Randooooooooooom springtime ramblings

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iTunes gift card ='s shari purchasing A New Tradition by Peter Purvis
Getting into the Irish Fest frame of mind

:ohmy: you'll have to tell me how it is. I saw on his website that it's only $9.99 to download it. Doing that would require me turning on my computer that hasn't been touched since Dec :yikes: But I have to do some itunes stuff soon anyways so maybe I'll add this to the list if you think it's good.

I'm super excited to see Gaelic Storm! I haven't seen them in 2 years and that concert was rained out after about 5 songs :( So it's been more like 3 years since I've had a full concert. I can't wait to hear some of the songs off the album that came out last year :drool: And to see Patrick and Twigger!! :heart:
I would burn ya a copy of the PP CD if my CD burner were working :happy: I like his CD very much..........I have always loved pipes.
Gotta call Dell this week again to see if someone can help me with the burner.........Afraid that I will have to send it in and I won't do that until after Aug 1............Bruce tickets on sale that morning and I will get them!
One more thing........can summer come back?
can summer come back?

yeah no kidding...it's in the 60's. :angry::angry::angry: I was looking forward to cooler weather but not this cool!!!! :madwife: One of my coworkers at the resort posted a pic on FB of the thermometer in her car...it was 118 in Phx yesterday. :crack: I kind of miss that but I really don't. I'd be a miserable mess if I were there right now in 118 degrees. :barf:

I'd love a copy of PP but it's not really all that neccessary either. That's kind of something I'd listen to for relaxing before bed but my portable cd player broke while I was moving it (just a cheapo thing from Target anyways) so it got left behind in Phx. I'll have to add that to my ever growing lists of needs......

You'd probably have your comp back within a week but I would be the same way too if tickets were on sale for an event! Both times my sister sent in her laptop they overnighted a box for her to then overnight the computer and then once fixed it was overnighted back. The first time it was all covered under warranty but the second time she had to pay to have it overnighted back once it was fixed otherwise they said it could take up to a week to get back. :yikes:
I was flipping by the channel and saw it :) I had only missed a half hour.............I was watching it and I fell asleep :reject: right around the Diana Ross/Michael reach out and touch part.........
Don't know if you ever get this, but yesterday was one of those *I never felt like I fully woke up at all* days. Just went thru it in a haze..........I blame the crappy weather for contributing to that feeling.

Thanks for the Jackson 5 movie alert :)
64 degees and the sun that was peeking out has gone away :mad:
Day 2 of not feeling like doing anything.........which is not good, cuz we are going to the zoo.........maybe the animals will wake me up

This is the week of vacation I took that I really wish I didn't have to take now. I wanted to take vacation the week of Irish Fest but was told I couldn't................Trim. Now I don't even know if I am doing Trim and really resenting being told I couldn't take vacation Irish Fest week...........that could be part of the ongoing feeling. Whatever.

Air Show the end of the week. Thunderbirds :drool:

Thinking about it, it could also be nerves cuz of the Dr. appt. tomorrow morning. Necessary and I know I have to go but geeeeeeeez I still hate it.

/self analyzation.
I was flipping by the channel and saw it :) I had only missed a half hour.............I was watching it and I fell asleep :reject: right around the Diana Ross/Michael reach out and touch part.........
Don't know if you ever get this, but yesterday was one of those *I never felt like I fully woke up at all* days. Just went thru it in a haze..........I blame the crappy weather for contributing to that feeling.

Thanks for the Jackson 5 movie alert :)

oh if you missed the first half hour then you missed nothing important. It's all about the parents dating, which is too long and stretched out.

I felt like that yesterday too. I think it's the weather!
64 degees and the sun that was peeking out has gone away :mad:
Day 2 of not feeling like doing anything.........which is not good, cuz we are going to the zoo.........maybe the animals will wake me up

This is the week of vacation I took that I really wish I didn't have to take now. I wanted to take vacation the week of Irish Fest but was told I couldn't................Trim. Now I don't even know if I am doing Trim and really resenting being told I couldn't take vacation Irish Fest week...........that could be part of the ongoing feeling. Whatever.

Air Show the end of the week. Thunderbirds :drool:

Thinking about it, it could also be nerves cuz of the Dr. appt. tomorrow morning. Necessary and I know I have to go but geeeeeeeez I still hate it.

/self analyzation.

that's crappy about your vacation. They better at least give you Sat off or I'll take a cab from the festival to your store and come and get you!!!

:ohmy: Good luck tomorrow. :hug: I hate going to the dr unless it's my allergist. He doesn't do anything creepy to me and sends me home with a bag filled with free drugs :drool:
Lily has done nothing but talk since about 6 am so I slept like crap and will require a nap soon. She's already had breakfast and her snack (she gets 3/4 of her food at feeding time and then the rest a few hours later). The blinds on her favorite window by the pond are open, all of her toys are out, my dad is wandering around upstairs so she has him to stalk......I don't know what else she wants. :crack: I just wish she would find a quiet place to take a nap.
that's crappy about your vacation. They better at least give you Sat off or I'll take a cab from the festival to your store and come and get you!!!

:ohmy: Good luck tomorrow. :hug: I hate going to the dr unless it's my allergist. He doesn't do anything creepy to me and sends me home with a bag filled with free drugs :drool:

I don't think it'll be a problem getting off for the Fest..........it hasn't been before. Boss brought me a pamphlet on Irish Fest so I believe I am in the clear for that........the cynical side of me says he did it to check on how many days Gaelic Storm Plays and if it jibes with my requests. I could give him the benefit of the doubt, though :shrug:

Free meds are what I look forward to tomorrow.
Zoo was great as usual.........HUGE party for workers from Northwestern Mutual, tents and a big grill and a Pepsi truck not to
mention a stage for a band.........how do I go about working for them :hmm:

I saw Meerkats :D
Zoo was great as usual.........HUGE party for workers from Northwestern Mutual, tents and a big grill and a Pepsi truck not to
mention a stage for a band.........how do I go about working for them :hmm:

I saw Meerkats :D

Sounds like fun! Hope the weather cleared up for you. It was a BEAUTIFUL day here! :drool: I don't think I've ever seen Meerkats in person before. :hmm:

Went to the lake to find that the annual Aquatennial (the summer festival for Mpls) was being held at Calhoun. Of all lakes! :madwife: There's 10,000 flippin lakes in this this state and they have to hold a huge party at the one I like to walk around. :grumpy: Bumped into an old, old friend that I haven't seen in years and happen to have plans with this week. Crazy. Then I met the whole family at the nursing home to listen to traditional Jewish music at an ice cream social. Roxy and I found a bench in the shade and just chilled for a bit. I was so tired from that walk. It took me forever to get through the Aquatennial crap. It was only at 1/4 of the lake, my last part to walk. I could see it from across the lake but didn't realize it was so bad. I almost considered turning around and walking back that way.
I don't think it'll be a problem getting off for the Fest..........it hasn't been before. Boss brought me a pamphlet on Irish Fest so I believe I am in the clear for that........the cynical side of me says he did it to check on how many days Gaelic Storm Plays and if it jibes with my requests. I could give him the benefit of the doubt, though :shrug:

Free meds are what I look forward to tomorrow.

tell your boss you have a visitor coming from Minnesota to see Gaelic Storm with you and that if you're not there, the tug of war team will hop on their bus and come to your store and kidnap you! :D
^:lol: will do :lol:

Just got done watching some GS videos on YouTube :heart:

Too bad about the overly crowded lake but :up: about seeing a long lost friend
I have a glass dining room table on a gold/brass base plus 6 dining room chairs covered in a multi-colored splash type pattern with gold streaks. It was my mom's foster sister's who passed away in 2001. It's what I inherited from her. It's been in my grandparents basement since 2001. I sooo wish we would have taken a pic. The base is gigantic and wouldn't fit down the narrow steps so that's actually hanging in the rafters of their garage while the massive piece of glass is downstairs. So now that we're having an estate sale next month to move my grandpa out, my great aunt (who actually owns the house, my grandparents just rented from her for 50 years) wants the table and chairs out too. That's awesome because I've wanted to sell it since 2001 but my mom would never let me. I don't want it, not my style at all. No one in the family ever wanted it. I just don't know what to sell it for. From what I remember it's a pretty decent size especially if she had 6 chairs to go around it. I've been looking on craigslist all weekend and I've seen tables from $300 to thousands and also sets for the same price range. It's practically new stuff but lord only knows what kind of condition the chairs are in after 8 years in a basement....they're covered but still. Job or no job I'm not going to use this money to pay bills. I always come into little bundles of money here and there and put it towards a bill. I need a new computer and the Mac I want went down $300. I have giftcards that I was planning on using towards a comp then it turned to getting an iPhone and now I don't know. I just want enough to pay for a computer from everything I want to sell in this sale. I just don't know how much to price this.

Yeah that was long and rambling....and totally worth reading...
I have had the Next Food Network Star on for the past 45 minutes and haven't paid any attention to what went on. :| Now it's on the elimination round. I guess that's the best part anyways! :der:
holy crap....I have been randomly putting books on amazon this past week that I don't want/need anymore. I had a culinary book that my school "strongly suggested" we all buy but then never had us use once for any class. Looking back on that school experience, I spent a lot of money that I didn't need to on things they "strongly suggested...." anyhoo....just put this book on amazon not even 2 hours ago and it sold. I wasn't even the lowest book either. The stupid part is amazon won't pay you until you ship it. You have to go back to amazon and confirm that you've shipped it off and then they'll give you your money within 14 days. :| But that was an easy $45! :hyper: Forgot I even had the thing until I went to go look for a video with Frank and Malachy McCourt....
I want Top Chef back.........not Top Chef Masters, but Top Chef. I miss Tom and Padma.
Sweeeeeeeeet about the fast $45 :up: I have never done the whole sell something on Amazon or eBay.

Survived the Dr. with free meds again and he switched my migraine med to something on the formulary so my $$$$ will go down. He looked a little :shocked: when I told him my co-pay for my former med. I took the *new* med in the injection version back at the first diagnosis of migraines now there are tablets so no more needles..........I told him about the migraine from hell a couple months ago and he reminded me to take the meds right at the sensation of getting a migraine.......don't wait. I will admit that I do wait sometimes a little too long because of the cost.........I have a tendency to see $$$$$$ signs as I am taking the meds and play the whole, *is it a migraine or is it a reg. old headache coming on*
I want Top Chef back.........not Top Chef Masters, but Top Chef. I miss Tom and Padma.
Sweeeeeeeeet about the fast $45 :up: I have never done the whole sell something on Amazon or eBay.

Survived the Dr. with free meds again and he switched my migraine med to something on the formulary so my $$$$ will go down. He looked a little :shocked: when I told him my co-pay for my former med. I took the *new* med in the injection version back at the first diagnosis of migraines now there are tablets so no more needles..........I told him about the migraine from hell a couple months ago and he reminded me to take the meds right at the sensation of getting a migraine.......don't wait. I will admit that I do wait sometimes a little too long because of the cost.........I have a tendency to see $$$$$$ signs as I am taking the meds and play the whole, *is it a migraine or is it a reg. old headache coming on*

I do that too with my inhaler. I always think it's not an asthma attack and then wait to the point that I need my inhaler plus pills to help me breathe. That's good that he switched you to something that's not a million dollars a pill like your other stuff...
I got a call from someone at the bakery that I didn't met with last week to inform me they went with someone else. How crappy on the owner's part that he couldn't call me himself. This dude said I was very impressive and 2nd in line and could they keep my resume on file in case something else opens up :blahblah: I think it came down to the fact that my baking interview was too easy for me and the guy knew I wasn't going to be challenged at this place. I think he likes to stand over people's shoulders telling them what to do and that he wouldn't have been able to do that with me.

It really tore me up all weekend about what to do if they offered me a job. Yeah I need the money but did I really need the aggravation of working for a place that wouldn't let me express myself and advance in my skills? I need to find a resort quality type place to work for. I can't work at some tiny little corner bakery with a micro managing owner.

I wanted the job for money but I'm glad I didn't get hired. I would have hated it there...
^ :(/:) mixed emotions, huh? Not sure I would want to work for someone who micro manages, yet is cowardly about talking to people..........:down: on him for not calling you personally.
Got any big casinos up by you? We have one near DT and it has several restaurants in it.........some casual, buffet style and others fancy schmancy
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