Random Music Talk XLIX: Celebrating traditional Australian customs

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It's not that I doubt iYup's credentials on the matter of Chinese archaeology so much as I am curious to know when he got them.

It's like...you're running through the jungle with Bono, being chased by Africans who found out what happens when he snaps his fingers, and suddenly he's created a zip line with a crossbow and some rope. What can you ask him but what the fuck? Where did you learn this shit?
It's not that I doubt iYup's credentials on the matter of Chinese archaeology so much as I am curious to know when he got them.

It's like...you're running through the jungle with Bono, being chased by Africans who found out what happens when he snaps his fingers, and suddenly he's created a zip line with a crossbow and some rope. What can you ask him but what the fuck? Where did you learn this shit?


It's not that I doubt iYup's credentials on the matter of Chinese archaeology so much as I am curious to know when he got them.

It's like...you're running through the jungle with Bono, being chased by Africans who found out what happens when he snaps his fingers, and suddenly he's created a zip line with a crossbow and some rope. What can you ask him but what the fuck? Where did you learn this shit?

I'm only doing it for a few days as part of an early world history course. Since archaeology is an essential part of early history in any society, I talk about it a lot. Once you learn the basic methodology, you can apply it almost anywhere and then supplement it with reading from experts in the field. I never claimed to be an expert - no professor/teacher/writer can be on everything that that person discusses. It's really not all that difficult to put together a week's worth of lessons on any particular field, though.
I'm only doing it for a few days as part of an early world history course. Since archaeology is an essential part of early history in any society, I talk about it a lot. Once you learn the basic methodology, you can apply it almost anywhere and then supplement it with reading from experts in the field. I never claimed to be an expert - no professor/teacher/writer can be on everything that that person discusses. It's really not all that difficult to put together a week's worth of lessons on any particular field, though.

See, I thought you was getting your phd in lit.
iron yuppie said:
I'm only doing it for a few days as part of an early world history course. Since archaeology is an essential part of early history in any society, I talk about it a lot. Once you learn the basic methodology, you can apply it almost anywhere and then supplement it with reading from experts in the field. I never claimed to be an expert - no professor/teacher/writer can be on everything that that person discusses. It's really not all that difficult to put together a week's worth of lessons on any particular field, though.

Thanks, that's cool. If the course is broad enough, anyone who's taken required gen ed courses could sub the class for a week, but that one had a fairly narrow focus. Guess I probably should have asked what your course of study was. :lol: I vaguely remember it being English history or something. That might be what your girlfriend does though. I don't know why you would have informed us of that but I feel like you did at some point.
People who are well-versed in cats: my cat just jumped on my chest and sat down, blocking off the view to my phone. Does he want something?
It's not that I doubt iYup's credentials on the matter of Chinese archaeology so much as I am curious to know when he got them.

See, that's the reaction I had when reading the post originally. Just the whole, now whiere the fuck did that certification come from? I'm assuming that's where gaf was coming from as well.

In other news, ive found the most awkward channel on earth. AVC - art auctions. Holy shit there's awkward pauses and begging people to bid all over the place. They're trying to sell a Joseph Milner Kite painting, and it's only at $2000 right now, so now its painfully silent as the guy prays someone bids.
I think we sometimes assume we know the people here better than we actually do. And it's only natural, I suppose, but iYup could be a mercenary too for all we know
Oh shit, guys, there's a moth in the studio! The auctioneer is fascinated!
There's a pool of like five viewers to draw from, so I'm impressed he can sell multiple paintings of $300+ to the same five people.
Same. I listened to the stream today and was blown away. Time will tell, but it might be better than the last one, which says a lot.

I think it's possibly Alcest's most consistent album to date - which says something, because Souvenirs in particular is so consistent. But it took a good few listens for a favourite track to emerge, unlike the previous two where I was immediately grabbed by a couple of songs in particular. It pretty much captures everything I love about Alcest's style, really.

See, that's the reaction I had when reading the post originally. Just the whole, now whiere the fuck did that certification come from? I'm assuming that's where gaf was coming from as well.

I was more bothered by his attitude towards the topic as a funny irrelevancy. "The world only moves forward", so archaeology and history don't matter?
To someone who can't remember what he did last night, history probably isn't worth much.

Many of the best historians are drunks who can't remember last night, though! That's probably why we're historians. :wink:
I'm sorry guys, but I'm not seeing why it is so hard to believe that someone might have a specialization in something as specific as Chinese archaeology - again, not claiming that I have such a thing. 212, you're about to enter grad school. I imagine that your focus is going to intensify about ten-fold by the time you are done with just a few semesters. That's how grad studies work.
My surprise came from you studying in Europe and never mentioning anything about the field before. Like others were saying, its more of that shock of realizing that, yeah, we definitely don't know each other as well as we might fool ourselves into thinking we do, that's all. Having knowledge of a topic like that's awesome. Especially being a topic you don't hear discussed every day.
to its credit, Interference was resolutely opposed to the idea that I was Jaagup Mobvok, Estonian rock star
I'm sorry guys, but I'm not seeing why it is so hard to believe that someone might have a specialization in something as specific as Chinese archaeology - again, not claiming that I have such a thing.

I think it sounds pretty cool, too :). I'm always impressed when people take on studying particularly challenging material, not because they have to, but because they want to :up:.

The only music related thing I can comment on right now is the discussion about Elton John a few pages back-I'd completely forgotten about the video that Justin Timberlake was in until I saw it on a "Pop-Up Video" episode a while back. I liked that song, too (I also remember...Jimmy Fallon, I think it was, did a parody of it at some awards show once as well).

I have respect for Justin Timberlake. I don't sit and listen to his music on a regular basis (that's my sister's department), but he seems like a pretty decent guy, and he does have some pretty catchy songs. He knows his way around a pop song.
Ax, you have watched drunk history, right?

I'm actually not sure what you are referring to.

You're talking about yourself, aren't you?

Myself and Manning Clark at any rate.

I'm sorry guys, but I'm not seeing why it is so hard to believe that someone might have a specialization in something as specific as Chinese archaeology

Yeah, and Chinese archaeology seems pretty normal and general to me, but given my own specialisation is far more obscure and on a rather small country, of course I'd have that sort of perspective.
People who are well-versed in cats: my cat just jumped on my chest and sat down, blocking off the view to my phone. Does he want something?

To kill you.

I have respect for Justin Timberlake. I don't sit and listen to his music on a regular basis (that's my sister's department), but he seems like a pretty decent guy, and he does have some pretty catchy songs. He knows his way around a pop song.

Justin who???


I like Justin, but I was listening to this song on the way home (because I am up to song titles that start with BL, and I gotta say - that JC Chasez album had some killer tracks on it.

(The video is stupid, but the song is aces. ACES, JOHNNY!)
Justin who???


I like Justin, but I was listening to this song on the way home (because I am up to song titles that start with BL, and I gotta say - that JC Chasez album had some killer tracks on it.

(The video is stupid, but the song is aces. ACES, JOHNNY!)

Ah, man, I completely forgot about that song!

I do like that one a lot :yes:. Agreed on the album, too, my sister used to play that a lot as well (she was and still is a big *N Sync fan), and that had some good stuff on there.
shit like chinese archeology sounds like the kind of class i'd take if i ever went back to university.

i've already graduated, but it's regularly crossed my mind to take some more classes online/by distance to entertain myself.
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