. With what my car would be worth to trade in I'd still have a pretty high payment. I actually would never trade in a car since you can get more by selling it on your own but even the amount I think I could get would still not be enough to get my monthly payment down to an amount I can afford...when I have a job of course. :happy: Still not thrilled with the offer from the other day at the little bakery......anyways I wasn't sure what the cash for clunkers program was other than my sister's boyfriend's brother already did his homework a few weeks ago to find out he qualified and picked out his new car that he's buying next week. So I decided to look tonight and I guess a 7 year old car isn't old enough. It's certainly old enough in my book! :madwife: I need to win the lottery so I can buy a new car, travel to Europe, and find a cute little house in St Paul.
The way a cars value goes down the minute you drive it off the lot (as they say), I would think that your car would be worth something :shrug:
I keep saying I need to win the lottery, the odds might be better if I actually played it more than once or twice a year :yes:
Tradition dictates that Mr. Favre will be unable to make up his mind until half the training camp is over or until it is over completely..............then he will just step in and throw interceptions :angel::evil:, play

He needs to make up his mind soon so I can cross that off my list of things to think about. :angry:

N is running late ~ however, in the chat I asked her if she would like to stay for the night time airshow.............yes, :hyper: Germanfest has their own mini airshow and fireworks :up: Whole day at the lakefront :drool:


:drool: whole day at the lake :drool:
Yeah, it's not a good thing to get stuck with a too high car payment.

I know this from current experience :reject:

my car is paid off but it was $300 a month when I had payments :happy: My car before that was only $200 because I had a $3000 to put down but I leased that so I didn't have anything to trade in. So...I'll just have to save my pennies.
I have a job interview tomorrow morning. Who does interviews on Sunday mornings? :crack: This place is more my style so I hope it works out. I need to not work at that little bakery I'm supposed to go to in a week and a half.
my car is paid off but it was $300 a month when I had payments :happy: My car before that was only $200 because I had a $3000 to put down but I leased that so I didn't have anything to trade in. So...I'll just have to save my pennies.

It's $351 for the Corolla now. The Neon was much cheaper, I don't remember how much. I kept that for 8 or 9 years but I was afraid it was going to go klabooey! one day, so I thought I'd better get a more reliable brand after the Neon's extended warranty was up. I've had the Corolla for about two years I think, so there's still a while to go before it's paid off :(
It's $351 for the Corolla now. The Neon was much cheaper, I don't remember how much. I kept that for 8 or 9 years but I was afraid it was going to go klabooey! one day, so I thought I'd better get a more reliable brand after the Neon's extended warranty was up. I've had the Corolla for about two years I think, so there's still a while to go before it's paid off :(

:yikes: that's way more than I'd want for a car payment these days. Once I start to work I'm going to try to save towards a down payment. I think I can sell my current car a decent enough price that I'd be able to have a nice chunk of change to put down to make my payments closer to $200.
the place I'm interviewing tomorrow doesn't have any desserts on their website. I wanted to be prepared but now I have no clue what they make. I'd like to know for interview purposes but in terms of working there, I don't care what they make because I want to work there. Just like the resort, this place would look really great on my resume. They've won a lot of culinary awards and have a pretty decent reputation. I think after a year or so at a place like this then I'd be able to start to apply for actual pastry chef positions as opposed to just pastry cook jobs that don't pay :happy:
I have a job interview tomorrow morning. Who does interviews on Sunday mornings? :crack: This place is more my style so I hope it works out. I need to not work at that little bakery I'm supposed to go to in a week and a half.

Good Luck!
Home and so buzzed from the air show yet so tired from all that fresh air.
Thunderbirds weren't able to put on whole show. One of the T-birds suffered from a malfunction and had to go back to the airport................the 5 came back but the sixth never did...........a seagull met a untimely death, apparently. The T-Birds have a spare plane so they are good to go for tomorrow. Glad I saw the missing man formation and the wedge yesterday at practice.
Would like to go tomorrow but no one wants to go. They keep saying it will be back next year :hyper:
today was so easy and casual. I got there early and was done before the actual time my interview called for. I have to back on Tuesday morning for a baking interview. :drool: If I get hired the shift is 4 AM to Noon :lmao: :crack: Those are the hours I'm usually sleeping. I WANT this job!!!!!!! :scream: I'd work there for free, if I had the luxury of that, just to say I worked there.
Home and so buzzed from the air show yet so tired from all that fresh air.
Thunderbirds weren't able to put on whole show. One of the T-birds suffered from a malfunction and had to go back to the airport................the 5 came back but the sixth never did...........a seagull met a untimely death, apparently. The T-Birds have a spare plane so they are good to go for tomorrow. Glad I saw the missing man formation and the wedge yesterday at practice.
Would like to go tomorrow but no one wants to go. They keep saying it will be back next year :hyper:

:up: sounds like a fun few days
~Sending positive thoughts for Tuesday, arw~

I went to Walmart and as we were leaving I heard a roar, I looked thru the exit doors only to see a Thunderbird fly by and that was followed by 3 more :hyper: Got home and as we were unpacking the car 2 aerobatic planes flew by.
I took 657 pictures yesterday :reject: I have gotten it down to 45o-ish. I love trying to take pics of fast moving jets and the acrobatics of smaller planes. No more planes have flown overand officially the show is over for 2009.....I wonder when the T-birds and friends leave.
Monday into Tuesday the GIANT Air Bus 380 is at Mitchell Field on its way to Oshkosh for the big EAA show...........I would like to go to that someday :sigh:
I took 657 pictures yesterday :reject: I have gotten it down to 45o-ish. I love trying to take pics of fast moving jets and the acrobatics of smaller planes. No more planes have flown overand officially the show is over for 2009.....I wonder when the T-birds and friends leave.
Monday into Tuesday the GIANT Air Bus 380 is at Mitchell Field on its way to Oshkosh for the big EAA show...........I would like to go to that someday :sigh:

that's ALOT of pictures! Can you imagine if this were back in the day of actual film and the only way to see all 657 pics would be to pay to get them developed?!!? :yikes: Well of course if you used film you probably wouldn't have been able to take that many but still....
Went to bed early last night so I could get up by 7ish today. Well that didn't happen since I woke up at 3:00 and was wiiiiide awake for a few hours. But I did get up at 9. :crazy: I'm so nervous about tomorrow. Not because I have to bake for them but because I have to be up in the middle of the night and acting like I'm happy to be awake at that hour. I do not do well in the first few hours of the day, no matter what time I get up, but especially early in the morning even after 8 hours of sleep. I don't care though because I WANT this job!!!!!!!
my poor Papa.....well my poor mom too.....my grandpa calls nonstop for my mom during the day. He knows she works until 3:30 everyday and is home by 4. But he calls and calls and calls. He drives her nuts when she is home by calling all night long too. This just started since he moved into the nursing home. He used to call once or twice every night and that was that. But now it's constant. I'm ready to turn off the phones so I don't have to listen to them ring. If I were to answer and say she's not home (he can't hear so it's hard to have a conversation with him without screaming into the phone) he wouldn't hear half of what I said and would still call back in 5 minutes. He's worried about the house and his stuff and his finances which is all understandable but it's the same questions and conversations over and over and over again. We were there on Sun afternoon and he rambled on about 1 particular piece of furniture and then called my mom a few times last night to talk about it with her. It's tiring for all of us.
yeah we have both....caller id is how we know it's him. He NEVER leaves a message either. He would have absolutely no understanding of caller id if my mom ever tried to mention to him that she knows he calls at least 50 times a day. He would deny it and then play the victim that she's trying to be mean to him somehow. 94 year old men are hard to deal with!
I :heart: Twitter....

From U2gigs: "Debut nyd"

:faint: Finally! :love:

Maybe they'll continue on with that trend and play it for my 2 shows. :D

that's ALOT of pictures! Can you imagine if this were back in the day of actual film and the only way to see all 657 pics would be to pay to get them developed?!!? :yikes: Well of course if you used film you probably wouldn't have been able to take that many but still....

Went to bed early last night so I could get up by 7ish today. Well that didn't happen since I woke up at 3:00 and was wiiiiide awake for a few hours. But I did get up at 9. :crazy: I'm so nervous about tomorrow. Not because I have to bake for them but because I have to be up in the middle of the night and acting like I'm happy to be awake at that hour. I do not do well in the first few hours of the day, no matter what time I get up, but especially early in the morning even after 8 hours of sleep. I don't care though because I WANT this job!!!!!!!

my poor Papa.....well my poor mom too.....my grandpa calls nonstop for my mom during the day. He knows she works until 3:30 everyday and is home by 4. But he calls and calls and calls. He drives her nuts when she is home by calling all night long too. This just started since he moved into the nursing home. He used to call once or twice every night and that was that. But now it's constant. I'm ready to turn off the phones so I don't have to listen to them ring. If I were to answer and say she's not home (he can't hear so it's hard to have a conversation with him without screaming into the phone) he wouldn't hear half of what I said and would still call back in 5 minutes. He's worried about the house and his stuff and his finances which is all understandable but it's the same questions and conversations over and over and over again. We were there on Sun afternoon and he rambled on about 1 particular piece of furniture and then called my mom a few times last night to talk about it with her. It's tiring for all of us.

NYD :up:
My mind can't even go there regarding what it would cost to get them all developed :faint: Picasa :heart:
Good idea about practicing the change in sleep hours.............you will get there.
:( about your papa. Sounds like what mom went thru with her father. It is so hard to see that person go thru that. My grandfather did the destruction route............whereas your papa is worried about a piece of furniture my grandpa smashed, with a sledgehammer,his car...........he spray painted some books blue..........all so no one could have them..........my grandfather suffered from a severe case of dementia and for a time the only place that could handle him was the mental health complex at the hospital............it was incredbly sad to watch my grandpa change like that. I can't even imagine what it was for my mom. When he was in a nursing home we got lots of calls too
Saturday hours from open to 12:30 are gone.........gave them to co-worker so I could get Springsteen tickets Saturday morning. The ticketmaster knot is slowly working itself back into my stomach.

I missed seeing the Thunderbirds leave : pout: they flew right over the house today as they were heading out.
Posted by kdawson on Monday July 27, @07:34PM
from the don't-think-we're-in-kansas-anymore dept.
Hugh Pickens writes
"The Washington Post reports that Department of Homeland Security is relying on a rushed, flawed study to justify its decision to locate the $700 million National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility for highly infectious pathogens in a tornado-prone section of Kansas. A GAO report says that it is not 'scientifically defensible' to conclude that lab can safely handle dangerous animal diseases in Kansas. Such research has been conducted up to now on a remote island on the northern tip of Long Island, NY. 'Drawing conclusions about relocating research with highly infectious exotic animal pathogens from questionable methodology could result in regrettable consequences,' the GAO warned in its draft report. Critics of moving the operation to the mainland argue that a release could lead to widespread contamination that could kill livestock, devastate a farm economy, and endanger humans. Along with the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease, NBAF researchers plan to study African swine fever, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, and other viruses in the Biosafety Level (BSL) 3 and BSL-4 livestock laboratory capable of developing countermeasures for foreign animal diseases. According to the article, DHS lobbied a Congressional committee to try and convince them that the GAO report was flawed, and to head off any hearings on the controversy. Despite this, the House Energy and Commerce Committee's oversight and investigations subcommittee plans to hold a hearing Thursday on the risk analysis."
yeah, that sounds like a good idea :|
First day back was ok but could someone tell me why I felt like crying at 5 when I left? Tears of joy for surviving?
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