Randooooooooooom springtime ramblings

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from yahoo.....

NEW YORK – Frank McCourt is gravely ill with meningitis and is unlikely to survive, the author's brother said Thursday.

Malachy McCourt said that his 78-year-old brother, best known for the million-selling "Angela's Ashes," is in a New York hospice, "his faculties shutting down."

"He is not expected to live," said McCourt, himself an author and performer.

Frank McCourt was recently treated for melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, but his brother says he had been doing well until about two weeks ago, when he contracted meningitis.

"He was out and about, being active, doing talks and so forth," Malachy McCourt said.

This makes me sad....

I have read everything by the McMourt brothers. I even have a few of their videos they released talking about their lives. When I went to Ireland one of the things on my "to do" list was to see the lanes of Limerick. Of course the ones they lived in are long gone but I did see something similar to where they would have lived.
now to my interview......it went fabulous!

I got there and was told to go up to the office, which was located on the 3rd floor. Each floor had two flights of stairs :happy: so after walking up 4 flights of steps I was completely out of breath. I waited a few minutes to catch my breath before I found the office. That ended up being a good ice breaker because I was still out of breath. They joked about how they go up and down the steps a million times a day and are always short of breath too. I met with the owner and one of the chefs. We chatted for a few minutes and then they looked at my portfolio together. They had lots of positive reactions as they turned the pages and said I did some amazing work. So I'm pretty happy with how it all went. They said I'm not yet qualified for the chef position they have open, which is expected since I've only had 1 pastry job, but they do have a pastry cook position open. It ended with the whole "we have lots of other people to see...." :blahblah: BUT can you be back tomorrow morning to do a baking interview?


I wasn't expecting that. I thought it would be one of those maybe you'll hear from us maybe you won't like that other place.

That meants I have to go and bake something for them so they can see how I work in a kitchen with other people. :yikes: Everyone I know has done one of these and said they're not that bad. I'm going to be making them something on their menu so it's not like I have to worry about going in there and making something that I came up with.

It's not someplace that would give me a lot of artistic freedom but I think it could work because it's 100% scratch baking so they don't buy anything like doughs or use any box mixes like we did at the resort. The chef is the bread baker and was really interested in the fact that I was excited to work more with scratch doughs instead of just opening up a box and making what I need out of frozen dough.

I accidentally left my portfolio there but I'll get it tomorrow. I think that could be a good thing since they had other interviews today after I left. That will give them something to look at after each person leaves.

Only negative is I'd have to be there at about 4 am each day :crack: I do want to go back to a morning shift so I can actually do things with people where it wouldn't require asking for a day off. But, I'm just so not a morning person and the night shifts have always been better for me. I'll adjust. I need a job. I need to be in a place where they'll teach me things and where I'll have a structured day.
the lake is becoming an every other day thing and not because of me! :madwife: Damn this weather!!!!! It's dark and windy out so I'm assuming rain will be coming soon. :angry:
I read that about Frank McCourt :( So sad.
Wonderful about the interview..........Good luck on the next part :yes:

Off to look at Ms Purrls pics :)
so I think I got the job...I'll know tomorrow or Monday. It was super easy what he wanted me to do. I was trained in a very large kitchen in a hotel that is at the top of the food chain in the Hilton world. So they had every single thing you could ever think of that a pastry shop would have. That doesn't mean I'm above anyone or know any more than the next, but asking me to make a batch of pastry cream on a table top stove using 3 cups of milk when I'm used to making pastry cream in a steam kettle (which is a gigantic pot that I could comfortably sit in) using 3 gallons of milk is just not a challenge. I had to make pastry cream and then frost 6 cupcakes. :shrug: Super easy. I think if it were the other way around and I was going from this bakery to the resort then today would have been a disaster. He pretty much said I had the job, that I did excellent on both interviews, my portfolio was the best he'd ever seen of someone at "my level" and the we talked about pay and he agreed on my 2 vacations I have planned between now and Oct. So....he has more interviews today but wants to wrap it up soon.

The owner is a huge micro manager. I guess I can see where he's coming from as he doesn't want to waste product or produce something crappy and then lose customers/money. But I can't stand that type of person. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Everyone that works there was really nice. My friend from school did her externship there and said the owner is a nut but otherwise everyone is cool. So....
so I think I got the job...I'll know tomorrow or Monday. It was super easy what he wanted me to do. I was trained in a very large kitchen in a hotel that is at the top of the food chain in the Hilton world. So they had every single thing you could ever think of that a pastry shop would have. That doesn't mean I'm above anyone or know any more than the next, but asking me to make a batch of pastry cream on a table top stove using 3 cups of milk when I'm used to making pastry cream in a steam kettle (which is a gigantic pot that I could comfortably sit in) using 3 gallons of milk is just not a challenge. I had to make pastry cream and then frost 6 cupcakes. :shrug: Super easy. I think if it were the other way around and I was going from this bakery to the resort then today would have been a disaster. He pretty much said I had the job, that I did excellent on both interviews, my portfolio was the best he'd ever seen of someone at "my level" and the we talked about pay and he agreed on my 2 vacations I have planned between now and Oct. So....he has more interviews today but wants to wrap it up soon.

The owner is a huge micro manager. I guess I can see where he's coming from as he doesn't want to waste product or produce something crappy and then lose customers/money. But I can't stand that type of person. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Everyone that works there was really nice. My friend from school did her externship there and said the owner is a nut but otherwise everyone is cool. So....

:applaud::applaud::applaud: Wonderful!!!!!!!!
I had a message to call my prescription service when I got home.........they wanted to make sure I knew the cost was $332...............yes, I did. It is on YOUR WEBSITE and you can tell the order was placed on the WEBSITE. Just send me my meds :happy:
No I don't like spending that much, but I really don't see a way around it unless they come up with a cure for migraine headaches.........I will talk to my Dr about changing my scrip to something on the formulary when I see him, but for now I want my meds!

I went further down in my e-mail and found a note from Twitter
:lol: Peter Purvis is now following me :lol:

Peter :drool:
I had a message to call my prescription service when I got home.........they wanted to make sure I knew the cost was $332...............yes, I did. It is on YOUR WEBSITE and you can tell the order was placed on the WEBSITE. Just send me my meds :happy:
No I don't like spending that much, but I really don't see a way around it unless they come up with a cure for migraine headaches.........I will talk to my Dr about changing my scrip to something on the formulary when I see him, but for now I want my meds!


how stupid! I hope that didn't delay something you need.
:applaud::applaud::applaud: Wonderful!!!!!!!!

I'm kind of having second thoughts about this place. I'm sure it'll be fine but I feel like I'm taking a step backwards by working there. I know I'm not married to this place and can keep looking and interviewing so if I'm offered a job I need to take it. But I'm just super nervous about working in a tiny place with the owner working right next to me instead of working for a large corporation where mistakes happen and no one even notices as long as it doesn't happen too often. I feel like this guy flips over the smallest mistake. Not that I'm expecting to screw up a lot but it does happen, especially when you're new and don't know their procedures. :crazy: Plus, I still really do feel like I'm just here visiting and at anytime I'm getting back on a plane and going back to work at the resort. So it just doesn't feel right that I'm going to be working someplace other than there.....

Part one of U2 concert...........pieced together from youtube videos.......not bad. I watched as far as Sexy Boots. I survived that. Live the song is better than on CD
:eek: I don't know if I want to watch or even listen to anything. I want it to be new when I see them in Oct. I'm sure i'll crack eventually. I did listen to UF and Electrical Storm but just once a piece.
^video pieced together from youtube . Part one. Sexy Boots was tolerable :reject:

Re meds: I just feel safer having them around, just in case. I took half a vicodin last night to ward off headache I had coming on and I don't like taking vicodin ~ period, but I at least slept soundly and the headache faded

Twitter instead of Twigger :giggle: I think he may be doing some of the main Gaelic Storm Twitter updates.........there was a comment made about getting a haircut cuz someone said he looked like Farrah.

Correct..........if you get this job, it doesn't mean you can't continue to look...........at least on your resume it looks like more experience......another step forward. I went from a micro manager to the extreme opposite in managers..............I kind of miss the micro manager :shrug:
:eek: I don't know if I want to watch or even listen to anything. I want it to be new when I see them in Oct. I'm sure i'll crack eventually. I did listen to UF and Electrical Storm but just once a piece.

That is why I spoiler tagged it :) Will stop talking about it
Um My first week of vacation saw Ed McMahon, Farrah and Michael Jackson all die.
My second week of vacation begins and Walter Cronkite dies.........:uhoh:

just for the record typing "Michael Jackson die" still seems weird
oh you can talk about it....for some reason this tour just doesn't exist in my head yet. I think maybe because on the last tour I went to the opener so I knew what to expect by seeing the pics, videos, setlists, etc. This just hasn't soaked in yet that there's a tour but I'm glad because I really want it to be fresh for me.

I still can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. Crazy, crazy stuff. I saw Walter Cronkite died and wondered who else died this week since it's seems like a lot of people on top of Ed, Farrah, and Michael have died this summer.
Major League Baseball players sweater Milwaukee's Pfister Hotel haunted
July 11, 2009
MILWAUKEE — First Carlos Gomez heard voices. Then he watched his iPod go haywire after he got out of the shower, sending him scrambling for the lobby without stopping to put on his pants and shoes.

After last year's experience, the Minnesota Twins outfielder didn't want to go back to Milwaukee's Pfister Hotel. But Gomez had to stay there when the Twins were in town to play the Milwaukee Brewers last month, so he brought some protection: Teammate-turned-roommate Francisco Liriano and a Bible.

» Click to enlarge image

This is the lobby of the Pfister Hotel seen Tuesday, July 7, 2009, in Milwaukee. The Pfister is Milwaukee's most regal address, having hosted every U.S. president since William McKinley and scores of celebrities. Today it's the place to stay for upscale business travelers and out-of-town visitors, including many Major League Baseball teams.

Haunted Milwaukee
VIDEO: Players talk about the Pfister

"Everything's scary," Gomez said. "Everything in the hotel, the paintings and pictures, it's a lot of old, crazy stuff. No good, man. No good."

The Pfister is Milwaukee's most regal address, having hosted every U.S. president since William McKinley in the 1890s and scores of celebrities who can take a self-guided tour of the hotel's Victorian art collection. Today, it's the place to stay for upscale business travelers and out-of-town visitors, including many Major League Baseball teams. MLB commissioner Bud Selig, from Milwaukee, is a frequent visitor.

But some players don't care for the 116-year-old hotel's posh accommodations and reputation for privacy. They swear it's haunted.

Gomez, San Francisco's Pablo Sandoval, St. Louis' Brendan Ryan and several Florida Marlins all say they've had odd experiences, though Ryan later said nothing really happened. Others aren't willing to talk publicly about what they've seen and heard.

Brewers visiting clubhouse manager Phil Rozewicz has heard it all from sleepy-eyed players who would rather hang out at Miller Park than spend one minute more than they have to at the Pfister.

"There was a rookie ball player and he was back in his room and he woke up in the middle of the night and his blinds were open, the window was opened and he was panicked," Rozewicz said. "So he went into the bathroom, splashed water on his face, came back out and went to bed. Shut the blinds, the window. Woke up in the morning. Same thing. Slept on the couch in the lobby the next night. Refused to go to his room. Finally, went to a Motel 6 or whatever up the street and just stayed there."

Of course, some of this could be mischievous teammates pulling pranks. But Pfister ghost stories go well beyond the ballpark.

Allison Jornlin, who leads haunted history tours for the folklore research organization Milwaukee Ghosts, said guests have reported seeing a "portly, smiling gentleman" roaming the halls, riding the elevator and even walking his dog. The apparition is said to resemble Charles Pfister, who founded the hotel with his father, Guido.

"His ghost is thought, usually, to behave very well," Jornlin said. "But MLB players seem to bring out his mischievous side."

Why's that?

"Obviously, he's a Brewers fan," Jornlin said.

But even some of the Brewers won't stay there in the offseason.

"Even if I come into town for FanFest or whatever, I'm staying somewhere else," said Brewers center fielder Mike Cameron, who moved his family to another hotel after one night last offseason. "I mean, it's not a bad place. But there has been a lot of stories, a lot of creepy things that have gone on."

Hotel general manager Joe Kurth won't acknowledge any specific ghost stories from ballplayers or other guests, citing privacy concerns. But he doesn't shy away from the rumors, suggesting that guests interested in seeing a spirit might want to stay in the hotel's historic wing.

The Pfister does have its fans. Colorado Rockies manager Jim Tracy loves the quiet atmosphere, though the same couldn't be said for Tracy's players when he was managing the Los Angeles Dodgers.

"I was hearing suggestions, to the point that they were saying, "I've got to go to a different hotel,'" Tracy said.

That sounds familiar to Gomez, who said he hears voices and noises when he stays there and had his worst experience after hopping out of the shower last year.

He'd just started putting his clothes on when his iPod started playing with a static noise. He grabbed it and the iPod changed music suddenly before going to static again.

"I grabbed my pants and my shoes and I ran to the lobby," Gomez said.

Gomez wishes the Twins would stay somewhere else.

"I'm scared to go there," he said. "They should change the hotel. Everybody here doesn't like the hotel. Why (do) they always put us in the same hotel when you can't sleep?"

Copyright 2009 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
The Pfister hotel.
The same hotel Bruce called a "weird joint" during the bomb scare show in 1975. Listening to NPR tonight because they are doing a story on the "haunted Pfister"
oh you can talk about it....for some reason this tour just doesn't exist in my head yet. I think maybe because on the last tour I went to the opener so I knew what to expect by seeing the pics, videos, setlists, etc. This just hasn't soaked in yet that there's a tour but I'm glad because I really want it to be fresh for me.

I know what you mean. It feels so weird that it's starting in Europe this time :reject:

I listened to a little bit of the first show and the second show is currently in the cd player in my car. The good news is the drive to work is so short that it takes a long time to get through a cd :) The second show sounds really good so far though.

Speaking of U2 tours, shari guess who's playing Tampa the night of the first U2 show in Chicago - Springsteen! :lol:
I know what you mean. It feels so weird that it's starting in Europe this time :reject:

I listened to a little bit of the first show and the second show is currently in the cd player in my car. The good news is the drive to work is so short that it takes a long time to get through a cd :) The second show sounds really good so far though.

Speaking of U2 tours, shari guess who's playing Tampa the night of the first U2 show in Chicago - Springsteen! :lol:
Springsteen plays Chicago again Sept 20 and then does Milwaukee in November........strange
iTunes gift card ='s shari purchasing A New Tradition by Peter Purvis
Getting into the Irish Fest frame of mind
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